38 research outputs found

    Not the Root of the Problem-Hair Cortisol and Cortisone Do Not Mediate the Effect of Child Maltreatment on Body Mass Index.

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    BACKGROUND: Experiencing maltreatment during childhood exerts substantial stress on the child and increases the risk for overweight and obesity later in life. The current study tests whether hair cortisol-a measure of chronic stress-and its metabolite cortisone mediate the relation between abuse and neglect on the one hand, and body mass index (BMI) on the other. METHOD: The sample consisted of 249 participants aged 8 to 87 years (M = 36.13, SD = 19.33). We collected data on child abuse and neglect using questionnaires, measured cortisol and cortisone concentrations in hair, and BMI. In a structural model, the effects of abuse and neglect on hair cortisol, hair cortisone, and BMI were tested, as well as the covariance between hair cortisol and BMI, and hair cortisone and BMI. RESULTS: Within the sample, 23% were overweight but not obese and 14% were obese. Higher levels of experienced abuse were related to higher cortisone concentrations in hair (β = 0.24, p < .001) and higher BMI (β = 0.17, p =.04). Neglect was not related to hair cortisol, hair cortisone, or BMI. Hair cortisol and cortisone did not mediate the association between maltreatment, and BMI. Sensitivity analyses demonstrate the same pattern of results in a subsample of adult participants currently not living with their parents. However, in younger participants who were still living with their parents, the associations between abuse and cortisone (β = 0.14, p =.35) and abuse and BMI (β = 0.02, p =.92) were no longer significant. CONCLUSION: These findings confirm that experiencing abuse is related to higher BMI but suggest that hair cortisol and cortisone are not the mechanism underlying the association between child maltreatment and BMI. This is the first study to show abuse may be associated to elevated concentrations of hair cortisone-evidence of long-term alterations in chronic stress levels. Future research may benefit from exploring the effects of maltreatment on weight gain in longitudinal designs, including measures of other potential mediators such as eating as a coping mechanism, and more direct indicators of metabolic health

    Intergenerational transmission of child maltreatment using a multi-informant multi-generation family design.

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    In the current study a three-generational design was used to investigate intergenerational transmission of child maltreatment (ITCM) using multiple sources of information on child maltreatment: mothers, fathers and children. A total of 395 individuals from 63 families reported on maltreatment. Principal Component Analysis (PCA) was used to combine data from mother, father and child about maltreatment that the child had experienced. This established components reflecting the convergent as well as the unique reports of father, mother and child on the occurrence of maltreatment. Next, we tested ITCM using the multi-informant approach and compared the results to those of two more common approaches: ITCM based on one reporter and ITCM based on different reporters from each generation. Results of our multi-informant approach showed that a component reflecting convergence between mother, father, and child reports explained most of the variance in experienced maltreatment. For abuse, intergenerational transmission was consistently found across approaches. In contrast, intergenerational transmission of neglect was only found using the perspective of a single reporter, indicating that transmission of neglect might be driven by reporter effects. In conclusion, the present results suggest that including multiple informants may be necessary to obtain more valid estimates of ITCM

    The role of short chain fatty acids in appetite regulation and energy homeostasis

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    Over the last 20 years there has been an increasing interest in the influence of the gastrointestinal tract on appetite regulation. Much of the focus has been on the neuronal and hormonal relationship between the gastrointestinal tract and the brain. There is now mounting evidence that the colonic microbiota and their metabolic activity play a significant role in energy homeostasis. The supply of substrate to the colonic microbiota has a major impact on the microbial population and the metabolites they produce, particularly short chain fatty acids (SCFAs). SCFAs are produced when non-digestible carbohydrates, namely dietary fibres and resistant starch, undergo fermentation by the colonic microbiota. Both the consumption of fermentable carbohydrates and the administration of SCFAs have been reported to result in a wide range of health benefits including improvements in body composition, glucose homeostasis, blood lipid profiles, and reduced body weight and colon cancer risk. However, published studies tend to report the effects that fermentable carbohydrates and SCFAs have on specific tissues and metabolic processes, and fail to explain how these local effects translate into systemic effects and the mitigation of disease risk. Moreover, studies have tended to investigate SCFAs collectively and neglect to report the effects associated with individual SCFAs. Here, we bring together the recent evidence and suggest an overarching model for the effects of SCFAs on one of their beneficial aspects: appetite regulation and energy homeostasis

    Exogenous peptide YY3-36 and Exendin-4 further decrease food intake, whereas octreotide increases food intake in rats after Roux-en-Y gastric bypass

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    Background:Patients show an elevated postprandial satiety gut hormone release after Roux-en-Y Gastric bypass (gastric bypass). The altered gut hormone response appears to have a prominent role in the reduction of appetite and body weight (BW) after gastric bypass. Patients with insufficient BW loss after gastric bypass have an attenuated postprandial gut hormone response in comparison with patients who lost an adequate amount of BW. The effects of additional gut hormone administration after gastric bypass are unknown.Methods:The effects of peripheral administration of peptide YY3-36 (PYY3-36; 300 nmol kg(-1)), glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1) analogue Exendin-4 (20 nmol kg(-1)) and somatostatin analogue octreotide (10 μg kg(-1)) on feeding and BW were evaluated in rats after gastric bypass.Results:Gastric bypass rats weighed (P<0.01) and ate less on postoperative day 5 (P<0.001) and thereafter, whereas postprandial plasma PYY and GLP-1 levels were higher compared with sham-operated controls (P<0.001). Administration of both PYY3-36 and Exendin-4 led to a further decrease in food intake in bypass rats compared with saline treatment (P=0.02 and P<0.0001, respectively). Similar reduction in food intake was observed in sham rats (P=0.02 and P<0.001, respectively). Exendin-4 treatment resulted in a significant BW loss in bypass (P=0.03) and sham rats (P=0.04). Subsequent treatment with octreotide led to an increase in food intake in bypass (P=0.007), but not in sham rats (P=0.87).Conclusion:Peripheral administration of PYY3-36 and Exendin-4 reduces short-term food intake, whereas octreotide increases short-term food intake in rats after gastric bypass. The endogenous gut hormone response after gastric bypass can thus potentially be further enhanced by additional exogenous therapy with pharmacological doses of gut hormones in patients with insufficient weight loss or weight regain after surgery.International Journal of Obesity advance online publication, 21 June 2011; doi:10.1038/ijo.2011.126