6 research outputs found


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    Latar belakang: Penyakit demam berdarah dengue atau yang disingkat sebagai DBD adalah penyakit infeksi yang disebabkan oleh virus dengue dengan manifestasi klinis demam, nyeri otot dan atau nyeri sendi yang disertai leukopenia, ruam, limfadenopati, trombositopenia dan diatesis hemoragik. Pasien DBD akan mengalami perubahan pada profil darahnya yang meliputi perubahan pada volume, trombosit, hemaktokrit, hemoglobin dan leukosit. Penggunaaan Complementary Alternative Medicine pada aktivitas keperawatan diberikan dalam kolaborasi untuk tindakan terapi nonfarmakologis. Pada kasus demam berdarah dengue perawat bisa menggunakan Complementary Alternative Medicine sebagai bahan alternatif untuk penyembuhan penyakit demam berdarah dengue dengan memberikan kurma (Phoenix dactylifera). Tujuan Penelitian: Mengidentifikasi pengaruh pemberian kurma terhadap profil darah pada pasien demam berdarah dengue grade II di RSUD Sidoarjo. Metode Penelitian: Jenis penelitian adalah quasi-experimental dengan rancangan penelitian pre and post test with control group. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah pasien demam berdarah dengue grade II di RSUD Sidoarjo pada bulan Desember 2015 sampai Pebruari tahun 2016. Sampel penelitian diambil dengan teknik simple random sampling sebanyak 27 orang. Satu kelompok diberi intervensi kurma 1,25 gr/KgBB, satu kelompok diberi intervensi kurma 1,87 gr/KgBB dan satu kelompok kontrol tanpa perlakuan. Analisa bivariat yang digunakan untuk menguji perbedaan antar kelompok tidak berpasangan dengan uji Anova dan untuk menguji perbedaan dalam kelompok berpasangan dengan Uji T Test. Hasil Penelitian: Hasil penelitian menunjukkan Pemberian kurma (Phoenix Dactylifera) 1,25 gr/KgBB dan 1,87 gr/KgBB berpengaruh terhadap perubahan kadar profil darah pada pasien demam berdarah dengue grade II. Kesimpulan : Pemberian kurma dosis 1,87 gr/KgBB berpengaruh terhadap profil darah pada pasien demam berdarah dengue grade II. Kata Kunci : Kurma, profil darah, demam berdarah dengue Background : the disease of dengue hemorrhagic fever is an infectious disease caused by dengue virus with the clinical manifestation fever, muscle aches and joint pain that is accompanied by leukopenia, rash, limfadenopati, trombositopenia and diathesis hemorrhagic. The patient will feel the changing to the blood profile. The include changing are volume, trombocite, hematocrite, haemoglobin and leukocyte. The using of complementary alternative medicine in the nursing activity is given in the colaboration for therapeutic action non farmacologist. In the cases of this disease, the nurse can use complementary alternatives medicine as an alternative material to cure this disease by providing dates (Phoenix dactylifera). The aim of the research is : to identifity the effect of giving dates to the blood profile to the patient of dengue hemorrhagic fever grade II in the public hospital sidoarjo. The methods of the research : This type of research is quasi-experimental research design with pre and post test with control group. Population that is used in this research are the patients of dengue hemorrhagic fever grade II in the public hospital sidoarjo at december 2015 until pebruary 2016. Samples were taken by simple random sampling technique as many as 27 people. One group was given the intervention of dates 1.25 gr / KgBW, one group was given the intervention of dates with 1.87 gr / KgBW and a control group without treatment. Bivariate analysis were used to test for differences between groups are not paired with Anova and to examine differences in groups of pairs with T Test Test The result of the research : the result of the research show the given of dates 1,25 gr/KgBW and 1,87 gr/KgBW influence to changing of the blood profile content to the patient dengue hemorrhagic fever grade II Conclusion : The given dates dose of 1.87 g / KgBW effect on the blood profile in patients with dengue hemorrhagic fever grade II. Key word : Dates, blood profile, dengue hemorrhagic feve

    The Effect of Psychoreligy Dzikir Intervention on Self Efficacy and Blood Pressure on Hypertension

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    Background: Hypertension is a chronic disease condition that causes impaired self-efficacy and increased blood pressure. One of the non-pharmacological therapies that can do is dzikir or dhikr therapy. Purpose: This study aimed to determine the effect of remembrance therapy on self-efficacy and blood pressure in hypertension. The study was an experimental study using a Randomized Pre Test-Post Test Control Group Design in hypertensive patients receiving psycho religious therapy. The subjects in this study were all hypertensive patients in the working area of ??the Teja Pamekasan Health Center, as many as 20 people. Methods: The selected sample in this study was some hypertensive patients taken by simple random sampling. Blood pressure measurements were carried out twice before psycho religious therapy and two weeks after psycho religious therapy. Psychoreligious therapy is a series of dhikr and prayer by saying the letter "Al-Fatihah" 7 times, then "Istighfar" 100 times, followed by solawat "Allahumma shall 'ala Muhammad wa Ali Muhammad" as much as 100 (Solawat "Ya sayyidi ya Rasulullah " as much as 1000 times) which does once every day. Mann Whitney U Test analyzed data. Results: The results of calculations using the Mann Whitney U Test statistical test showed a difference in blood pressure at the time of pre and post. The significance values indicate this at pre and post are 0.002 and 0.005. Conclusion: Psychoreligious therapy in remembrance can increase self-efficacy and reduce blood pressure in hypertensive patients in the elderly posyandu in the working area of ??the Teja Pamekasan Health Center


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    Background: Hypertension is a health problem in the world because it is the main cause of cardiovascular disease and the number one cause of death in the world every year. Research shows hypertension can occur in the adolescent age group and its prevalence continues to increase which is the cause of hypertension in adults and the elderly. The high prevalence of hypertension in adolescents is not only caused by genetic but also behavioral factors, including lack of consumption of fruits, vegetables and physical activity. This condition shows that there is still low consumption of vegetables and fruits as well as physical activity in adolescents so that they are at risk of suffering from hypertension in adulthood.     Objectives: To explore the consumption patterns of fruits, vegetables, and physical activity to prevent hypertension in students majoring in nursing at the Sutomo Surabaya campus. Methods: Qualitative research method with phenomenological approach Data collection was carried out directly using in-depth interview method. Data analysis using content analysis and thematic analysis techniques. Results: The results showed that students only consume certain types of fruits and processed vegetable forms, not all students consume vegetables and fruits every day and think that vegetables and fruits are useful for digestion, prevent various diseases including hypertension, maintain stamina and are fun foods. Most students like easy and light physical activity, although they rarely do it because of the busy work of college. Students think that physical activity is beneficial for preventing hypertension and obesity, forming a good physique and heart health, for fitness, skin health and the immune system. Conclusion: Students majoring in nursing at the Sutomo campus have not maximally applied the pattern of consumption of vegetables and fruits, physical activity even though they already know the benefits in preventing hypertension

    Self-care of chronic illness prevents the risk of diabetic foot ulcers in patients with diabetes: a cross-sectional study

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    Introduction: Diabetic foot ulcer (DFU) is a serious and chronic complication of diabetes mellitus (DM). This study aims to explain a model of self-care of chronic illness on the prevention of DFU risk in patients with DM, including foot self-care of maintenance, monitoring, and management. Methods: This study was an analytical study with a cross-sectional approach, with 300 patients randomly selected from six Public Health Centers in Surabaya, Indonesia, from June to August 2022. The inclusion criteria were individuals with DM and aged more than 26 years. Exclusion criteria were reading disabilities or having cognitive impairments Data were collected using a questionnaire. The correlation between variables was analyzed using the statistical method  of Partial Least Squares. Results: The risk of DFU in patients with DM was 40% with low risk, 38% with moderate risk, 8% with high risk, 5% remission, and 10% with DFU. This research shows that there is a significant correlation between foot self-care management and the risk of DFU, where the p-value = 0.000, while the indicators of foot self-care maintenance and self-care monitoring do not have a significant correlation with the risk of DFU, where the p-value is respectively equal to 0.350 and 0.844. Conclusions: Foot self-care management was a factor that directly correlates with the risk of DFU. Autonomous self-care management behaviors still needed to be improved, because most patients still had these inadequate behaviors. Further research is needed to improve the behavior quality of patients with DM in managing foot care independently

    Pengetahuan dan Sikap Masyarakat dalam Pencegahan COVID-19

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    Abstract The World Health Organization (WHO) has declared the 2019 Coronavirus (Covid-19) a global pandemic. This virus is easily transmitted, so it requires knowledge and a good attitude in efforts to prevent transmission. The purpose of this study was to describe the knowledge and attitudes of COVID-19 prevention in the community in Murtajih Village, Pademawu District, Pamekasan Regency.  This research is a descriptive study with a cross-sectional non-analytic design. This research uses descriptive analysis with a questionnaire research instrument. The sample of this research is part of the community in the hamlet of East Solo and North Solo, Murtajih Village, Pademawu District, as many as 62 people with a total sampling technique. The results showed that the level of public knowledge in preventing covid-19 in Murtajih Village, Pademawu sub-district was mostly good, as many as 32 people, 51.6%, while the public attitude in preventing Covid-19 in Murtajih Village, Pademawu sub-district was mostly positive as many as 53 people 85, 5%. The results of this study indicate that most of the knowledge of the community in the village of Murtajih, Pademawu district is mostly good and the attitudes are mostly positive. It is hoped that the community will take precautionary measures to prevent transmission of COVID-19 by washing their hands and wearing masks. &nbsp

    Empowerment Of Health Careers With The DABA Method To Reduce Maternal And Infant Mortality Rate (Early Detection Of The Risk Of Eclampsia And Post Partum Blooding) In The City Of Surabaya: Pemberdayaan Kader Kesehatan Dengan Metode DABA Untuk Menurunkan Angka Kematian Ibu Dan Bayi (Deteksi Dini Risiko Eklampsi Dan Perdarahan Post Partum) Di Wilayah Kota Surabaya

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    Masalah kesehatan yang menjadi keprihatinan dan perhatian  saat ini adalah masih tingginya angka kematian ibu dan Bayi. Angka Kematian Ibu (AKI) dan Angka Kematian Bayi (AKB) merupakan salah satu  indikator untuk melihat derajat kesehatan bangsa. Menurut Survei Demografi Kesehatan Indonesia (SDKI) tahun 2017 menunjukkan bahwa  penyebab langsung kematian ibu antara lain: perdarahan 42%,  preekalmpsia atau eklamsia (PE-E) 13%, abortus 11%, infeksi 10%, partus lama atau persalinan macet 9%, dan penyebab lain  15%, sementara kematian ibu di Kota Surabaya tahun 2017 antara lain disebabkan karena preeklampsia atau eklampsia 32,4%, perdarahan 8,1%, sepsis atau infeksi 5,4%, partus lama 2,7% dan lain-lain 51,4%.  Angka kematian ibu di Kota Surabaya tahun 2017 8/100.000 KH, sementara AKB 7/1000 KH (Dinkes Kota Surabaya, 2019). Di Kelurahan Karah masih banyak ibu hamil dengan risiko yang tidak mau dirujuk, kader belum mampu untuk melakukan rujukan.  Pelatihan Metode DABA (dukungan, apresiasi, belajar, dan alih pengetahuan) akan diterapkan untuk meningkatkan peran kader kesehatan dalam menurunkan AKI dan AKB.  Pendekatan DABA adalah strategi komunikasi inovatif yang bertujuan untuk mengembangkan respon kreatif masyarakat yang berakar pada kekuatan masyarakat (Community Life Competence, 2016). Metode DABA dalam pemberdayaan kader akan meningkatkan pengetahuan, motivasi dan kompetensi kader dalam melakukan deteksi dini risiko preeklampsi dan risiko perdarahan post partum sehingga akan meningkatkan  komitmen dan kemauan kader melakukan deteksi dini dan rujukan ke tebaga kesehatan