313 research outputs found

    Two-Dimensional Bosonization from Variable Shifts in the Path Integral

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    A method to perform bosonization of a fermionic theory in (1+1) dimensions in a path integral framework is developed. The method relies exclusively on the path integral property of allowing variable shifts, and does not depend on the explicit form of Greens functions. Two examples, the Schwinger model and the massless Thirring model, are worked out.Comment: 4 page

    Lattice calculation of the lowest order hadronic contribution to the muon anomalous magnetic moment

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    We present a quenched lattice calculation of the lowest order (alpha^2) hadronic contribution to the anomalous magnetic moment of the muon which arises from the hadronic vacuum polarization. A general method is presented for computing entirely in Euclidean space, obviating the need for the usual dispersive treatment which relies on experimental data for e^+e^- annihilation to hadrons. While the result is not yet of comparable accuracy to those state-of-the-art calculations, systematic improvement of the quenched lattice computation to this level of accuracy is straightforward and well within the reach of present computers. Including the effects of dynamical quarks is conceptually trivial, the computer resources required are not.Comment: 12 pages, including two figures. Added reference and footnote Replaced with published version; minor changes asked for by referees and minor deletions to stay within page limi

    On the Renormalizability of Theories with Gauge Anomalies

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    We consider the detailed renormalization of two (1+1)-dimensional gauge theories which are quantized without preserving gauge invariance: the chiral and the "anomalous" Schwinger models. By regularizing the non-perturbative divergences that appear in fermionic Green's functions of both models, we show that the "tree level" photon propagator is ill-defined, thus forcing one to use the complete photon propagator in the loop expansion of these functions. We perform the renormalization of these divergences in both models to one loop level, defining it in a consistent and semi-perturbative sense that we propose in this paper.Comment: Final version, new title and abstract, introduction and conclusion rewritten, detailed semiperturbative discussion included, references added; to appear in International Journal of Modern Physics

    Three-loop QCD corrections and b-quark decays

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    We present three-loop (NNNLO) corrections to the heavy-to-heavy quark transitions in the limit of equal initial and final quark masses. In analogy with the previously found NNLO corrections, the bulk of the result is due to the beta_0^2 alpha_s^3 corrections. The remaining genuine three-loop effects for the semileptonic b --> c decays are estimated to increase the decay amplitude by 0.2(2)%. The perturbative series for the heavy-heavy axial current converges very well.Comment: 5 page

    Path Integral Solubility of a General Two-Dimensional Model

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    The solubility of a general two dimensional model, which reduces to various models in different limits, is studied within the path integral formalism. Various subtleties and interesting features are pointed out.Comment: 7 pages, UR1386, ER40685-83

    Reply to Comment on "Localization and Metal-Insulator Transition in Multilayer Quantum Hall Structures"

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    This is a Reply to a Comment by Tanaka and Machida. We provide some details of the derivation of the effective field theory for integer quantum Hall transitions using the non-Abelian chiral anomaly.Comment: 1 page, RevTex, no figure

    General Form of the Color Potential Produced by Color Charges of the Quark

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    Constant electric charge ee satisfies the continuity equation ∂ΌjÎŒ(x)=0\partial_\mu j^{\mu}(x)= 0 where jÎŒ(x)j^\mu(x) is the current density of the electron. However, the Yang-Mills color current density jÎŒa(x)j^{\mu a}(x) of the quark satisfies the equation DÎŒ[A]jÎŒa(x)=0D_\mu[A] j^{\mu a}(x)= 0 which is not a continuity equation (∂ΌjÎŒa(x)≠0\partial_\mu j^{\mu a}(x)\neq 0) which implies that a color charge qa(t)q^a(t) of the quark is not constant but it is time dependent where a=1,2,...8a=1,2,...8 are color indices. In this paper we derive general form of color potential produced by color charges of the quark. We find that the general form of the color potential produced by the color charges of the quark at rest is given by \Phi^a(x) =A_0^a(t,{\bf x}) =\frac{q^b(t-\frac{r}{c})}{r}\[\frac{{\rm exp}[g\int dr \frac{Q(t-\frac{r}{c})}{r}] -1}{g \int dr \frac{Q(t-\frac{r}{c})}{r}}\]_{ab} where drdr integration is an indefinite integration, ~~ Qab(τ0)=fabdqd(τ0)Q_{ab}(\tau_0)=f^{abd}q^d(\tau_0), ~~r=∣x⃗−X⃗(τ0)∣r=|{\vec x}-{\vec X}(\tau_0)|, ~~τ0=t−rc\tau_0=t-\frac{r}{c} is the retarded time, ~~cc is the speed of light, ~~X⃗(τ0){\vec X}(\tau_0) is the position of the quark at the retarded time and the repeated color indices b,db,d(=1,2,...8) are summed. For constant color charge qaq^a we reproduce the Coulomb-like potential Ίa(x)=qar\Phi^a(x)=\frac{q^a}{r} which is consistent with the Maxwell theory where constant electric charge ee produces the Coulomb potential Ί(x)=er\Phi(x)=\frac{e}{r}.Comment: Final version, two more sections added, 45 pages latex, accepted for publication in JHE

    Chiral two-loop pion-pion scattering parameters from crossing-symmetric constraints

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    Constraints on the parameters in the one- and two-loop pion-pion scattering amplitudes of standard chiral perturbation theory are obtained from explicitly crossing-symmetric sum rules. These constraints are based on a matching of the chiral amplitudes and the physical amplitudes at the symmetry point of the Mandelstam plane. The integrals over absorptive parts appearing in the sum rules are decomposed into crossing-symmetric low- and high-energy components and the chiral parameters are finally related to high-energy absorptive parts. A first application uses a simple model of these absorptive parts. The sensitivity of the results to the choice of the energy separating high and low energies is examined with care. Weak dependence on this energy is obtained as long as it stays below ~560 MeV. Reliable predictions are obtained for three two-loop parameters.Comment: 23 pages, 4 figures in .eps files, Latex (RevTex), our version of RevTex runs under Latex2.09, submitted to Phys. Rev. D,minor typographical corrections including the number at the end of the abstract, two sentences added at the end of Section 5 in answer to a referee's remar
