7 research outputs found

    The Prototype of Software System of Neural Network Control of Telemetry Data

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    This paper describes a prototype of software system of neural network control of telemetry data for malfunction diagnosis of spacecraft subsystems. The prototype is used for testing of intelligent technologies for processing information about a spacecraft subsystems state, prediction and detection of irregularities of the spacecraft subsystem modes. The Information obtained from on-board data sources on space communication channel is used for processing

    Based on Perceptron Object Classification Algorithms for Processing of Agricultural Field Images

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    Neural network algorithms of object classification are considered in the paper applying to disease area recognition of agricultural field images. The images are presented as reduced normalized histograms. The classification is carried out for RGB-and HSV-space by using of a multilayer perceptron

    Identification of Tinomiscium petiolare from Vietnam using the DNA barcode

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    Background. Tinomiscium petiolare Hook.f. & Thomson is a medicinal species of the family Menispermaceae. This species is currently being intensively exploited for therapeutic purposes. Precise and rapid identification of T. petiolare is critical and essential for the classification, propagation, use and conservation of its genetic resources. In recent years, DNA barcoding has been known to be a fast and sensitive method for identifying species at any stage of development, using short DNA sequences. In this study we have performed the identification of T. petiolare specimens in Vietnam based on the sequence analysis of 4 DNA barcode loci: ITS, matK, rbcL and rpoC.Materials and methods. Total DNA was extracted from leaf samples using DNeasy Plant Mini Kit. PCR amplification of the ITS, matK, rbcL and rpoC regions was carried out on the GeneAmp PCR System 9700 with specific primers. The purified PCR products were sequenced on the ABI 3500 Genetic Analyzer system, using BigDye®Terminator v3.1 Cycle Sequencing Kit. These genetic sequences were analyzed and compared, and a phylogenetic tree was constructed using BioEdit, BLAST, and MEGA 6 programs.Results and conclusion. The success rate of amplification and sequencing was 100% for all 4 DNA barcode loci (ITS, matK, rbcL and rpoC) in the studied specimens. The produced sequence sizes of ITS, matK, rbcL and rpoC in the specimens were 574 bp, 810 bp, 527 bp and 488 bp, respectively. Further, we identified that all studied specimens were genetically related to each other and associated with the same species T. petiolare. Overall, the results of the study generated the most complete DNA barcode database of T. petiolare collected in Vietnam, contributing to the taxonomy and identification of this species

    Detection of diseased areas on agricultural fields using histograms

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    In this paper the algorithms for detection of diseased areas on farm fields are proposed. These algorithms are based on the analysis of histograms and textural contrast features of high-resolution pictures making use of the multilayer perceptron for classification of the areas of images in three classes: healthy vegetation, diseased vegetation and soil

    Multi-agent parallel implementation of VLSI CAD procedures

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    The integrated framework for parallel processing of data describing integrated circuits layouts that based on a graphoriented parallel algorithm representation is represented. A parallel program is developed from single computational units (grains) in specialized visual editor. This visual schema is translated into XML form that is interpreted by multi agent runtime system, based on a MPI library. The runtime system realizes a dynamic optimization of parallel computations with the algorithm of virtual associative network. The proposed tools are well suited for rapid development, analysis and execution of parallel algorithms with adaptation to specific cluster architecture

    Based on Perceptron Object Classification Algorithms for Processing of Agricultural Field Images

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    Neural network algorithms of object classification are considered in the paper applying to disease area recognition of agricultural field images. The images are presented as reduced normalized histograms. The classification is carried out for RGB-and HSV-space by using of a multilayer perceptron

    The Prototype of Software System of Neural Network Control of Telemetry Data

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    This paper describes a prototype of software system of neural network control of telemetry data for malfunction diagnosis of spacecraft subsystems. The prototype is used for testing of intelligent technologies for processing information about a spacecraft subsystems state, prediction and detection of irregularities of the spacecraft subsystem modes. The Information obtained from on-board data sources on space communication channel is used for processing