15 research outputs found

    An independently adjustable multiline AM mode-locked TEA CO2laser

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    A new method is described for constructing an AM mode-locked, multiline TEA CO2laser oscillator generating nanosecond pulses. The multiline behavior is achieved by spatial separation of the rotational transitions at the amplifying medium. The setup generates 1.15 ns pulses with an energy of 3.7 mJ per pulse and containing simultaneously six rotational transitions in the 10.6 µmP-branch

    Intramode and Fermi relaxation in CO2, their influence on multiple-pass, short-pulse energy extraction

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    Analytical, experimental and numerical results concerning the influence of intramode and Fermi relaxation on multiple-pass, nanosecond-pulse energy extraction are presented. Multiple-pass energy extraction experiments show satisfactory agreement with the analytical and numerical calculations which predict a significant increase in extracted energy. In three passes, an amount of 9.7 J/l was extracted at an efficiency of 4.3%, These values are taken with respect to the volume of the beam inside the amplifier. In a single pass only 3.5 J/l was extracted

    Small-Size Resonant Photoacoustic Cell of Inclined Geometry for Gas Detection

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    A photoacoustic cell intended for laser detection of trace gases is represented. The cell is adapted so as to enhance the gas-detection performance and, simultaneously, to reduce the cell size. The cell design provides an efficient cancellation of the window background (a parasite response due to absorption of laser beam in the cell windows) and acoustic isolation from the environment for an acoustic resonance of the cell. The useful photoacoustic response from a detected gas, window background and noise are analyzed in demonstration experiments as functions of the modulation frequency for a prototype cell with the internal volume ~ 0.5 cm^3. The minimal detectable absorption for the prototype is estimated to be ~ 1.2 10^{-8} cm^{-1} W Hz^{-1/2}.Comment: 11 pages, 5 figure