13 research outputs found

    Novel Ion Trap Scan Modes to Develop Criteria for On-Site Detection of Sulfonamide Antibiotics

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    Advances in ambient ionization techniques have facilitated the direct analysis of complex mixtures without sample preparation. Significant attention has been given to innovating ionization methods so that multiple options are now available, allowing for ready selection of the best methods for particular analyte classes. These ambient techniques are commonly implemented on benchtop systems, but their potential application with miniature mass spectrometers for in situ measurements is even more powerful. These applications require that attention be paid to tailoring the mass spectrometric methodology for the on-site operation. In this study, combinations of scan modes are employed to efficiently determine what tandem mass spectrometry (MS/MS) operations are most useful for detecting sulfonamides using a miniature ion trap after ionization. First, mixtures of representative sulfonamide antibiotics were interrogated using a 2D MS/MS scan on a benchtop ion trap in order to determine which class-specific fragments (ionic or neutral) are shared between the sulfonamides and thus have diagnostic value. Then, three less-used combination scans were recorded: (i) a simultaneous precursor ion scan was used to detect both analytes and an internal standard in a single ion injection event to optimize quantitative performance; (ii) a simultaneous precursor/neutral loss scan was used to improve detection limits; and finally, (iii) the simultaneous precursor/neutral loss scan was implemented in a miniature mass spectrometer and representative sulfonamides were detected at concentrations as low as 100 ng/mL by nano-electrospray and 0.5 ng absolute by paper spray ionization, although improvements in the stability of the home-built instrumentation are needed to further optimize performance

    Descrição anatômica da língua do mão-pelada (Procyon cancrivorus) Anatomical description of the crab-eating raccoon tongue - (Procyon cancrivorus)

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    O mão-pelada é um mamífero da família Procyonidae com poucas descrições anatômicas detalhadas a seu respeito. O objetivo deste trabalho foi descrever, anatomicamente, a língua do mão-pelada, proporcionando base para futuros estudos clínico-cirúrgicos, além de contribuir com a anatomia comparada de carnívoros. Foram utilizadas as línguas de dois exemplares de mãos-pelada, fixados em formaldeído a 10%. A língua do mão-pelada possui, em média, 9,5cm de comprimento, é alongada e apresenta um sulco mediano pouco evidente. Possui lissa, quatro pares de papilas valadas na raiz lingual e um par no corpo, várias papilas fungiformes e cônicas no corpo e raiz e papilas filiformes pouco desenvolvidas e presentes principalmente no ápice. Outros três pares de papilas, sugestivas de serem papilas valadas, foram observadas na região lateral da base lingual. A língua do mão-pelada possui algumas características anatômicas similares às do cão, como a presença da lissa e a disposição das papilas, com exceção das folhadas, as quais não foram observadas.<br>The crab-eating raccoon is a mammal of the Procyonidae family of rare anatomical descriptions about it. This paper aimed to anatomically describe the crab-eating raccoon's tongue, providing data on future clinical and surgical studies, besides contributing to the carnivores compared anatomy. Two tongues were used after formaldehyde fixation. Crab-eating raccoon's tongue is, in average, 9.5cm in length; it is elongated and with a less evident median sulcus. It presents lyssa, four pairs of vallate papillae in the root and one pair in the body, several fungiform and conical papillae in the body and root and less developed filiform papillae in the apex, mainly. Other three papillae pairs, taken as vallates, were observed in the lateral area of the tongue root. The crab-eating raccoon's tongue presents some anatomical aspects which are similar to the dog's, as the lyssa and the distribution of papilae, but foliates, which were not observed