9 research outputs found
Renal Bone Disease in Peritoneal Dialysis
- Publication venue
- 'SAGE Publications'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Backscatter gauge description for inspection of neutron absorber content
- Publication venue
- 'Elsevier BV'
- Publication date
- Field of study
- Author
- Publication venue
- 'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
- Publication date
- 01/01/2007
- Field of study
Systematics of rotational bands withK=0 in odd-odd nuclei
- Author
- A. Bruder
- A.H. Wapstra
- C.J. Gallagher
- C.J. Orth
- D. Elmore
- D. Elmore
- E.B. Shera
- H. Frisk
- H.D. Jones
- H.D. Jones
- J. Godart
- J. Kern
- J. Tr�herne
- J. Valentin
- J.A. Pinston
- J.L. Barat
- J.P. Boisson
- K.S. Toth
- L. Bennour
- M.E. Bunker
- M.K. Balodis
- N.D. Newby
- P.E. Haustein
- P.G. Hansen
- R. Bengtsson
- R. Bengtsson
- R. Bengtsson
- R.A. Dewberry
- R.A. Dewberry
- R.A. Dewberry
- R.A. O'Neil
- R.G. Helmer
- R.G. Helmer
- R.H. Spear
- R.R. Chasman
- T. Egidy von
- T. Grotdal
- T.E. Ward
- V.A. Ionescu
- Z. Preibisz
- Publication venue
- 'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Nuclear levels in166Ho: Evidence for a large configuration mixing
- Author
- B. Nilsson
- C.M. Lederer
- E.R. Flynn
- E.R. Flynn
- G.J. Gallagher
- G.L. Struble
- G.L. Struble
- G.L. Struble
- H.D. Jones
- H.D. Jones
- H.T. Motz
- J.P. Boisson
- L.K. Wagner
- L.M. Bollinger
- M.T. Lu
- N.D. Newby Jr.
- R. Gunnick
- R.A. Dewberry
- R.K. Sheline
- Raymond A. Dewberry
- Raymond K. Sheline
- Robert G. Lanier
- Romedan Lasijo
- Y. Yamazaki
- Z. Preibiaz
- Publication venue
- 'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
- Publication date
- Field of study
- Author
- B. Singh
- C. Baglin
- C. Wheldon
- C.C. Dey
- C.M. Baglin
- C.M. Baglin
- D. Elmore
- D.G. Burke
- D.G. Burke
- E. Browne
- E. Browne
- E. Browne
- F. Girshick
- F.G. Kondev
- G.F. Grinyer
- K.T. Lesko
- M. Fujiwara
- M.M. Minor
- M.R. Beitin
- M.S. Basunia
- M.S. Basunia
- N. Klay
- N. Klay
- P. Petkov
- P.E. Garrett
- P.R. Gregory
- R.-D. Herzberg
- R.A. Dewberry
- R.A. O'Neil
- R.A. O'Neil
- S. Drissi
- S.-C. Wu
- S.D. Al-Garni
- T.R. McGoram
- Ts. Venkova
- V.A. Khitrov
- V.S. Shirley
- Publication venue
- 'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
- Publication date
- 01/01/2007
- Field of study
- Author
- Publication venue
- 'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
- Publication date
- 01/01/2007
- Field of study
- Author
- A.K. Jain
- B. Singh
- B. Singh
- C.M. Baglin
- C.M. Baglin
- C.M. Baglin
- E. Browne
- E.N. Shurshikov
- E.V. Vasilieva
- G. Lovhoiden
- H. Ryde
- H.C. Cheung
- H.D. Jones
- J.J. Kolata
- K. Becker
- M.A. Cardona
- M.S. Basunia
- N. Huxel
- R.A. Dewberry
- R.K. Sheline
- R.S. Chakrawarthy
- R.W. Goles
- R.W. Hoff
- S. Drissi
- S. Drissi
- S.G. Li
- V.S. Shirley
- V.S. Shirley
- V.S. Shirley
- V.S. Shirley
- W. Schauer
- X. Zhang
- Y.J. Ko
- Z. Preibisz
- Publication venue
- 'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
- Publication date
- 01/01/2007
- Field of study
Acute Aluminum Intoxication
- Author
- A. Brun
- A. Canteros
- A. James
- A. Lione
- A. Lione
- A. Nesse
- A. Slikkerveer
- A. Stragier
- A.A. Bakir
- A.B. Hodsman
- A.B. Morris
- A.B. Sedman
- A.B. Sedman
- A.B. Sedman
- A.B. Sedman
- A.C. Alfrey
- A.C. Alfrey
- A.C. Alfrey
- A.C. Alfrey
- A.C. Alfrey
- A.D. Cumming
- A.I.G. McLauglin
- A.I.K. Short
- A.J. Dwork
- A.J. Roskams
- A.M. Nadel
- Association for the Advancement of Medical Instrumentation
- B. Ghetti
- B. Solomon
- B.D. Douglas
- B.F. Boyce
- B.J. Farnell
- B.R. Martin
- C. Diaz-Corte
- C. Exley
- C. Exley
- C. Exley
- C. Leveque
- C. Torrecilla
- C. Wing
- C.A. Caramelo
- C.J. Frederickson
- C.M. Yates
- C.P. Murphy
- D. Julka
- D. Neill
- D.C. Ackley
- D.F. Geary
- D.J. Sherrard
- D.L. Andress
- D.N. Kerr
- D.O. Marsh
- D.P. Madison
- D.R. Bentley
- D.R. Crapper
- D.R. Rurwen
- D.R.C. McLachlan
- D.W. Margerum
- E. Coni
- E. Nathan
- E. Nieboer
- E. Nolte
- E. Reusche
- E. Reusche
- E. Reusche
- E. Reusche
- E. Reusche
- E. Reusche
- E. Reusche
- F. Kahlil-Manesh
- F. Vincenti
- F. Virgilio Di
- F.A. Wolff
- F.L. Dewberry
- F.L. Vyver Van de
- G. Geyer
- G. Granstrom
- G.A. Verpooten
- G.B. Voet Van der
- G.D. Fasman
- G.F. Landeghem Van
- G.F. Landeghem Van
- G.F. Lanheghem Van
- H. Jaqmin
- H. Shibasaki
- H.K. Stummvoll
- H.L. Elliott
- H.L. Skalsky
- H.L. Skalsky
- H.M. Wisniewski
- H.P. Schwarze
- H.W. Scherp
- I. Salusky
- I.B. Salusky
- J. Boelaert
- J. Hdez-Jaras
- J. Hughes
- J. Liprese
- J. Savory
- J. Savory
- J. Simoes
- J. Walton
- J.A. Edwardson
- J.A. Flendrig
- J.A. O’Hare
- J.A. Pennington
- J.B. Cannata
- J.B. Eastwood
- J.B. Sass
- J.C. Mion
- J.D. Barata
- J.F. Foncin
- J.H. Ball
- J.L. Calton
- J.L. Fernandez-Martin
- J.L. Renard
- J.L. Stauber
- J.M. Frazão
- J.P. Adhemar
- J.P. Day
- J.P. Masselot
- J.R. Connor
- J.R. Curtis
- J.R. Fernandez-Lorenzo
- J.T. Daugirdas
- K. Berend
- K. Berend
- K. Schaefer
- K.A. Faller
- K.A. Smans
- K.A. Winship
- K.P. Nordal
- K.R. Phelps
- L. Levesque
- L.I. Somova
- L.R. Kavoussi
- M. Brahm
- M. Cochran
- M. Favarrato
- M. Freundlich
- M. McGraw
- M. Nasiadek
- M. Perazella
- M. Takashi
- M. Touam
- M. Wilhelm
- M.A. Abou-Seif
- M.A. Morell
- M.D. Seear
- M.D. Winkelman
- M.E. Randall
- M.F. Ginkel Van
- M.F. Ginkel Van
- M.F. Ginkel Van
- M.F. Vecchierini-Blineau
- M.J. Janssen
- M.M. Platts
- M.R. Christoffersen
- M.R. Wills
- M.S. Sheikh
- M.T. Schreeder
- N. Hirono
- N. Siegel
- N.D. Delanty
- N.D. Priest
- N.D. Priest
- N.F. Olivieri
- N.J. Bishop
- National Secondary Drinking Water Regulations
- O. Bugiani
- O. Bugiani
- O. Bugiani
- P. Ackrill
- P. Altmann
- P. Altmann
- P. Hantson
- P. Hantson
- P. Jouhanneau
- P.B. Guthrie
- P.C. D’Haese
- P.C. D’Hease
- P.F. Zatta
- P.J. Lusardi
- P.O. Ganrot
- P.Q. Trombley
- R. Deloncle
- R. Deloncle
- R. Flarend
- R. Flarend
- R. Shen
- R.A. Molitoris
- R.A. Yokel
- R.A. Yokel
- R.A. Yokel
- R.A. Yokel
- R.A. Yokel
- R.A. Yokel
- R.A. Yokel
- R.B. Martin
- R.B. Martin
- R.G. Miller
- R.J. Royer
- R.J. Wulf
- R.M. Freeman
- S. Anthone
- S. Franceschetti
- S. Mahieu
- S. Moeschlin
- S. Sideman
- S.A. Barnard
- S.J. Lee
- S.J. Rensburg Van
- S.M. Antonov
- S.N. Levine
- S.P. Andreoli
- T. Drueke
- T. Ganchev
- T.B. Driieke
- T.B. Drueke
- T.C. Marrs
- T.N. Mcmillan
- T.P. Flaten
- U. Boni De
- V. Riihimaki
- V.S. Kanwar
- V.V. Rozas
- V.V. Rozas
- W. Spehr
- W.A. Banks
- W.A. Banks
- W.B. Shapiro
- W.B. Shapiro
- W.D. Kaehny
- W.G. Douthat
- W.G. Goodman
- W.J. Lukiw
- W.J. Lukiw
- W.R. Griswold
- W.R. Harris
- Y. Bentur
- Y. Berland
- Y. Huang
- Z.M. Xie
- Publication venue
- 'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
- Publication date
- Field of study