531 research outputs found

    The Infrared Surface Brightness Fluctuation Distances to the Hydra and Coma Clusters

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    We present IR surface brightness fluctuation (SBF) distance measurements to NGC 4889 in the Coma cluster and to NGC 3309 and NGC 3311 in the Hydra cluster. We explicitly corrected for the contributions to the fluctuations from globular clusters, background galaxies, and residual background variance. We measured a distance of 85 +/- 10 Mpc to NGC 4889 and a distance of 46 +/- 5 Mpc to the Hydra cluster. Adopting recession velocities of 7186 +/- 428 km/s for Coma and 4054 +/- 296 km/s for Hydra gives a mean Hubble constant of H_0 = 87 +/- 11 km/s/Mpc. Corrections for residual variances were a significant fraction of the SBF signal measured, and, if underestimated, would bias our measurement towards smaller distances and larger values of H_0. Both NICMOS on the Hubble Space Telescope and large-aperture ground-based telescopes with new IR detectors will make accurate SBF distance measurements possible to 100 Mpc and beyond.Comment: 24 pages, 4 PostScript figures, 2 JPEG images; accepted for publication in Ap

    Newly Discovered RR Lyrae Stars in the SDSSXPanXSTARRS1XCatalina Footprint

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    We present the detection of 6,371 RR Lyrae (RRL) stars distributed across ~14,000 deg^2 of the sky from the combined data of the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS), the Panoramic Survey Telescope and Rapid Response System 1 (PS1), and the second photometric catalogue from the Catalina Survey (CSDR2), out of these, ~2,021 RRL stars (~572 RRab and 1,449 RRc) are new discoveries. The RRL stars have heliocentric distances in the 4--28 kpc distance range. RRL-like color cuts from the SDSS and variability cuts from the PS1 are used to cull our candidate list. We then use the CSDR2 multi-epoch data to refine our sample. Periods were measured using the Analysis of Variance technique while the classification process is performed with the Template Fitting Method in addition to the visual inspection of the light curves. A cross-match of our RRL star discoveries with previous published catalogs of RRL stars yield completeness levels of ~50% for both RRab and RRc stars, and an efficiency of ~99% and ~87% for RRab and RRc stars, respectively. We show that our method for selecting RRL stars allows us to recover halo structures. The full lists of all the RRL stars are made publicly available.Comment: 14 pages, 11 figures. Accepted 2014 March 30. Received 2014 March 12; in original form 2013 November 2

    A multiwavelength radial velocity search for planets around the brown dwarf LP 944-20

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    The nearby brown dwarf LP 944-20 has been monitored for radial velocity variability at optical and near-infrared wavelengths using the VLT/UVES and the Keck/NIRSPEC spectrographs, respectively. The UVES radial velocity data obtained over 14 nights spanning a baseline of 841 days shows significant variability with an amplitude of 3.5 km s−1^{-1}. The periodogram analysis of the UVES data indicates a possible period between 2.5 hours and 3.7 hours, which is likely due to the rotation of the brown dwarf. However, the NIRSPEC data obtained over 6 nights shows an rms dispersion of only 0.36 km s−1^{-1} and do not follow the periodic trend. These results indicate that the variability seen with UVES is likely to be due to rotationally modulated inhomogeneous surface features. We suggest that future planet searches around very low-mass stars and brown dwarfs using radial velocities will be better conducted in the near-infrared than in the optical.Comment: accepted by ApJ Letter

    The Ursa Major Cluster of Galaxies; 1, Cluster Definition and Photometric Data

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    The Ursa Major Cluster has received remarkably little attention, although it is as near as the Virgo Cluster and contains a comparable number of HI-rich galaxies. In this paper, criteria for group membership are discussed and data are presented for 79 galaxies identified with the group. Of these, all 79 have been imaged at B,R,I bands with CCDs, 70 have been imaged at K' with a HgCdTe array detector, and 70 have been detected in the HI 21cm line. A complete sample of 62 galaxies brighter than M(B)=-16.5 is identified. Images and gradients in surface brightness and color are presented at a common linear scale. As has been seen previously, the galaxies with the reddest global colors are reddest at the centers and get bluer at large radii. However, curiously, among the galaxies with the bluest global colors there are systems with very blue cores that get redder at large radii

    The Pan-STARRS1 Photometric System

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    The Pan-STARRS1 survey is collecting multi-epoch, multi-color observations of the sky north of declination -30 deg to unprecedented depths. These data are being photometrically and astrometrically calibrated and will serve as a reference for many other purposes. In this paper we present our determination of the Pan-STARRS photometric system: gp1, rp1, ip1, zp1, yp1, and wp1. The Pan-STARRS photometric system is fundamentally based on the HST Calspec spectrophotometric observations, which in turn are fundamentally based on models of white dwarf atmospheres. We define the Pan-STARRS magnitude system, and describe in detail our measurement of the system passbands, including both the instrumental sensitivity and atmospheric transmission functions. Byproducts, including transformations to other photometric systems, galactic extinction, and stellar locus are also provided. We close with a discussion of remaining systematic errors.Comment: 39 pages, 9 figures, machine readable table of bandpasses, accepted for publication in Ap

    Space Velocities of L- and T-type Dwarfs

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    (Abridged) We have obtained radial velocities of a sample of 18 ultracool dwarfs (M6.5-T8) using high-resolution, near-infrared spectra obtained with NIRSPEC and the Keck II telescope. We have confirmed that the radial velocity of Gl 570 D is coincident with that of the K-type primary star Gl 570 A, thus providing additional support for their true companionship. The presence of planetary-mass companions around 2MASS J05591914-1404488 (T4.5V) has been analyzed using five NIRSPEC radial velocity measurements obtained over a period of 4.37 yr. We have computed UVW space motions for a total of 21 L and T dwarfs within 20 pc of the Sun. This population shows UVW velocities that nicely overlap the typical kinematics of solar to M-type stars within the same spatial volume. However, the mean Galactic (44.2 km/s) and tangential (36.5 km/s) velocities of the L and T dwarfs appear to be smaller than those of G to M stars. A significant fraction (~40%) of the L and T dwarfs lies near the Hyades moving group (0.4-2 Gyr), which contrasts with the 10-12% found for earlier-type stellar neighbors. Additionally, the distributions of all three UVW components (sigma_{UVW} = 30.2, 16.5, 15.8 km/s) and the distributions of the total Galactic (sigma_{v_tot} = 19.1 km/s) and tangential (sigma_{v_t} = 17.6 km/s) velocities derived for the L and T dwarf sample are narrower than those measured for nearby G, K, and M-type stars, but similar to the dispersions obtained for F stars. This suggests that, in the solar neighborhood, the L- and T-type ultracool dwarfs in our sample (including brown dwarfs) is kinematically younger than solar-type to early M stars with likely ages in the interval 0.5-4 Gyr.Comment: Accepted for publication in Ap
