15 research outputs found
Internal amplification controls have not been employed in fungal PCR hence potential false negative results
Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) is subject to false negative results. Samples of
fungi with the genes of interest (e.g. a disease or mycotoxin) may be categorized
as negative and safe as a consequence. Fungi are eukaryotic organisms that are involved in many fields of human activity such as antibiotic, toxin and food production. Certain taxa are implicated in human, animal and plant diseases.
However, fungi are difficult to identify and PCR techniques have been proposed increasingly for this purpose. Internal amplification controls (IACs)
will ameliorate the situation and need to become mandatory. These are nucleic
acids that posses a sequence which will provide a PCR product (i) using the
same primers employed for the target gene, and (ii) that will not coincide on
the gel with the product of the target gene. Only one group of workers employed an IAC, to respond to potential inhibition, which was reported in 1995 from this present assessment of numerous reports. Inhibitors in cultures need to be minimized, and secondary metabolites are an obvious source. The
fields reviewed herein include medical mycology, mycotoxicology, environmental
mycology and plant mycology. The conclusion is that previous reports are compromised because IACs have not been employed in fungal PCR; future research must include this control at an early stage.Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT
Rapid detection of Ganoderma-infected oil palms by microwave ergosterol extraction with HPLC and TLC
Detection of basal stem rot (BSR) by Ganoderma of oil palms was based on foliar symptoms and production of basidiomata. Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assays-Polyclonal Antibody (ELISA-PAB) and PCR have been proposed as early detection methods for the disease. These techniques are complex, time consuming and have accuracy limitations. An ergosterol method was developed which correlated well with the degree of infection in oil palms, including samples growing in plantations. However, the method was capable of being optimised. This current study was designed to develop a simpler, more rapid and efficient ergosterol method with utility in the field that involved the use of microwave extraction. The optimised procedure involved extracting a small amount of Ganoderma, or Ganoderma-infected oil palm suspended in low volumes of solvent followed by irradiation in a conventional microwave oven at 70 °C and medium high power for 30 s, resulting in simultaneous extraction and saponification. Ergosterol was detected by thin layer chromatography (TLC) and quantified using high performance liquid chromatography with diode array detection. The TLC method was novel and provided a simple, inexpensive method with utility in the field. The new method was particularly effective at extracting high yields of ergosterol from infected oil palm and enables rapid analysis of field samples on site, allowing infected oil palms to be treated or culled very rapidly. Some limitations of the method are discussed herein. The procedures lend themselves to controlling the disease more effectively and allowing more effective use of land currently employed to grow oil palms, thereby reducing pressure to develop new plantations.This project was supported by the Fundamental Research Grant Scheme (FRGS), administered through the Ministry of Higher Education, Malaysia (Grant No: 5524175)
Mycotoxin production from fungi isolated from grapes
Aims: In order to assess the potential for producing mycotoxins, fungi were isolated from
wine producing grapes.
Methods and Results: The isolates were identified and Penicillium expansum, the most well
recognized mycotoxin producer, was analysed for mycotoxin production by TLC. Many of the
strains produced patulin and/or citrinin, often depending on whether they were grown on a
grape or yeast extract sucrose media.
Conclusions: Citrinin was produced by all strains grown in the yeast extract sucrose medium,
but only one strain (from 51) was able to produce this compound in grape juice medium.
Patulin was produced in the yeast extract medium by 20 strains and in grape juice medium by
33 strains.
Significance and Impact of the Study: The presence of mycotoxins in wine producing
grapes is discussed. Grapes contamination with patulin seems not to contribute to wine
contamination, and no ochratoxin producing fungi was identified.The British Council, Conselho de Reitores das Universidades Portuguesas (CRUP) - Windsor Programme - grant no 29/00