15 research outputs found

    Tracing of temporo-entorhinal connections in the human brain: cognitively impaired argyrophilic grain disease cases show dendritic alterations but no axonal disconnection of temporo-entorhinal association neurons

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    Argyrophilic grain disease (AGD), a neurodegenerative disorder, is often associated with mild to moderate Alzheimer’s disease (AD)-related pathology. The development of dementia in AGD is associated with the extent of coexisting AD-related pathology. Therefore, the question arises whether the degenerative changes in the neuronal network of demented AGD-patients represent a distinct pattern or show similar changes of disconnection as considered for AD. We were able to apply DiI-tracing in two human autopsy cases with mild AD-related pathology (controls), in one AD-patient, in one non-demented patient with advanced AD-related pathology, and in three cognitively impaired AGD-patients. DiI-crystals were injected into the entorhinal cortex. Pyramidal neurons of layers III and V of the adjacent temporal neocortex (area 35) were retrogradely marked with the tracer and analyzed. The AD case did not exhibit any retrogradely labeled neurons in the temporal neocortex. In the non-demented case with advanced AD-related pathology, the number of traced neurons was reduced as compared to that in the two controls and in the three AGD cases. In contrast, all three cognitively impaired AGD cases exhibited labeled pyramidal neurons in area 35 in an almost similar number as in the controls. However, alterations in the dendritic tree were observed in the AGD cases. These results show the existence of temporo-entorhinal connections in the adult human brain similar to those reported in animal models. Furthermore, the present study based on seven cases is the first attempt to study changes in the neuronal network in a human tauopathy with targeted axonal tracing techniques. Our findings in three cognitively impaired AGD cases suggest that AGD-related dementia constitutes a distinct disorder with a characteristic pattern of degeneration in the neuronal network

    A chronic fatigue syndrome – related proteome in human cerebrospinal fluid

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    BACKGROUND: Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS), Persian Gulf War Illness (PGI), and fibromyalgia are overlapping symptom complexes without objective markers or known pathophysiology. Neurological dysfunction is common. We assessed cerebrospinal fluid to find proteins that were differentially expressed in this CFS-spectrum of illnesses compared to control subjects. METHODS: Cerebrospinal fluid specimens from 10 CFS, 10 PGI, and 10 control subjects (50 μl/subject) were pooled into one sample per group (cohort 1). Cohort 2 of 12 control and 9 CFS subjects had their fluids (200 μl/subject) assessed individually. After trypsin digestion, peptides were analyzed by capillary chromatography, quadrupole-time-of-flight mass spectrometry, peptide sequencing, bioinformatic protein identification, and statistical analysis. RESULTS: Pooled CFS and PGI samples shared 20 proteins that were not detectable in the pooled control sample (cohort 1 CFS-related proteome). Multilogistic regression analysis (GLM) of cohort 2 detected 10 proteins that were shared by CFS individuals and the cohort 1 CFS-related proteome, but were not detected in control samples. Detection of ≥1 of a select set of 5 CFS-related proteins predicted CFS status with 80% concordance (logistic model). The proteins were α-1-macroglobulin, amyloid precursor-like protein 1, keratin 16, orosomucoid 2 and pigment epithelium-derived factor. Overall, 62 of 115 proteins were newly described. CONCLUSION: This pilot study detected an identical set of central nervous system, innate immune and amyloidogenic proteins in cerebrospinal fluids from two independent cohorts of subjects with overlapping CFS, PGI and fibromyalgia. Although syndrome names and definitions were different, the proteome and presumed pathological mechanism(s) may be shared

    Structural and functional asymmetry of lateral Heschl's gyrus reflects pitch perception preference

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    The relative pitch of harmonic complex sounds, such as instrumental sounds, may be perceived by decoding either the fundamental pitch (f0) or the spectral pitch (fSP) of the stimuli. We classified a large cohort of 420 subjects including symphony orchestra musicians to be either f0 or fSP listeners, depending on the dominant perceptual mode. In a subgroup of 87 subjects, MRI (magnetic resonance imaging) and magnetoencephalography studies demonstrated a strong neural basis for both types of pitch perception irrespective of musical aptitude. Compared with f0 listeners, fSP listeners possessed a pronounced rightward, rather than leftward, asymmetry of gray matter volume and P50m activity within the pitch-sensitive lateral Heschl's gyrus. Our data link relative hemispheric lateralization with perceptual stimulus properties, whereas the absolute size of the Heschl's gyrus depends on musical aptitude