159 research outputs found

    Green functions of higher-order differential operators

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    The Green functions of the partial differential operators of even order acting on smooth sections of a vector bundle over a Riemannian manifold are investigated via the heat kernel methods. We study the resolvent of a special class of higher-order operators formed by the products of second-order operators of Laplace type defined with the help of a unique Riemannian metric but with different bundle connections and potential terms. The asymptotic expansion of the Green functions near the diagonal is studied in detail in any dimension. As a by-product a simple criterion for the validity of the Huygens principle is obtained. It is shown that all the singularities as well as the non-analytic regular parts of the Green functions of such high-order operators are expressed in terms of the usual heat kernel coefficients aka_k for a special Laplace type second-order operator.Comment: 26 pages, LaTeX, 65 KB, no figures, some misprints and small mistakes are fixed, final version to appear in J. Math. Phys. (May, 1998

    The Heat Kernel Coefficients to the Matrix Schr\"odinger Operator

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    The heat kernel coefficients HkH_k to the Schr\"odinger operator with a matrix potential are investigated. We present algorithms and explicit expressions for the Taylor coefficients of the HkH_k. Special terms are discussed, and for the one-dimensional case some improved algorithms are derived.Comment: 16 pages, Plain TeX, 33 KB, no figure

    Harmonic maps couples to the Einstein equation

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    We study harmonic maps ∅ : (M,g) → (N, h) which are coupled to the metric g by the Einstein equation κ Ric[g

    Lukewarm black holes in quadratic gravity

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    Perturbative solutions to the fourth-order gravity describing spherically-symmetric, static and electrically charged black hole in an asymptotically de Sitter universe is constructed and discussed. Special emphasis is put on the lukewarm configurations, in which the temperature of the event horizon equals the temperature of the cosmological horizon

    Uniqueness of de Sitter space

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    All inextendible null geodesics in four dimensional de Sitter space dS^4 are complete and globally achronal. This achronality is related to the fact that all observer horizons in dS^4 are eternal, i.e. extend from future infinity scri^+ all the way back to past infinity scri^-. We show that the property of having a null line (inextendible achronal null geodesic) that extends from scri^- to scri^+ characterizes dS^4 among all globally hyperbolic and asymptotically de Sitter spacetimes satisfying the vacuum Einstein equations with positive cosmological constant. This result is then further extended to allow for a class of matter models that includes perfect fluids.Comment: 22 pages, 2 figure

    Regular Composition for Slice-Regular Functions of Quaternionic Variable

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    A regular composition for slice regular function is introduced using a non commutative version of the Faa` di Bruno's Formul

    Quasi-classical Lie algebras and their contractions

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    After classifying indecomposable quasi-classical Lie algebras in low dimension, and showing the existence of non-reductive stable quasi-classical Lie algebras, we focus on the problem of obtaining sufficient conditions for a quasi-classical Lie algebras to be the contraction of another quasi-classical algebra. It is illustrated how this allows to recover the Yang-Mills equations of a contraction by a limiting process, and how the contractions of an algebra may generate a parameterized families of Lagrangians for pairwise non-isomorphic Lie algebras.Comment: 17 pages, 2 Table

    Regular black holes in quadratic gravity

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    The first-order correction of the perturbative solution of the coupled equations of the quadratic gravity and nonlinear electrodynamics is constructed, with the zeroth-order solution coinciding with the ones given by Ay\'on-Beato and Garc{\'\i}a and by Bronnikov. It is shown that a simple generalization of the Bronnikov's electromagnetic Lagrangian leads to the solution expressible in terms of the polylogarithm functions. The solution is parametrized by two integration constants and depends on two free parameters. By the boundary conditions the integration constants are related to the charge and total mass of the system as seen by a distant observer, whereas the free parameters are adjusted to make the resultant line element regular at the center. It is argued that various curvature invariants are also regular there that strongly suggests the regularity of the spacetime. Despite the complexity of the problem the obtained solution can be studied analytically. The location of the event horizon of the black hole, its asymptotics and temperature are calculated. Special emphasis is put on the extremal configuration
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