11 research outputs found

    Assessment of Trace Elements and Human Health Risk Present in Wines Obtained in the Region of Dealurile Munteniei and Dealurile Moldovei Vineyards

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    The primary objectives of this research were to determine the concentration of some inorganic trace components, to evaluate the concentration levels of these in Romanian wines by daily consumption of wine and the health risk of inorganic trace components intake at these rates form Romanian wine. The results indicated that the concentration levels of inorganic components in red wine decreased in the order Zn>Mn>Cr>Cu>Ni>Pb>Co>Cd, in case of white wine decreased in the order Zn>Mn>Cu>Cr>Ni>Pb>Co>Cd. Based on a 60-kilogram adult person, and moderate consumption of 200 milliliters of wine/day, the estimated daily intake of these inorganic components from wines was well below the daily allowance. The target hazard quotient suggests that the exposed humans would not experience significant health risks when ingesting these individual elements from daily consumption of 200 milliliters of Romanian wines/day

    Differentiation Among Romanian Wine Regions Based on Lead Isotope Signatures

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    The objective of this study is to determine the Pb concentration and 206Pb/204Pb, 206Pb/207Pb, 206Pb/208Pb from several Romanian winemaking regions, in order to highlight credible geographical markers of wine origin. The Pb level concentration and the ratios of 206Pb/204Pb, 206Pb/207Pb, 206Pb/208Pb were determined in 25 white and 9 red wines using ICP-MS techniques. Based on 206Pb/207Pb isotope ratios it can be concluded that the vines grown in the Tîrnave vineyard [Blaj (1.1790 average value)], Huși vineyard [Huși (1.1958 average value wine center), Averești (1.1908 average value)] and Iași vineyard [Copou (1.1875 average value) wine center], show traces of atmospheric pollution with lead [if 206Pb/207Pb=~1.1700-1.2200 (atmospheric pollution)]. Combining the 206Pb/204Pb with 206Pb/208Pb isotopic ratio may carry out a separation on the vineyards and wine-growing centers. Based on 206Pb/204Pb, 206Pb/207Pb and 208Pb/206Pb a separation of the wine samples was possible

    Assessment of Heavy Metals Concentration in Soil and Plants from Baia Mare Area, NW Romania

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    The results showed diverse patterns of Pb, Cd, Zn, Co, Cu, Ni, Mn, Cr and Sn, in case of Pb in all areas exceeded the M.L.A (average 32.59 mg/kg while M.L.A. = 20 mg/kg), other elements shows high concentration that exceed the M.L.A. for Ferneziu and Săsar area. In the case of plant material also records exceedances of the M.L.A for Ferneziu and Săsar area, but in the Dura area there were no overtaking of M.L.A

    Variation of the Chemical Element Content in the Dealu Bujorului Vineyard Soil

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    The purpose of this study is to know better the concentration of chemical elements in the soil from Dealu Bujorului vineyard. The determination of the ten elements from the soil samples was performed using ICP-MS. The results showed diverse patterns of cadmium, lead, uranium, mercury, arsenic, strontium, cobalt, copper, nickel and chromium, all the elemental content studied were under the maximum limit admitted, except for copper (average 356.03 mg/kg while M.L.A. = 20 mg/kg)

    Modern Breeding Strategies and Tools for Durable Late Blight Resistance in Potato

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    Cultivated potato (Solanum tuberosum) is a major crop worldwide. It occupies the second place after cereals (corn, rice, and wheat). This important crop is threatened by the Oomycete Phytophthora infestans, the agent of late blight disease. This pathogen was first encountered during the Irish famine during the 1840s and is a reemerging threat to potatoes. It is mainly controlled chemically by using fungicides, but due to health and environmental concerns, the best alternative is resistance. When there is no disease, no treatment is required. In this study, we present a summary of the ongoing efforts concerning resistance breeding of potato against this devastating pathogen, P. infestans. This work begins with the search for and selection of resistance genes, whether they are from within or from outside the species. The genetic methods developed to date for gene mining, such as effectoromics and GWAS, provide researchers with the ability to identify genes of interest more efficiently. Once identified, these genes are cloned using molecular markers (MAS or QRL) and can then be introduced into different cultivars using somatic hybridization or recombinant DNA technology. More innovative technologies have been developed lately, such as gene editing using the CRISPR system or gene silencing, by exploiting iRNA strategies that have emerged as promising tools for managing Phytophthora infestans, which can be employed. Also, gene pyramiding or gene stacking, which involves the accumulation of two or more R genes on the same individual plant, is an innovative method that has yielded many promising results. All these advances related to the development of molecular techniques for obtaining new potato cultivars resistant to P. infestans can contribute not only to reducing losses in agriculture but especially to ensuring food security and safety