19 research outputs found

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    Modeling Historically mHealth Care Environments

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    This article describes how mobile health (mHealth) has grown from infancy stage to toddler stage due to advances in the technology. It has the potential for further growth as it is low-cost health care. For its further growth, it is necessary to widen its scope. In this article, a proposal is presented to develop a new and advanced mHealth care system, and its first step that is modelling is reported. In modelling, historically, a model of a temporal object system (TOS) is used. The model empowers users of the proposed mHealth care system to define, retrieve and manipulate all objects historically, in a uniform fashion, and also to keep historically the changes that occur to the objects. Later, these historically stored objects can be consulted during making essential and crucial decisions about the patients (objects) and other objects of the system, and it can save both lives and money. Also, the stored objects can be used in the future planning and research