5,030 research outputs found

    Testing Scalar-Tensor Gravity Using Space Gravitational-Wave Interferometers

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    We calculate the bounds which could be placed on scalar-tensor theories of gravity of the Jordan, Fierz, Brans and Dicke type by measurements of gravitational waveforms from neutron stars (NS) spiralling into massive black holes (MBH) using LISA, the proposed space laser interferometric observatory. Such observations may yield significantly more stringent bounds on the Brans-Dicke coupling parameter \omega than are achievable from solar system or binary pulsar measurements. For NS-MBH inspirals, dipole gravitational radiation modifies the inspiral and generates an additional contribution to the phase evolution of the emitted gravitational waveform. Bounds on \omega can therefore be found by using the technique of matched filtering. We compute the Fisher information matrix for a waveform accurate to second post-Newtonian order, including the effect of dipole radiation, filtered using a currently modeled noise curve for LISA, and determine the bounds on \omega for several different NS-MBH canonical systems. For example, observations of a 1.4 solar mass NS inspiralling to a 1000 solar mass MBH with a signal-to-noise ratio of 10 could yield a bound of \omega > 240,000, substantially greater than the current experimental bound of \omega > 3000.Comment: 18 pages, 4 figures, 1 table; to be submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Flood Insurance Demand along the Gulf and Florida Coast

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    The objective of this research is to identify factors that influence both the decision (yes or no) and level of flood insurance among coastal homeowners in the southeast U.S. Recently flood damage has dramatically increased (Flood), and Crossett et al. (2004) report that coastal populations are growing. And in spite of rising costs of living in coastal areas, people are willing to pay more for access to ocean views and other natural amenities associated with coastal living (Bin and Kruse, 2006). Although the federal government provides flood insurance programs and encourages at-risk residents to insure their property from flood, rates of uptake remain low (Burby, 2001; Kunreuther, 2006; Landry and Jahan-Parvar, 2009). The National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) was created to provide often subsidized premiums to cover losses which private insurance markets failed to offer. However, as Kunreuther et al.(1978) argue, many people do not bother to prepare, and have a low willingness to pay for coverage, even if subsidized (Kunreuther 1996). However, of those who have previously experienced flooding, they tend to insure their properties more (McClelland, Schulze, and Coursey 1993). Based on previous literature, we identified key factors to establish testable hypotheses regarding effect on flood insurance demand. These include: income, previous flood experience, the presence of a mortgage, home location (both flood zone status and distance from the shore), participation in CRS, the distance from the coast, the house construction year as well as measures of respondent risk preferences and perceptions. Data on flood coverage level and the above explanatory variables were obtained via revealed-preference online survey method, contracted through Knowledge Networks (KN) during August-September 2010. We chose to contract with KN for several reasons. First, they are, to our knowledge, the only survey firm that can legitimately say they have a true probability based sample for an online survey because they recruit by phone and/or mail (randomly selected using random-digit dialing (RDD) or by using address-based sampling); additionally they provide internet access to households that do not have it. KN was also contracted to overcome the typical of low response rate when surveying the general public. KN uses an online panel (called the “Knowledge Panel”). KN Panel members that were homeowners were sampled from 95 counties in Gulf Coast and Florida Atlantic Coast counties in AL, FL, LA, MS, and TX, with an 47% response rate (720 observations), with 67% from FL, 24% from TX, 5% from LA, and 4% collectively from AL and MS. As expected, insurance purchase is positively affected by the individual’s risk perception, their risk preference, whether or not they have a mortgage, flood zone residence, their income, CRS, previous flood experience, and the year of construction of house. Coefficients of mortgage and risk perception, income, flood zone are significant at 0.05 the level. Additionally, the coefficient of distance from the coast is only significant at the 0.1 level.Flood Insurance, Risk, Insurance Demand, Environmental Economics and Policy, Risk and Uncertainty,

    Parametrized tests of post-Newtonian theory using Advanced LIGO and Einstein Telescope

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    General relativity has very specific predictions for the gravitational waveforms from inspiralling compact binaries obtained using the post-Newtonian (PN) approximation. We investigate the extent to which the measurement of the PN coefficients, possible with the second generation gravitationalwave detectors such as the Advanced Laser Interferometer Gravitational-Wave Observatory (LIGO) and the third generation gravitational-wave detectors such as the Einstein Telescope (ET), could be used to test post-Newtonian theory and to put bounds on a subclass of parametrized-post-Einstein theories which differ from general relativity in a parametrized sense. We demonstrate this possibility by employing the best inspiralling waveform model for nonspinning compact binaries which is 3.5PN accurate in phase and 3PN in amplitude. Within the class of theories considered, Advanced LIGO can test the theory at 1.5PN and thus the leading tail term. Future observations of stellar mass black hole binaries by ET can test the consistency between the various PN coefficients in the gravitational-wave phasing over the mass range of 11-44 Msun. The choice of the lower frequency cut off is important for testing post-Newtonian theory using the ET. The bias in the test arising from the assumption of nonspinning binaries is indicated.Comment: 18 pages, 11 figures, Matches with the published versio

    Gravitational-wave versus binary-pulsar tests of strong-field gravity

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    Binary systems comprising at least one neutron star contain strong gravitational field regions and thereby provide a testing ground for strong-field gravity. Two types of data can be used to test the law of gravity in compact binaries: binary pulsar observations, or forthcoming gravitational-wave observations of inspiralling binaries. We compare the probing power of these two types of observations within a generic two-parameter family of tensor-scalar gravitational theories. Our analysis generalizes previous work (by us) on binary-pulsar tests by using a sample of realistic equations of state for nuclear matter (instead of a polytrope), and goes beyond a previous study (by C.M. Will) of gravitational-wave tests by considering more general tensor-scalar theories than the one-parameter Jordan-Fierz-Brans-Dicke one. Finite-size effects in tensor-scalar gravity are also discussed.Comment: 23 pages, REVTeX 3.0, uses epsf.tex to include 5 postscript figures (2 paragraphs and a 5th figure added at the end of section IV + minor changes

    Testing gravity to second post-Newtonian order: a field-theory approach

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    A new, field-theory-based framework for discussing and interpreting tests of gravity, notably at the second post-Newtonian (2PN) level, is introduced. Contrary to previous frameworks which attempted at parametrizing any conceivable deviation from general relativity, we focus on the best motivated class of models, in which gravity is mediated by a tensor field together with one or several scalar fields. The 2PN approximation of these "tensor-multi-scalar" theories is obtained thanks to a diagrammatic expansion which allows us to compute the Lagrangian describing the motion of N bodies. In contrast with previous studies which had to introduce many phenomenological parameters, we find that the 2PN deviations from general relativity can be fully described by only two new 2PN parameters, epsilon and zeta, beyond the usual (Eddington) 1PN parameters beta and gamma. It follows from the basic tenets of field theory, notably the absence of negative-energy excitations, that (beta-1), epsilon and zeta (as well as any new parameter entering higher post-Newtonian orders) must tend to zero with (gamma-1). It is also found that epsilon and zeta do not enter the 2PN equations of motion of light. Therefore, light-deflection or time-delay experiments cannot probe any theoretically motivated 2PN deviation from general relativity, but they can give a clean access to (gamma-1), which is of greatest significance as it measures the basic coupling strength of matter to the scalar fields. Because of the importance of self-gravity effects in neutron stars, binary-pulsar experiments are found to constitute a unique testing ground for the 2PN structure of gravity. A simplified analysis of four binary pulsars already leads to significant constraints: |epsilon| < 7x10^-2, |zeta| < 6x10^-3.Comment: 63 pages, 11 figures.ps.tar.gz.uu, REVTeX 3.

    Generation of scalar-tensor gravity effects in equilibrium state boson stars

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    Boson stars in zero-, one-, and two-node equilibrium states are modeled numerically within the framework of Scalar-Tensor Gravity. The complex scalar field is taken to be both massive and self-interacting. Configurations are formed in the case of a linear gravitational scalar coupling (the Brans-Dicke case) and a quadratic coupling which has been used previously in a cosmological context. The coupling parameters and asymptotic value for the gravitational scalar field are chosen so that the known observational constraints on Scalar-Tensor Gravity are satisfied. It is found that the constraints are so restrictive that the field equations of General Relativity and Scalar-Tensor gravity yield virtually identical solutions. We then use catastrophe theory to determine the dynamically stable configurations. It is found that the maximum mass allowed for a stable state in Scalar-Tensor gravity in the present cosmological era is essentially unchanged from that of General Relativity. We also construct boson star configurations appropriate to earlier cosmological eras and find that the maximum mass for stable states is smaller than that predicted by General Relativity, and the more so for earlier eras. However, our results also show that if the cosmological era is early enough then only states with positive binding energy can be constructed.Comment: 20 pages, RevTeX, 11 figures, to appear in Class. Quantum Grav., comments added, refs update

    Gravitational radiation in d>4 from effective field theory

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    Some years ago, a new powerful technique, known as the Classical Effective Field Theory, was proposed to describe classical phenomena in gravitational systems. Here we show how this approach can be useful to investigate theoretically important issues, such as gravitational radiation in any spacetime dimension. In particular, we derive for the first time the Einstein-Infeld-Hoffman Lagrangian and we compute Einstein's quadrupole formula for any number of flat spacetime dimensions.Comment: 32 pages, 10 figures. v2: Factor in eq. (3.11) fixed. References adde

    Gravitational Waves in Brans-Dicke Theory : Analysis by Test Particles around a Kerr Black Hole

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    Analyzing test particles falling into a Kerr black hole, we study gravitational waves in Brans-Dicke theory of gravity. First we consider a test particle plunging with a constant azimuthal angle into a rotating black hole and calculate the waveform and emitted energy of both scalar and tensor modes of gravitational radiation. We find that the waveform as well as the energy of the scalar gravitational waves weakly depends on the rotation parameter of black hole aa and on the azimuthal angle. Secondly, using a model of a non-spherical dust shell of test particles falling into a Kerr black hole, we study when the scalar modes dominate. When a black hole is rotating, the tensor modes do not vanish even for a ``spherically symmetric" shell, instead a slightly oblate shell minimizes their energy but with non-zero finite value, which depends on Kerr parameter aa. As a result, we find that the scalar modes dominate only for highly spherical collapse, but they never exceed the tensor modes unless the Brans-Dicke parameter \omega_{BD} \lsim 750 for a/M=0.99a/M=0.99 or unless \omega_{BD} \lsim 20,000 for a/M=0.5a/M=0.5, where MM is mass of black hole. We conclude that the scalar gravitational waves with \omega_{BD} \lsim several thousands do not dominate except for very limited situations (observation from the face-on direction of a test particle falling into a Schwarzschild black hole or highly spherical dust shell collapse into a Kerr black hole). Therefore observation of polarization is also required when we determine the theory of gravity by the observation of gravitational waves.Comment: 24 pages, revtex, 18 figures are attached with ps file

    Theoretical Aspects of the Equivalence Principle

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    We review several theoretical aspects of the Equivalence Principle (EP). We emphasize the unsatisfactory fact that the EP maintains the absolute character of the coupling constants of physics while General Relativity, and its generalizations (Kaluza-Klein,..., String Theory), suggest that all absolute structures should be replaced by dynamical entities. We discuss the EP-violation phenomenology of dilaton-like models, which is likely to be dominated by the linear superposition of two effects: a signal proportional to the nuclear Coulomb energy, related to the variation of the fine-structure constant, and a signal proportional to the surface nuclear binding energy, related to the variation of the light quark masses. We recall the various theoretical arguments (including a recently proposed anthropic argument) suggesting that the EP be violated at a small, but not unmeasurably small level. This motivates the need for improved tests of the EP. These tests are probing new territories in physics that are related to deep, and mysterious, issues in fundamental physics.Comment: 21 pages, no figures; submitted to a "focus issue" of Classical and Quantum Gravity on Tests of the Weak Equivalence Principle, organized by Clive Speake and Clifford Wil

    Moduli-Space Approximation for BPS Brane-Worlds

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    We develop the moduli-space approximation for the low energy regime of BPS-branes with a bulk scalar field to obtain an effective four-dimensional action describing the system. An arbitrary BPS potential is used and account is taken of the presence of matter in the branes and small supersymmetry breaking terms. The resulting effective theory is a bi-scalar tensor theory of gravity. In this theory, the scalar degrees of freedom can be stabilized naturally without the introduction of additional mechanisms other than the appropriate BPS potential. We place observational constraints on the shape of the potential and the global configuration of branes.Comment: 10 pages, 1 figur