21 research outputs found

    Lysine 271 in the transmembrane domain of the T-cell antigen receptor beta chain is necessary for its assembly with the CD3 complex but not for alpha/beta dimerization.

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    The T-cell antigen receptor (TcR) complex present on most T-cells is formed by a clone-specific disulfide-linked alpha/beta heterodimer noncovalently associated to the CD3 complex, the latter composed of five invariant polypeptides: gamma, delta, epsilon, zeta/zeta, or zeta/eta. The presence of conserved, oppositely charged, amino acids in the predicted transmembrane domains of all the subunits of the TcR.CD3 complex suggests that these residues may have a critical function in the assembly and/or stabilization of the complex. In order to analyze the role of the transmembrane-charged amino acids in the association and cell surface expression of the TcR.CD3 complex, we have carried out site-directed mutagenesis of Lys271 in the transmembrane domain of the TcR beta chain and analyzed the capacity of the altered chain to assemble in a TcR beta-negative T-cell line. Here we show that substitution of this positively charged residue by alanine or glutamine does not prevent cytoplasmic association of alpha and beta chains to form disulfide-linked heterodimers, but does abolish formation of an alpha/beta.CD3 complex and, consequently, its expression on the cell surface

    Preferential V beta gene usage and lack of junctional sequence conservation among human T cell receptors specific for a tetanus toxin-derived peptide: evidence for a dominant role of a germline-encoded V region in antigen/major histocompatibility complex recognition.

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    To investigate the structural and genetic basis of the T cell response to defined peptide/major histocompatibility (MHC) class II complexes in humans, we established a large panel of T cell clones (61) from donors of different HLA-DR haplotypes and reactive with a tetanus toxin-derived peptide (tt830-844) recognized in association with most DR molecules (universal peptide). By using a bacterial enterotoxin-based proliferation assay and cDNA sequencing, we found preferential use of a particular V beta region gene segment, V beta 2.1, in three of the individuals studied (64%, n = 58), irrespective of whether the peptide was presented by the DR6wcI, DR4w4, or DRw11.1 and DRw11.2 alleles, demonstrating that shared MHC class II antigens are not required for shared V beta gene use by T cell receptors (TCRs) specific for this peptide. V alpha gene use was more heterogeneous, with at least seven different V alpha segments derived from five distinct families encoding alpha chains able to pair with V beta 2.1 chains to form a tt830-844/DR-specific binding site. Several cases were found of clones restricted to different DR alleles that expressed identical V beta and (or very closely related) V alpha gene segments and that differed only in their junctional sequences. Thus, changes in the putative complementary determining region 3 (CDR3) of the TCR may, in certain cases, alter MHC specificity and maintain peptide reactivity. Finally, in contrast to what has been observed in other defined peptide/MHC systems, a striking heterogeneity was found in the junctional regions of both alpha and beta chains, even for TCRs with identical V alpha and/or V beta gene segments and the same restriction. Among 14 anti-tt830-844 clones using the V beta 2.1 gene segment, 14 unique V beta-D-J beta junctions were found, with no evident conservation in length and/or amino acid composition. One interpretation for this apparent lack of coselection of specific junctional sequences in the context of a common V element, V beta 2.1, is that this V region plays a dominant role in the recognition of the tt830-844/DR complex

    N-Substituted Valiolamine Derivatives as Potent Inhibitors of Endoplasmic Reticulum α-Glucosidases I and II with Antiviral Activity

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    Most enveloped viruses rely on the host cell endoplasmic reticulum (ER) quality control (QC) machinery for proper folding of glycoproteins. The key ER α-glucosidases (α-Glu) I and II of the ERQC machinery are attractive targets for developing broad-spectrum antivirals. Iminosugars based on deoxynojirimycin have been extensively studied as ER α-glucosidase inhibitors; however, other glycomimetic compounds are less established. Accordingly, we synthesized a series of N-substituted derivatives of valiolamine, the iminosugar scaffold of type 2 diabetes drug voglibose. To understand the basis for up to 100,000-fold improved inhibitory potency, we determined high-resolution crystal structures of mouse ER α-GluII in complex with valiolamine and 10 derivatives. The structures revealed extensive interactions with all four α-GluII subsites. We further showed that N-substituted valiolamines were active against dengue virus and SARS-CoV-2 in vitro. This study introduces valiolamine-based inhibitors of the ERQC machinery as candidates for developing potential broad-spectrum therapeutics against the existing and emerging viruses

    Exploiting recombination in single bacteria to make large phage antibody libraries

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    The creation of large phage antibody libraries has become an important goal in selecting antibodies against any antigen. Here we describe a method for making libraries so large that the complete diversity cannot be accessed using traditional phage technology. This involves the creation of a primary phage scFv library in a phagemid vector containing two nonhomologous lox sites. Contrary to the current dogma, we found that infecting Cre recombinase-expressing bacteria by such a primary library at a high multiplicity of infection results in the entry of many different phagemid into the cell. Exchange of Vh and Vl genes between such phagemids creates many new V h/Vl combinations, all of which are functional. On the basis of the observed recombination, the library is calculated to have a diversity of 3x1011. A library created using this method was validated by the selection of high affinity antibodies against a large number of different protein antigen