2,306 research outputs found

    On Simulating Liouvillian Flow From Quantum Mechanics Via Wigner Functions

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    The interconnection between quantum mechanics and probabilistic classical mechanics for a free relativistic particle is derived in terms of Wigner functions (WF) for both Dirac and Klein-Gordon (K-G) equations. Construction of WF is achieved by first defining a bilocal 4-current and then taking its Fourier transform w.r.t. the relative 4-coordinate. The K-G and Proca cases also lend themselves to a closely parallel treatment provided the Kemmer- Duffin beta-matrix formalism is employed for the former. Calculation of WF is carried out in a Lorentz-covariant fashion by standard `trace' techniques. The results are compared with a recent derivation due to Bosanac.Comment: 9 pages, Latex; email: [email protected]

    Noncommutative Gauge Theory on the q-Deformed Euclidean Plane

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    In this talk we recall some concepts of Noncommutative Gauge Theories. In particular, we discuss the q-deformed two-dimensional Euclidean Plane which is covariant with respect to the q-deformed Euclidean group. A Seiberg-Witten map is constructed to express noncommutative fields in terms of their commutative counterparts.Comment: 5 pages; Talk given by Frank Meyer at the 9th Adriatic Meeting, September 4th-14th, 2003, Dubrovni

    Quantum Master Equation of Particle in Gas Environment

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    The evolution of the reduced density operator ρ\rho of Brownian particle is discussed in single collision approach valid typically in low density gas environments. This is the first succesful derivation of quantum friction caused by {\it local} environmental interactions. We derive a Lindblad master equation for ρ\rho, whose generators are calculated from differential cross section of a single collision between Brownian and gas particles, respectively. The existence of thermal equilibrium for ρ\rho is proved. Master equations proposed earlier are shown to be particular cases of our one.Comment: 6 pages PlainTeX, 23-March-199

    Vacuum polarization induced by a uniformly accelerated charge

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    We consider a point charge fixed in the Rindler coordinates which describe a uniformly accelerated frame. We determine an integral expression of the induced charge density due to the vacuum polarization at the first order in the fine structure constant. In the case where the acceleration is weak, we give explicitly the induced electrostatic potential.Comment: 13 pages, latex, no figures, to appear in Int. J. Theor. Phys

    Lukewarm black holes in quadratic gravity

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    Perturbative solutions to the fourth-order gravity describing spherically-symmetric, static and electrically charged black hole in an asymptotically de Sitter universe is constructed and discussed. Special emphasis is put on the lukewarm configurations, in which the temperature of the event horizon equals the temperature of the cosmological horizon

    Interference in Bohmian Mechanics with Complex Action

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    In recent years, intensive effort has gone into developing numerical tools for exact quantum mechanical calculations that are based on Bohmian mechanics. As part of this effort we have recently developed as alternative formulation of Bohmian mechanics in which the quantum action, S, is taken to be complex [JCP {125}, 231103 (2006)]. In the alternative formulation there is a significant reduction in the magnitude of the quantum force as compared with the conventional Bohmian formulation, at the price of propagating complex trajectories. In this paper we show that Bohmian mechanics with complex action is able to overcome the main computational limitation of conventional Bohmian methods -- the propagation of wavefunctions once nodes set in. In the vicinity of nodes, the quantum force in conventional Bohmian formulations exhibits rapid oscillations that pose severe difficulties for existing numerical schemes. We show that within complex Bohmian mechanics, multiple complex initial conditions can lead to the same real final position, allowing for the description of nodes as a sum of the contribution from two or more crossing trajectories. The idea is illustrated on the reflection amplitude from a one-dimensional Eckart barrier. We believe that trajectory crossing, although in contradiction to the conventional Bohmian trajectory interpretation, provides an important new tool for dealing with the nodal problem in Bohmian methods

    Determining a quantum state by means of a single apparatus

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    The unknown state \hrho of a quantum system S is determined by letting it interact with an auxiliary system A, the initial state of which is known. A one-to-one mapping can thus be realized between the density matrix \hrho and the probabilities of occurrence of the eigenvalues of a single and factorized observable of S+A, so that \hrho can be determined by repeated measurements using a single apparatus. If S and A are spins, it suffices to measure simultaneously their zz-components after a controlled interaction. The most robust setups are determined in this case, for an initially pure or a completely disordered state of A. They involve an Ising or anisotropic Heisenberg coupling and an external field.Comment: 5 pages revte

    Melting of hexagonal skyrmion states in chiral magnets

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    Skyrmions are spiral structures observed in thin films of certain magnetic materials (Uchida et al 2006 Science 311 359–61). Of the phases allowed by the crystalline symmetries of these materials (Yi et al 2009 Phys. Rev. B 80 054416), only the hexagonally packed phases (SCh) have been observed. Here the melting of the SCh phase is investigated using Monte Carlo simulations. In addition to the usual measure of skyrmion density, chiral charge, a morphological measure is considered. In doing so it is shown that the low-temperature reduction in chiral charge is associated with a change in skyrmion profiles rather than skyrmion destruction. At higher temperatures, the loss of six-fold symmetry is associated with the appearance of elongated skyrmions that disrupt the hexagonal packing

    Quantum Macrostates, Equivalence of Ensembles and an H-Theorem

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    Before the thermodynamic limit, macroscopic averages need not commute for a quantum system. As a consequence, aspects of macroscopic fluctuations or of constrained equilibrium require a careful analysis, when dealing with several observables. We propose an implementation of ideas that go back to John von Neumann's writing about the macroscopic measurement. We apply our scheme to the relation between macroscopic autonomy and an H-theorem, and to the problem of equivalence of ensembles. In particular, we show how the latter is related to the asymptotic equipartition theorem. The main point of departure is an expression of a law of large numbers for a sequence of states that start to concentrate, as the size of the system gets larger, on the macroscopic values for the different macroscopic observables. Deviations from that law are governed by the entropy.Comment: 16 pages; v1 -> v2: Sec. 3 slightly rewritten, 2 references adde

    The QCD string and the generalised wave equation

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    The equation for QCD string proposed earlier is reviewed. This equation appears when we examine the gonihedric string model and the corresponding transfer matrix. Arguing that string equation should have a generalized Dirac form we found the corresponding infinite-dimensional gamma matrices as a symmetric solution of the Majorana commutation relations. The generalized gamma matrices are anticommuting and guarantee unitarity of the theory at all orders of v/cv/c. In the second quantized form the equation does not have unwanted ghost states in Fock space. In the absence of Casimir mass terms the spectrum reminds hydrogen exitations. On every mass level r=2,4,..r=2,4,.. there are different charged particles with spin running from j=1/2j=1/2 up to jmax=r−1/2j_{max}=r-1/2, and the degeneracy is equal to dr=2r−1=2jmaxd_{r}=2r-1 = 2j_{max}. This is in contrast with the exponential degeneracy in superstring theory.Comment: 11 pages LaTeX, uses lamuphys.sty and bibnorm.sty,; Based on talks given at the 6th Hellenic School and Workshop on Elementary Particle Physics, Corfu, Greece, September 19-26, 1998 and at the International Workshop "ISMP", Tbilisi, Georgia, September 12-18, 199
