317 research outputs found
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Impact of new collider data on fits and extrapolations of cross sections and slopes
The latest Collider data are compared with our earlier extrapolations. Fits that include the new data are made. Those for which sigma/sub tot/ grows as log/sup 2/(s/s/sub o/) indefinitely give a significantly poorer chi/sup 2/ than those for which sigma/sub tot/ eventually levels out. For the proposed SSC energy for the former fits predict sigma/sub tot/(..sqrt..s = 40 TeV) approx. =200 mb while the latter give sigma/sub tot/(..sqrt..s = 40 TeV) approx. = 100 mb. 6 refs
Iso-spectral deformations of general matrix and their reductions on Lie algebras
We study an iso-spectral deformation of general matrix which is a natural
generalization of the Toda lattice equation. We prove the integrability of the
deformation, and give an explicit formula for the solution to the initial value
problem. The formula is obtained by generalizing the orthogonalization
procedure of Szeg\"{o}. Based on the root spaces for simple Lie algebras, we
consider several reductions of the hierarchy. These include not only the
integrable systems studied by Bogoyavlensky and Kostant, but also their
generalizations which were not known to be integrable before. The behaviors of
the solutions are also studied. Generically, there are two types of solutions,
having either sorting property or blowing up to infinity in finite time.Comment: 25 pages, AMSLaTe
Photon and Z induced heavy charged lepton pair production at a hadron supercollider
We investigate the pair production of charged heavy leptons via
photon-induced processes at the proposed CERN Large Hadron Collider (LHC).
Using effective photon and Z approximations, rates are given for
production due to fusion and fusion for the cases of
inelastic, elastic and semi-elastic collisions. These are compared with
the corresponding rates for production via the gluon fusion and Drell-Yan
mechanisms. Various and differential luminosities
for collisions are also presented.Comment: 22 pages, RevTex 3.0, 6 uuencoded and compressed postscript figures
included. Reference to one paper changed from the original preprint number to
the published version. Everything else unchange
Where are the missing members of the baryon antidecuplet?
We analyze what consequences has the observation of exotic pentaquark baryons
on the location of the non-exotic baryons belonging to the antidecuplet. We
suggest that there must be a new nucleon state at 1650-1690 MeV and a new Sigma
baryon at 1760-1810 MeV.Comment: 5 pages, 1 figure. Missing reference adde
Photon-Photon Luminosities in Relativistic Heavy Ion Collisions at LHC Energies
Effective photon-photon luminosities are calculated for various realistic
hadron collider scenarios. The main characteristics of photon-photon processes
at relativistic heavy-ion colliders are established and compared to the
corresponding photon-photon luminosities at electron-positron and future Photon
Linear Colliders (PLC). Higher order corrections as well as inelastic processes
are discussed. It is concluded that feasible high luminosity Ca-Ca collisions
at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) are an interesting option for photon-photon
physics up to about 100 GeV photon-photon CM energy.Comment: REVTeX, 13 pages, 10 figures (uuencoded,compressed postscript
An absolute polarimeter for high energy protons
A study of the spin asymmetries for polarized elastic proton proton
collisions in the electromagnetic hadronic interference (CNI) region of
momentum transfer provides a method of self calibration of proton polarization.
The method can be extended to non-identical spin half scattering so that, in
principle, the polarization of a proton may be obtained through an analysis of
its elastic collision with a different polarized particle, helium 3 for
instance. Sufficiently large CNI spin asymmetries provide enough information to
facilitate the evaluation of nearly all the helicity amplitudes at small t as
well as the polarization of both initial spin half fermions. Thus it can serve
equally well as a polarimeter for helium 3
Parity violating pion electroproduction off the nucleon
Parity violating (PV) contributions due to interference between and
exchange are calculated for pion electroproduction off the nucleon. A
phenomenological model with effective Lagrangians is used to determine the
resulting asymmetry for the energy region between threshold and
resonance. The resonance is treated as a Rarita-Schwinger field with
phenomenological transition currents. The background contributions
are given by the usual Born terms using the pseudovector Lagrangian.
Numerical results for the asymmetry are presented.Comment: 17 pages, RevTeX, 6 figures (in separate file figs.uu), uses epsf,
accepted for publication in Z. Phys.
Novel Transversity Properties in Semi-Inclusive Deep Inelastic Scattering
The -odd distribution functions contributing to transversity properties of
the nucleon and their role in fueling nontrivial contributions to azimuthal
asymmetries in semi-inclusive deep inelastic scattering are investigated. We
use a dynamical model to evaluate these quantities in terms of HERMES
kinematics.Comment: 5 pages revtex; 5 eps figures. References added. To appear as a Rapid
Communication in Physical Review
A Supersymmetric Stueckelberg U(1) Extension of the MSSM
A Stueckelberg extension of the MSSM with only one abelian vector and one
chiral superfield as an alternative to an abelian extension with Higgs scalars
is presented. The bosonic sector contains a new gauge boson Z' which is a sharp
resonance, and a new CP-even scalar, which combines with the MSSM Higgs bosons
to produce three neutral CP-even massive states. The neutral fermionic sector
has two additional fermions which mix with the four MSSM neutralinos to produce
an extended 6x6 neutralino mass matrix. For the case when the LSP is composed
mostly of the Stueckelberg fermions, the LSP of the MSSM will be unstable,
which leads to exotic decays of sparticles with many leptons in final states.
Prospects for supersymmetry searches and for dark matter are discussed.Comment: 10 page
Chiral radiative corrections and D_s(2317)/D(2308) mass puzzle
We show that one loop chiral corrections for heavy-light mesons in potential
model can explain the small mass of D_s(2317) as well as the small mass gap
between D_s(2317) and D(2308).Comment: To appear in EPJC. A figure and references addede
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