6,406 research outputs found

    Maximal closed subroot systems of real affine root systems

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    We completely classify and give explicit descriptions of the maximal closed subroot systems of real affine root systems. As an application we describe a procedure to get the classification of all regular subalgebras of affine Kac Moody algebras in terms of their root systems

    Twisted Demazure modules, fusion product decomposition and twisted Q--systems

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    In this paper, we introduce a family of indecomposable finite-dimensional graded modules for the twisted current algebras. These modules are indexed by an R+|R^+|-tuple of partitions \bxi=(\xi^{\alpha})_{\alpha\in R^+} satisfying a natural compatibility condition. We give three equivalent presentations of these modules and show that for a particular choice of \bxi these modules become isomorphic to Demazure modules in various levels for the twisted affine algebras. As a consequence we see that the defining relations of twisted Demazure modules can be greatly simplified. Furthermore, we investigate the notion of fusion products for twisted modules, first defined in \cite{FL99} for untwisted modules, and use the simplified presentation to prove a fusion product decomposition of twisted Demazure modules. As a consequence we prove that twisted Demazure modules can be obtained by taking the associated graded modules of (untwisted) Demazure modules for simply-laced affine algebras. Furthermore we give a semi-infinite fusion product construction for the irreducible representations of twisted affine algebras. Finally, we prove that the twisted QQ-sytem defined in \cite{HKOTT02} extends to a non-canonical short exact sequence of fusion products of twisted Demazure modules

    Borel-de Siebenthal theory for affine reflection systems

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    We develop a Borel-de Siebenthal theory for affine reflection systems by classifying their maximal closed subroot systems. Affine reflection systems (introduced by Loos and Neher) provide a unifying framework for root systems of finite-dimensional semi-simple Lie algebras, affine and toroidal Lie algebras, and extended affine Lie algebras. In the special case of nullity kk toroidal Lie algebras, we obtain a one-to-one correspondence between maximal closed subroot systems with full gradient and triples (q,(bi),H)(q,(b_i),H), where qq is a prime number, (bi)(b_i) is a nn-tuple of integers in the interval [0,q1][0,q-1] and HH is a (k×k)(k\times k) Hermite normal form matrix with determinant qq. This generalizes the k=1k=1 result of Dyer and Lehrer in the setting of affine Lie algebras