8 research outputs found

    An extended theory of planned behavior intervention for older adults with type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular disease

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    A randomized controlled trial evaluated the effectiveness of a 4-wk extended theory of planned behavior (TPB) intervention to promote regular physical activity and healthy eating among older adults diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes or cardiovascular disease (N = 183). Participants completed TPB measures of attitude, subjective norm, perceived behavioral control, and intention, as well as planning and behavior, at preintervention and 1 wk and 6 wk postintervention for each behavior. No significant time-by-condition effects emerged for healthy eating. For physical activity, significant time-by-condition effects were found for behavior, intention, planning, perceived behavioral control, and subjective norm. In particular, compared with control participants, the intervention group showed short-term improvements in physical activity and planning, with further analyses indicating that the effect of the intervention on behavior was mediated by planning. The results indicate that TPB-based interventions including planning strategies may encourage physical activity among older people with diabetes and cardiovascular disease

    Cluster analysis

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    Trabajo de investigaciónSe desarrolló un Componente Web de Clustering para Análisis de Datos el cual permite ingresar mediante una interfaz web y/o una API un conjunto de datos que son analizados mediante técnicas de clustering, estas técnicas permiten realizar agrupamiento de datos basados en sus características, y así arrojar un resultado que relaciona dichos datos. Lo anterior, busca proveer a la Universidad de una herramienta que permita de manera general, práctica y gratuita, realizar análisis de datos basados en clustering para cualquier estudio de investigación.INTRODUCCIÓN 1. GENERALIDADES 2. OBJETIVOS DEL PROYECTO 3. MARCO REFERENCIAL 4. MARCO CONCEPTUAL 5. METODOLOGÍA 6. DESARROLLO DEL PROYECTO 7. RESULTADOS 8. CONCLUSIONES BIBLIOGRAFÍA ANEXOSPregradoIngeniero de Sistema