9 research outputs found

    Inhibition by substance P of some peripheral actions of acetylcholine in the cat

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    1 The effect of substance P on contractions of the nictitating membrane and pressor responses to acetylcholine (ACh) and dimethylphenyl-piperazinium (DMPP) which were mediated via nocotinic receptors was studied in cats anaesthetized with chloralose

    Closed-loop control tests for vertical fin buffeting alleviation using strain actuation

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    The closed-loop tests of a proposed active control system were carried out in the International Follow-on Structural Test Project rig in melbourne, Australia. These tests represented an important milestone in the development of adaptive structures systems with application to aeroelastic problems since they were the first tests performed on a full-scale airframe to achieve buffeting alleviation. This paper reports the control design strategy and the results obtained in the closed-loop tests

    Problems of postsynaptic autogenous and recurrent inhibition in the mammalian spinal cord

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