283 research outputs found

    Partial Deconfinement in Color Superconductivity

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    We analyze the fate of the unbroken SU(2) color gauge interactions for 2 light flavors color superconductivity at non zero temperature. Using a simple model we compute the deconfining/confining critical temperature and show that is smaller than the critical temperature for the onset of the superconductive state itself. The breaking of Lorentz invariance, induced already at zero temperature by the quark chemical potential, is shown to heavily affect the value of the critical temperature and all of the relevant features related to the deconfining transition. Modifying the Polyakov loop model to describe the SU(2) immersed in the diquark medium we argue that the deconfinement transition is second order. Having constructed part of the equation of state for the 2 color superconducting phase at low temperatures our results are relevant for the physics of compact objects featuring a two flavor color superconductive state.Comment: 9 pp, 4 eps-figs, version to appear in PR

    Polyakov Loops versus Hadronic States

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    The order parameter for the pure Yang-Mills phase transition is the Polyakov loop which encodes the symmetries of the Z_N center of the SU(N) gauge group. On the other side the physical degrees of freedom of any asymptotically free gauge theory are hadronic states. Using the Yang-Mills trace anomaly and the exact Z_N symmetry we construct a model able to communicate to the hadrons the information carried by the order parameter.Comment: RevTex4 2-col., 6 pages, 2 figures. Typos fixed and added a paragraph in the conclusion

    High-order density-matrix perturbation theory

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    We present a simple formalism for the calculation of the derivatives of the electronic density matrix at any order, within density functional theory. Our approach, contrary to previous ones, is not based on the perturbative expansion of the Kohn-Sham wavefunctions. It has the following advantages: (i) it allows a simple derivation for the expression for the high order derivatives of the density matrix; (ii) in extended insulators, the treatment of uniform-electric-field perturbations and of the polarization derivatives is straightforward.Comment: 4 page

    Bulk Universality and Related Properties of Hermitian Matrix Models

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    We give a new proof of universality properties in the bulk of spectrum of the hermitian matrix models, assuming that the potential that determines the model is globally C2C^{2} and locally C3C^{3} function (see Theorem \ref{t:U.t1}). The proof as our previous proof in \cite{Pa-Sh:97} is based on the orthogonal polynomial techniques but does not use asymptotics of orthogonal polynomials. Rather, we obtain the sinsin-kernel as a unique solution of a certain non-linear integro-differential equation that follows from the determinant formulas for the correlation functions of the model. We also give a simplified and strengthened version of paper \cite{BPS:95} on the existence and properties of the limiting Normalized Counting Measure of eigenvalues. We use these results in the proof of universality and we believe that they are of independent interest

    The finite-temperature chiral transition in QCD with adjoint fermions

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    We study the nature of the finite-temperature chiral transition in QCD with N_f light quarks in the adjoint representation (aQCD). Renormalization-group arguments show that the transition can be continuous if a stable fixed point exists in the renormalization-group flow of the corresponding three-dimensional Phi^4 theory with a complex 2N_f x 2N_f symmetric matrix field and symmetry-breaking pattern SU(2N_f)->SO(2N_f). This issue is investigated by exploiting two three-dimensional perturbative approaches, the massless minimal-subtraction scheme without epsilon expansion and a massive scheme in which correlation functions are renormalized at zero momentum. We compute the renormalization-group functions in the two schemes to five and six loops respectively, and determine their large-order behavior. The analyses of the series show the presence of a stable three-dimensional fixed point characterized by the symmetry-breaking pattern SU(4)->SO(4). This fixed point does not appear in an epsilon-expansion analysis and therefore does not exist close to four dimensions. The finite-temperature chiral transition in two-flavor aQCD can therefore be continuous; in this case its critical behavior is determined by this new SU(4)/SO(4) universality class. One-flavor aQCD may show a more complex phase diagram with two phase transitions. One of them, if continuous, should belong to the O(3) vector universality class.Comment: 36 page

    Decaying Dark Matter can explain the electron/positron excesses

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    PAMELA and ATIC recently reported excesses in e+ e- cosmic rays. Since the interpretation in terms of DM annihilations was found to be not easily compatible with constraints from photon observations, we consider the DM decay hypothesis and find that it can explain the e+ e- excesses compatibly with all constraints, and can be tested by dedicated HESS observations of the Galactic Ridge. ATIC data indicate a DM mass of about 2 TeV: this mass naturally implies the observed DM abundance relative to ordinary matter if DM is a quasi-stable composite particle with a baryon-like matter asymmetry. Technicolor naturally yields these type of candidates.Comment: 20 pages, 7 figure

    The 3-D O(4) universality class and the phase transition in two-flavor QCD

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    We determine the critical equation of state of the three-dimensional O(4) universality class. We first consider the small-field expansion of the effective potential (Helmholtz free energy). Then, we apply a systematic approximation scheme based on polynomial parametric representations that are valid in the whole critical regime, satisfy the correct analytic properties (Griffiths' analyticity), take into account the Goldstone singularities at the coexistence curve, and match the small-field expansion of the effective potential. From the approximate representations of the equation of state, we obtain estimates of several universal amplitude ratios. The three-dimensional O(4) universality class is expected to describe the finite-temperature chiral transition of quantum chromodynamics with two light flavors. Within this picture, the O(4) critical equation of state relates the reduced temperature, the quark masses, and the condensates around T_c in the limit of vanishing quark masses.Comment: 19 pages, 5 fig

    A Real-Space Full Multigrid study of the fragmentation of Li11+ clusters

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    We have studied the fragmentation of Li11+ clusters into the two experimentally observed products (Li9+,Li2) and (Li10+,Li) The ground state structures for the two fragmentation channels are found by Molecular Dynamics Simulated Annealing in the framework of Local Density Functional theory. Energetics considerations suggest that the fragmentation process is dominated by non-equilibrium processes. We use a real-space approach to solve the Kohn-Sham problem, where the Laplacian operator is discretized according to the Mehrstellen scheme, and take advantage of a Full MultiGrid (FMG) strategy to accelerate convergence. When applied to isolated clusters we find our FMG method to be more efficient than state-of-the-art plane wave calculations.Comment: 9 pages + 6 Figures (in gzipped tar file

    Low Energy Theory for 2 flavors at High Density QCD

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    We construct the effective Lagrangian describing the low energy excitations for Quantum Chromodynamics with two flavors at high density. The non-linear realization framework is employed to properly construct the low energy effective theory. The light degrees of freedom, as required by 't Hooft anomaly conditions, contain massless fermions which we properly include in the effective Lagrangian. We also provide a discussion of the linearly realized Lagrangian.Comment: 17 pages, RevTeX format, references added. To appear in Phys. Rev.

    On the Detection of a Scalar Stochastic Background of Gravitational Waves

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    In the near future we will witness the coming to a full operational regime of laser interferometers and resonant mass detectors of spherical shape. In this work we study the sensitivity of pairs of such gravitational wave detectors to a scalar stochastic background of gravitational waves. Our computations are carried out both for minimal and non minimal coupling of the scalar fields.Comment: 25 pages, 3 figure
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