618 research outputs found

    Large scale gas injection test (Lasgit) performed at the Äspö Hard Rock Laboratory: summary report 2007

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    The deposition hole was closed on the 1st February 2005 signifying the start of the hydration phase. Groundwater inflow through a number of conductive discrete fractures resulted in elevated porewater pressures leading to the formation of conductive channels (piping), the extrusion of bentonite from the hole and the discharge of groundwater to the gallery floor. This problem was addressed by drilling two pressure-relief holes in the surrounding rock mass. Artificial hydration began on the 18th May 2005 after 106 days of testing. Initial attempts to raise porewater pressure in the artificial hydration arrays often resulted in the formation of preferential pathways. These pressure dependent features were not focused in one location but occurred at multiple sites at different times in the test history. These pathways appear to be relatively short lived, closing when water pressure is reduced. It was determined that both pressure relief holes should remain open until the bentonite had generated sufficient swelling pressure to withstand the high water pressure in the system when these holes are closed. Packers were installed into the pressure relief holes on 23rd March 2006 and sections in them closed off over the period to 5th July 2006. There was no repeat of the formation of piping through discrete channels so, on 20th November 2006, pressures to the artificial hydration filters on the canister were increased to 2350 kPa

    Update on dilatancy associated with onset of gas flow in Callovo-Oxfordian claystone. Progress report on test SPP_COx-2

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    This report describes in detail the stress-path permeameter (SPP) apparatus and the on-going second test conducted on Callovo-Oxfordian (COx) claystone from the Bure underground research laboratory (URL) in France. Funding for this study has been provided by the French radioactive waste management operator, Andra, the European Union (FORGE Project, Project number 230357) and the British Geological Survey through its well-founded laboratory programme and the Geosphere Containment project (part of the BGS core strategic programme). The results from test SPP_COx-2 clearly show that at the onset of gas propagation through the test sample dilatancy is observed in three radial and one axial direction. A component of this dilatancy is associated with changes in pore pressure. However, pore-pressure variation cannot account for the full amount of strain recorded and a proportion of the strain observed is the result of gas migration by dilatant pathway formation. The test is on-going and more insight will be achieved once the test is complete

    Effect of stress field and mechanical deformation on permeability and fracture self-sealing. Progress report on the Stress Path Permeameter experiment conducted on Callovo-Oxfordian Claystone

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    This report describes in detail the stress-path permeameter (SPP) apparatus and the first test conducted on Callovo-Oxfordian (CoX) claystone from the Bure underground research laboratory (URL) in France. Funding for this study has been provided by the French radioactive waste management operator, Andra, the European Union (FORGE Project) and the British Geological Survey through its well-founded laboratory programme and the Geosphere Containment project (part of the BGS core strategic programme). The results from the first test conducted using the SPP show that the CoX has a very pronounced time-dependent component of deformation. This has implications for the following tests conducted on CoX as part of the FORGE project, but also has implications when comparing tests on CoX that have been deformed at a much faster rate. Test SPP_CoX-1 was conducted with water as a test permeant at constant pore pressure along a pre-defined stress-path. Volumetric deformation was observed during 16 steps along the stress path, with considerable time-dependent deformation and anisotropy seen in radial strain. The sixteenth stage saw the sample fail through the formation of a fracture after the sample had experienced constant stress conditions for 5.5 days; this emphasises the observed time dependent deformation. Test SPP-CoX-1 will be used to determine the stress-path steps of test SPP-CoX-2. This much more detailed test will follow 5 or 6 steps up to ultimate failure and will include a full hydraulic test, a gas injection test to determine the gas entry pressure, and constant pore-pressure flow tests to examine the changes in permeability along the stress-path. At all times throughout the test radial and axial deformation will be monitored

    Large scale gas injection test (Lasgit) performed at the Äspö Hard Rock Laboratory. Summary report 2008

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    This report describes the set-up, operation and observations from the first 1385 days (3.8 years) of the large scale gas injection test (Lasgit) experiment conducted at the Äspö Hard Rock Laboratory. During this time the bentonite buffer has been artificially hydrated and has given new insight into the evolution of the buffer. After 2 years (849 days) of artificial hydration a canister filter was identified to perform a series of hydraulic and gas tests, a period that lasted 268 days. The results from the gas test showed that the full-scale bentonite buffer behaved in a similar way to previous laboratory experiments. This confirms the up-scaling of laboratory observations with the addition of considerable information on the stress responses throughout the deposition hole. During the gas testing stage, the buffer was continued to artificially hydrate. Hydraulic results, from controlled and uncontrolled events, show that the buffer continues to mature and has yet to reach full maturation. Lasgit has yielded high quality data relating to the hydration of the bentonite and the evolution in hydrogeological properties adjacent to the deposition hole. The initial hydraulic and gas injection tests confirm the correct working of all control and data acquisition systems. Lasgit has been in successful operation for in excess of 1385 days

    Final Report of FORGE WP4.1.2: verification of critical stress theory applied to repository concepts

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    This report describes an experimental study of 48 separate experiments examining the validity of critical stress theory. Two main types of experiment were conducted: 1). Loading-unloading tests, where fracture flow was monitored at constant injection pressure as normal load was increased in steps to a given level and then reduced back to the starting stress state; 2). Gas breakthrough experiments, where gas injection pressure was increased in a pressure ramp at constant vertical load. These were conducted with and without active shear. It was found that critical stress theory is valid in predicting the preferential flow of gas in relation to the orientation of the fracture plane with respect to the maximum horizontal stress direction. However, loading unloading experiments showed that understanding the stress history of the rocks is of paramount importance and a mere knowledge of the current stress state is insufficient in accurately predicting the nature of fluid flow. A total of 17 loading-unloading experiments were conducted, all on a 30° slip-plane. The main conclusions of this part of the study were; a). During a loading (vertical stress) and unloading cycle considerable hysteresis in flow was observed signifying the importance of stress history on fracture flow; b). For the case of gas injection the change in flow is chaotic at low normal loads, whereas for water injection the flow reduces smoothly with increased normal load; c). Hysteresis in horizontal stress observed during unloading demonstrates the importance of the ratio between horizontal stress and vertical stress and its control on flow; d). Differences have been observed between injection fluids (water and helium), especially the hysteresis observed in flow. For water injection flow is only partially recovered during unloading, whereas for gas enhanced flow is seen at low normal loads. A total of 26 gas breakthrough experiments were conducted on 0°, 15°, 30°, and 45° discontinuities; both with and without active shear. All tests were conducted in an identical manner. The main conclusions of this part of the study were; a). During gas breakthrough experiments episodic flow/fault valve behaviour was seen with a decrease in subsequent peak pressures and the form of the pressure response was different during subsequent breakthrough events; b). Repeat gas injection testing had shown a consistent gas entry pressure but considerably different, non-repeatable, gas peak pressures; c). Differences in gas entry pressure were seen dependent on the orientation of the fracture; d). Shear can be seen to reduce the gas entry pressure, suggesting that shearing in kaolinite has the opposite effect of self-sealing to gas. Other general observations of gas flow along fractures included; a). The flow of fluids through clay filled fractures is non-uniform and occurs via localised preferential pathways; b). The pressure recorded within the slip-plane showed a negligible fracture pressure and did not vary much in all tests

    Final report of FORGE WP4.1.1: the stress-path permeameter experiment conducted on Callovo-Oxfordian Claystone

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    This report describes in detail the stress-path permeameter (SPP) apparatus and the test programme conducted on Callovo-Oxfordian (COx) Claystone from the Bure underground research laboratory (URL) in France. Funding for this study has been provided by the French radioactive waste management operator, Andra, the European Union (FORGE Project, Project number 230357) and the British Geological Survey through its well-founded laboratory programme and the Geosphere Containment project (part of the BGS core strategic programme). The results from the first test conducted using the SPP showed that COx has a very pronounced time-dependent component of deformation. This had implications for the following test conducted on COx and also has implications when comparing tests that have been deformed at a much faster rate. Test SPP_COx-1 was conducted with water as a test permeant at constant pore-pressure along a pre-defined stress-path. Volumetric deformation was observed during 16 steps along the stress-path, with considerable time-dependent deformation and anisotropy seen in radial strain. The 16th stage saw the sample fail through the formation of a fracture after the sample had experienced constant stress conditions for 5.5 days; this emphasises the observed time dependent deformation. The results from test SPP_COx-2 clearly showed that the sample dilated at the onset of gas propagation; dilatancy was observed in three radial and one axial direction. A component of this volumetric deformation was associated with changes in pore-pressure. However, pore-pressure variation cannot account for the full amount of strain recorded and a proportion of the strain observed was the result of gas migration by dilatant pathway formation. Prior to the sample attaining steady-state flow, outflow from the sample slowly reduced and the conductive features experienced self-sealing. Gas injection pressure was raised and back-pressure was carefully lowered; neither course of action re-initiated flow through the sample

    The visualization of flow paths in experimental studies of clay-rich materials

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    One of the most challenging aspects of understanding the flow of gas and water during testing in clay-rich low-permeability materials is the difficulty in visualizing localized flow. Whilst understanding has been increased using X-ray Computed-tomography (CT) scanning, synchrotron X-ray imaging and Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) imaging, real-time testing is problematic under realistic in situ conditions confining pressures, which require steel pressure vessels. These methods tend not to have the nano-metre scale resolution necessary for clay mineral visualization, and are generally not compatible with the long duration necessary to investigate flow in such materials. Therefore other methods are necessary to visualize flow paths during post-mortem analysis of test samples. Several methodologies have been established at the British Geological Survey (BGS), in order to visualize flow paths both directly and indirectly. These include: (1) the injection of fluorescein-stained water or deuterium oxide; (2) the introduction of nano-particles that are transported by carrier gas; (3) the use of radiologically tagged gas; and (4) the development of apparatus for the direct visualization of clay. These methodologies have greatly increased our understanding of the transport of water and gas through intact and fractured clay-rich materials. The body of evidence for gas transport through the formation of dilatant pathways is now considerable. This study presents observations using a new apparatus to directly visualize the flow of gas in a kaolinite paste. The results presented provide an insight into the flow of gas in clay-rich rocks. The flow of gas through dilatant pathways has been shown in a number of argillaceous materials (Angeli et al., 2009; Autio et al., 2006; Cuss et al., 2014; Harrington et al., 2012). These pathways are pressure induced and an increase in gas pressure leads to the dilation of pathways. Once the gas breakthrough occurs, pressure decreases and pathways begin to close. This new approach is providing a unique insight into the complex processes involved during the onset, development and closure of these dilatant gas pathways

    Pore-pressure cycling experiments on Mx80 bentonite

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    The Swedish concept for geological disposal of radioactive waste involves the use of bentonite as part of an engineered barrier system. A primary function of the bentonite is its ability to swell when hydrated by its surroundings. One particular uncertainty is the impact on this function, resulting from deviations in pore-water pressure, pw, from expected in situ hydrostatic conditions. We present results from a series of laboratory experiments designed to investigate the form of the relationship between swelling pressure and pw, for compacted Mx80 bentonite, from low to elevated applied water pressure conditions. The experiments were conducted using constant volume cells, designed to allow the total stresses acting on the surrounding vessel to be monitored (at five locations) during clay swelling. The results demonstrate that swelling pressure reduces nonlinearly with increasing pw, becoming less sensitive to changes at elevated pressures. After cyclic loading a marked hysteresis was also observed, with swelling pressure remaining elevated after a subsequent reduction in applied water pressure. Such behaviour may impact the mechanical and transport properties of the bentonite and its resulting performance. However, such hysteric behaviour was not always observed. Further testing is required to better understand the causes of this phenomenon and the controls on such behaviour

    Summary Report of FORGE WP4.1.2: verification of critical stress theory applied to repository concepts

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    This report outlines the major conclusions from an experimental study of 48 separate experiments with the primary aim to verify critical stress theory. Two main types of experiment were conducted: 1). Loading-unloading tests, where fracture flow was monitored at constant injection pressure as normal load was increased in steps to a given level and then reduced back to the starting stress state; 2). Gas breakthrough experiments, where gas injection pressure was increased in a pressure ramp at constant vertical load. These were conducted with and without active shear. It was found that critical stress theory is valid in predicting the preferential flow of gas in relation to the orientation of the fracture plane with respect to the maximum horizontal stress direction. However, loading unloading experiments showed that understanding the stress history of the rocks is of paramount importance and a mere knowledge of the current stress state is insufficient in accurately predicting the nature of fluid flow

    Final report of FORGE WP3.1.1: the large scale gas injection test (Lasgit) performed at the Äspö Hard Rock Laboratory

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    This report summarises the set-up, operation and observations from the first 2890 days (7.9 years) of the large scale gas injection test (Lasgit) experiment conducted at the Äspö Hard Rock Laboratory. During this time the bentonite buffer has been artificially hydrated and has given new insight into the evolution of the buffer. Three gas injection tests have been conducted during the duration of Lasgit. The first two tests were conducted in the lower array of injection filters at FL903. Both of these tests showed similar behaviour with a well-defined pressure peak; spontaneous negative transient; evidence of dynamic behaviour and unstable gas pathways; asymptote close to stress. The results were remarkably qualitatively similar to the laboratory test results. However, the high gas entry pressures seen in the laboratory were not seen in Lasgit as stress state is much lower due to non-complete hydration of the buffer and the expansion of the buffer to fill construction voids. The third gas test was conducted in an upper array filter (FU910). The response at the time of gas peak pressure was subtly dissimilar to that seen at FL903 with two peak pressures. Lasgit has confirmed the coupling between gas, stress and pore-water pressure for flow before and after major gas entry at the field scale. All observations suggest mechanisms of pathway propagation and dilatancy predominate. In all three gas tests the propagation was through localised features and the general movement direction was towards the bottom of the deposition hole in the direction of the prevailing stress gradient. The injection tests have shown that the interface between barriers is a key part of the system. Gas appears to have exited the deposition hole in Gas test 2, but failed to find a way out during Gas test 3; where gas continued to migrate along the canister/buffer interface. Throughout the history of Lasgit parts of the system have been artificially and naturally hydrated. Hydraulic results, from controlled and uncontrolled events, show that the buffer continues to mature and has yet to reach full maturation. Hydration of the clay is progressing well but sections of bentonite remain in suction and in hydraulic disequilibrium
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