4 research outputs found
Radiological Assessment of Vascular access in Haemodialysis Patients
- Author
- Publication venue
- 'SAGE Publications'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Assessment van alcohol- en drugsgebruik
- Author
- A.B. Brown
- A.H. Berman
- A.J.M. Plasschaert
- D. Hersh
- D.A. Dawson
- F.L. Kraanen
- F.L. Kraanen
- F.L. Kraanen
- J. Cohen
- J. Simons
- J.A. Cunningham
- K.A. Grant
- K.B. Carey
- L. Hides
- L.B. Manwell
- L.C. Sobell
- L.C. Sobell
- L.C. Sobell
- M. Dum
- M. Grønbæk
- M. Roy
- M. Wicki
- M.A. Straus
- M.A.C. Groenestijn van
- M.B. Sobell
- N. Maalsté
- P. Lemmens
- P.D. Riggs
- P.F. Tremblay
- R. Graaf de
- R.A. Brown
- R.E. Drake
- R.G. Smart
- R.N. Ehrman
- R.W. Wiers
- S.A. Brown
- Trimbos-instituut
- V. Hendriks
- Publication venue
- 'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Drug addiction: Functional neurotoxicity of the brain reward systems
- Author
- A. Ettenberg
- A. Markou
- A. Wikler
- A.G. Phillips
- A.J. Roberts
- A.J.J. Pijnenburg
- American Psychiatric Association
- B.C. Wallace
- C.J. Heyser
- C.P. O’Brien
- D.C.S. Roberts
- D.S. Zahm
- E. Merlo-Pich
- E.S. Valenstein
- F Rodriguez de Fonseca
- F Weiss
- F Weiss
- F.E. Pontieri
- F.E. Pontieri
- F.H. Gawin
- Friedbert Weiss
- G. Schulteis
- G. Tanda
- G.E Koob
- G.E Koob
- G.E Koob
- G.F. Alheid
- G.F. Koob
- G.F. Koob
- George F. Koob
- J. Bergman
- J. Olds
- J.B. Johnston
- J.H. Nauta
- J.M. Liebman
- L. Heimer
- L. Heimer
- L. Stein
- L. Stinus
- L.H. Parsons
- L.H. Parsons
- L.H. Parsons
- L.H. Parsons
- L.H. Parsons
- L.W. Fitzgerald
- M. Legault
- M.D. Kilgus
- M.J. Kuhar
- M.P Epping-Jordan
- MA. Morency
- N.J. Leith
- P. Hyytia
- P. Robledo
- P. Sokoloff
- P.H. Kelly
- PH. Kelly
- R Weiss
- R. A. Wise
- R. Ciccocioppo
- R.A. Yokel
- R.J. Beninger
- R.J. Beninger
- R.L. Solomon
- R.M. Richter
- R.N. Ehrman
- S. Benloucif
- S. Benloucif
- S. Rassnick
- S.B. Caine
- S.B. Caine
- S.B. Caine
- S.B. Caine
- S.B. Caine
- S.C. Heinrichs
- S.H. Ahmed
- S.J. Robbins
- S.L. Satel
- S.N. Katner
- S.N. Katner
- W.H. Lyness
- W.L. Woolverton
- W.W. Weddington
- World Health Organization
- Z. Sarnyai
- Publication venue
- 'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Sensitization and Relapse
- Author
- A. Baskys
- A. Cochilla
- A. Ettenberg
- A.A. Grace
- A.E. Baldwin
- A.E. Kelley
- A.E. Kelley
- A.E. Kelley
- A.G. Phillips
- A.I. Leshner
- A.R. Childress
- B.A. Mattingly
- B.A. Mattingly
- B.A. Sorg
- B.L. Carter
- C. Beurrier
- C. Cepeda
- C. Yang
- C.J. Messer
- C.P. O’Brien
- C.R. Colby
- C.Y. Yim
- D. Carr
- D.A. Baker
- D.A. Baker
- D.B. Carr
- D.C. Cooper
- D.C.S. Roberts
- D.J. Henry
- D.J. Henry
- D.J. Surmeier
- D.M. Grech
- D.S. Zahm
- D.S. Zahm
- D.W. Self
- D.W. Self
- D.W. Self
- E.J. Bockstaele Van
- E.J. Nestler
- E.J. Nestler
- F.J. White
- F.J. White
- F.J. White
- G.E. Meredith
- G.F. Koob
- G.F. Koob
- G.J. Gerber
- G.J. Mogenson
- G.J. Wang
- H. Wit de
- H.C. Breiter
- H.J. Groenewegen
- J. Grimm
- J.A. Bibb
- J.B. Bedingfield
- J.D. Steketee
- J.F. Smiley
- J.H. Jaffe
- J.L. Cornish
- J.L. Cornish
- J.L. Neisewander
- J.L. Neisewander
- J.L. Neisewander
- K. Bell
- K. McFarland
- L. Heimer
- L.C. Maas
- L.J. Vanderschuren
- L.S. Seiden
- L.T.L. Tran-Nguyen
- L.W. Fitzgerald
- M. LeMoal
- M. Perugini
- M. Sato
- M. Xu
- M.C. Ritz
- M.E. Wolf
- M.E. Wolf
- M.E. Wolf
- M.E. Wolf
- M.G. Kolta
- M.R. Weed
- M.S. Reid
- N. Hiroi
- P. Ciano Di
- P. O’Donnell
- P. O’Donnell
- P. Vezina
- P.H. Kelly
- P.N. Epstein
- P.W. Kalivas
- P.W. Kalivas
- P.W. Kalivas
- P.W. Kalivas
- P.W. Kalivas
- P.W. Kalivas
- R. Ciccocioppo
- R. Karler
- R. Maldonado
- R. Terwilliger
- R.A. Fuchs
- R.B. Whitelaw
- R.C. Pierce
- R.C. Pierce
- R.C. Pierce
- R.E. See
- R.N. Ehrman
- S. Cabib
- S. Erb
- S. Grant
- S. Hernandez-Lopez
- S. Mackler
- S.B. Caine
- S.H. Ahmed
- S.L. Satel
- S.M. Anderson
- S.N. Schiffmann
- S.R. Sesack
- S.T. Cunmningham
- T. Yoshikawa
- T.E. Robinson
- T.E. Robinson
- T.E. Robinson
- T.E. Robinson
- T.F. Freund
- T.M. Tzschentke
- T.R. Kosten
- T.V. Khroyan
- U. Shalev
- W.M. Meil
- X.-F. Zhang
- X.-F. Zhang
- X.-Y. Cha
- X.T. Hu
- Y. Bjijou
- Y. Li
- Y. Li
- Y. Shaham
- Z.X. Xi
- Publication venue
- 'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
- Publication date
- 01/01/2005
- Field of study