40 research outputs found

    Solid phase synthesis of the 5'-half of the initiator t-RNA from B. subtilis.

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    Using cyanoethyldiisopropylamino phosphoramidite chemistry, four oligonucleotides constituting a part of the sequence of the initiator t-RNA from B. subtilis were synthesized. For the protection of the exocyclic amino functions of bases, phenoxyacetyl group was used for adenine and guanine, and acetyl group was preferred for cytosine. With these labile groups, final deprotection of the oligonucleotides can be performed in milder conditions, allowing the incorporation of 5,6-dihydrouridine in a 35-mer constituting the 5'-end of the t-RNA

    Solution conformation of an oligonucleotide containing a urea deoxyribose residue in front of a thymine.

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    Urea residues are produced by ionizing radiation on thymine residues in DNA. We have studied an oligodeoxynucleotide containing a thymine opposite the urea residue, by one and two dimensional NMR spectroscopy. The urea deoxyribose exists as two isomers with respect to the orientation about the peptide bond. For the trans isomer we find that the thymine and urea site are positioned within the helix and are probably hydrogen bonded. The oligonucleotide adopts a globally B form structure although conformational changes are observed around the mismatch site. A minor species is observed, in which the urea deoxyribose and the opposite base adopt an extrahelical position and this corresponds to the isomer cis for the peptide bond

    Conformation of guanine-8-oxoadenine base pairs in the crystal structure of d(CGCGAATT(O8A)GCG).

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    The structure of the synthetic deoxydodecamer d(CGCGAATT(O8A)GCG)2 (O8A = 8-oxoadenine) has been determined by single-crystal X-ray diffraction techniques. The oligonucleotide crystallizes in the orthorhombic space group P2(1)2(1)2(1) with cell dimensions of a = 25.48 A, b = 41.84 A, and c = 64.91 A. The refinement has converged with an R-factor of 0.151 for 1119 reflections in the resolution range 8.0-2.25 A. Sixty-seven solvent molecules were located during the course of the refinement. The B-DNA helix consists of ten Watson-Crick base pairs and two guanine-8-oxoadenine (G.O8A) base pairs. In order to achieve hydrogen-bonding complementarity between the two bases, an unusual G(anti).O8A-(syn) wobble conformation is adopted. It is proposed that the G.O8A mispairs are held together by a network of four interbase hydrogen bonds which are the result of the formation of two reverse three-center hydrogen-bonding systems. These involve one carbonyl oxygen lone pair interacting with two hydrogen atoms. In a departure from previous observations of the characteristics of purine-purine anti-syn base pairs, lambda 1 and lambda 2, the angles between the glycosidic bonds and the C1'-C1' vector, are symmetric. A reassessment of the other purine-purine mispairs suggests that similar three-center hydrogen bonds may occur and make a contribution to stabilizing other base pairings