1,381 research outputs found

    Disseminated sulphide mineralisation at Garbh Achadh, Argyllshire, Scotland

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    A brief investigation of low-grade copper mineralisation associated with a small, talc-alkaline porphyry intrusion of Caledonian age is described. Geological mapping has delineated a small stock of biotite-feldspar 2 porphyry, 0.25 km in area, intruded into a sequence of Dalradian schists and quartzites with inter-bedded epidiorites. Disseminated sulphides occur within the porphyry and the hornfelsed epidiorite but do not normally , exceed 3% of the rock by volume. Assays of both rock types obtained maximum levels of 0.24% Cu. Hydrothermal alteration is prominent within the porphyry, with the widespread development of sericite and kaolinite. Subsequent faulting apparently exerted some control on the present limits of alteration and mineralisation. Several small strata-bound lenses of massive sulphide within the metasediments were recorded but were not investigated in detail. Geochemical rock-sampling delineated a strong arcuate copper anomaly over the northern epidiorite/porphyry contact and a more subdued anomaly along the southern faulted contact. Molybdenum shows a similar distribution but is more closely confined to the porphyry. Overburden sampling demonstrated that little or no metal dispersion occurred within the overlying till, and stream sediment sampling of the catchment area showed that concentrations of copper decrease to background levels within 1 km of the intrusion. 1 Induced polarisation (IP) surveys produced a clearly defined grouping of chargeability anomalies around the edges of the porphyry stock but these showed no increase in magnitude at depth. Above background chargeability values recorded over the centre of the intrusion increase markedly towards the margins , possibly reflecting a pyritic halo. Most resistivity 'lows' coincide with fault zones and the results of a total intensity magnetometer 1 survey showed that, while most magnetic anomalies occur over epidiorites, I significant anomalies are also produced in the vicinity of fault zones. The results of the geological, petrographic, geochemical and I geophysical studies demonstrate the presence of several features : characteristic of 'porphyry copper style' mineralisation but the small 1 surface area and low grade of the deposit, combined with a lack of encouraging geophysical responses at depth, suggest that there is little II chance of discovering an economic orebody by exploratory drilling

    Decoherence of entangled kaons and its connection to entanglement measures

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    We study the time evolution of the entangled kaon system by considering the Liouville - von Neumann equation with an additional term which allows for decoherence. We choose as generators of decoherence the projectors to the 2-particle eigenstates of the Hamiltonian. Then we compare this model with the data of the CPLEAR experiment and find in this way an upper bound on the strength λ\lambda of the decoherence. We also relate λ\lambda to an effective decoherence parameter ζ\zeta considered previously in literature. Finally we discuss our model in the light of different measures of entanglement, i.e. the von Neumann entropy SS, the entanglement of formation EE and the concurrence CC, and we relate the decoherence parameter ζ\zeta to the loss of entanglement: 1E1 - E.Comment: comments and references added, 18 pages, 1 figur

    Dissipation in a 2-dimensional Hilbert space: Various forms of complete positivity

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    We consider the time evolution of the density matrix ρ\rho in a 2-dimensional complex Hilbert space. We allow for dissipation by adding to the von Neumann equation a term D[ρ]D[\rho], which is of Lindblad type in order to assure complete positivity of the time evolution. We present five equivalent forms of D[ρ]D[\rho]. In particular, we connect the familiar dissipation matrix LL with a geometric version of D[ρ]D[\rho], where LL consists of a positive sum of projectors onto planes in R3\mathbf{R}^3. We also study the minimal number of Lindblad terms needed to describe the most general case of D[ρ]D[\rho]. All proofs are worked out comprehensively, as they present at the same time a practical procedure how to determine explicitly the different forms of D[ρ]D[\rho]. Finally, we perform a general discussion of the asymptotic behaviour tt \to \infty of the density matrix and we relate the two types of asymptotic behaviour with our geometric version of D[ρ]D[\rho].Comment: 11 pages, LaTeX, no figures. Further aspects of complete positivity worked out and references added; version accepted for publication in Phys. Lett.

    Colliders and Cosmology

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    Dark matter in variations of constrained minimal supersymmetric standard models will be discussed. Particular attention will be given to the comparison between accelerator and direct detection constraints.Comment: Submitted for the SUSY07 proceedings, 15 pages, LaTex, 26 eps figure

    A river model of space

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    Within the theory of general relativity gravitational phenomena are usually attributed to the curvature of four-dimensional spacetime. In this context we are often confronted with the question of how the concept of ordinary physical three-dimensional space fits into this picture. In this work we present a simple and intuitive model of space for both the Schwarzschild spacetime and the de Sitter spacetime in which physical space is defined as a specified set of freely moving reference particles. Using a combination of orthonormal basis fields and the usual formalism in a coordinate basis we calculate the physical velocity field of these reference particles. Thus we obtain a vivid description of space in which space behaves like a river flowing radially toward the singularity in the Schwarzschild spacetime and radially toward infinity in the de Sitter spacetime. We also consider the effect of the river of space upon light rays and material particles and show that the river model of space provides an intuitive explanation for the behavior of light and particles at and beyond the event horizons associated with these spacetimes.Comment: 22 pages, 5 figure

    Friedmann Robertson-Walker model in generalised metric space-time with weak anisotropy

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    A generalized model of space-time is given, taking into consideration the anisotropic structure of fields which are depended on the position and the direction (velocity).In this framework a generalized FRW-metric the Raychaudhouri and Friedmann equations are studied.A long range vector field of cosmological origin is considered in relation to the physical geometry of space-time in which Cartan connection has a fundamental role.The generalised Friedmann equations are produced including anisotropic terms.The variation of anisotropy ztz_t is expressed in terms of the Cartan torsion tensor of the Finslerian space-time.A possible estimation of the anisotropic parameter ztz_t can be achieved with the aid of the de-Sitter model of the empty flat universe with weak anisotropy. Finally a physical generalisation for the model of inflation is also studied.Comment: 21 pages- to appear in GR

    New laser technology to determine present weather parameters

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    Present weather sensors are becoming increasingly important as a means to augment networks of automated weather stations and extend the capability of manned observations. The classification of hydrometeors is one of the principal tasks that is addressed by present weather sensors. In this paper, we discuss a new laser-based technology for this purpose. The system improves upon current precipitation monitors by using a derivative of phase Doppler anemometry techniques to accurately determine particle speed and size. The instrument is also capable of distinguishing between liquid droplets and solid polycrystalline hydrometeors and can be used to estimate visibility. The incorporation of this technology into a meteorological station with other sensors, such as temperature and relative humidity probes, leads to the accurate classification of particle type. The example data shown are taken from tests in Leicestershire, England and Utah, USA and show the differences between solid and liquid precipitation events

    Gravitational field around a screwed superconducting cosmic string in scalar-tensor theories

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    We obtain the solution that corresponds to a screwed superconducting cosmic string (SSCS) in the framework of a general scalar-tensor theory including torsion. We investigate the metric of the SSCS in Brans-Dicke theory with torsion and analyze the case without torsion. We show that in the case with torsion the space-time background presents other properties different from that in which torsion is absent. When the spin vanish, this torsion is a ϕ\phi-gradient and then it propagates outside of the string. We investigate the effect of torsion on the gravitational force and on the geodesics of a test-particle moving around the SSCS. The accretion of matter by wakes formation when a SSCS moves with speed vv is investigated. We compare our results with those obtained for cosmic strings in the framework of scalar-tensor theory.Comment: 22 pages, LaTeX, presented at the "XXII - Encontro Nacional de Fisica de Particulas e Campos", Sao Lourenco, MG, Brazi

    Monte Carlo Methods for Rough Free Energy Landscapes: Population Annealing and Parallel Tempering

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    Parallel tempering and population annealing are both effective methods for simulating equilibrium systems with rough free energy landscapes. Parallel tempering, also known as replica exchange Monte Carlo, is a Markov chain Monte Carlo method while population annealing is a sequential Monte Carlo method. Both methods overcome the exponential slowing associated with high free energy barriers. The convergence properties and efficiency of the two methods are compared. For large systems, population annealing initially converges to equilibrium more rapidly than parallel tempering for the same amount of computational work. However, parallel tempering converges exponentially and population annealing inversely in the computational work so that ultimately parallel tempering approaches equilibrium more rapidly than population annealing.Comment: 10 pages, 3 figure

    On the distances between entangled pseudoscalar mesons states

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    Entangled states of pseudoscalar mesons represent a very interesting tool for studying foundations of quantum mechanics, e.g. for testing Bell inequalities. Recently, they also emerged as a test bench for quantum information protocols. On the other hand, from a quantum information point of view, the characterization of the distance between two quantum states is a topic of the utmost importance. In this letter, with the purpose of providing a useful tool for further investigations, we address the problem of which distance allows a better discrimination between density matrices appearing in pseudoscalar phenomenology