6 research outputs found

    Quantum healing of classical singularities in power-law spacetimes

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    We study a broad class of spacetimes whose metric coefficients reduce to powers of a radius r in the limit of small r. Among these four-parameter "power-law" metrics we identify those parameters for which the spacetimes have classical singularities as r approaches 0. We show that a large set of such classically singular spacetimes is nevertheless nonsingular quantum mechanically, in that the Hamiltonian operator is essentially self-adjoint, so that the evolution of quantum wave packets lacks the ambiguity associated with scattering off singularities. Using these metrics, the broadest class yet studied to compare classical with quantum singularities, we explore the physical reasons why some that are singular classically are "healed" quantum mechanically, while others are not. We show that most (but not all) of the remaining quantum-mechanically singular spacetimes can be excluded if either the weak energy condition or the dominant energy condition is invoked, and we briefly discuss the effect of this work on the strong cosmic censorship hypothesis.Comment: 14 pages, 1 figure; extensive revision

    Quantum singularity of Levi-Civita spacetimes

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    Quantum singularities in general relativistic spacetimes are determined by the behavior of quantum test particles. A static spacetime is quantum mechanically singular if the spatial portion of the wave operator is not essentially self-adjoint. Here Weyl's limit point-limit circle criterion is used to determine whether a wave operator is essentially self-adjoint. This test is then applied to scalar wave packets in Levi-Civita spacetimes to help elucidate the physical properties of the spacetimes in terms of their metric parameters

    Classical and quantum properties of a 2-sphere singularity

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    Recently Boehmer and Lobo have shown that a metric due to Florides, which has been used as an interior Schwarzschild solution, can be extended to reveal a classical singularity that has the form of a two-sphere. Here the singularity is shown to be a scalar curvature singularity that is both timelike and gravitationally weak. It is also shown to be a quantum singularity because the Klein-Gordon operator associated with quantum mechanical particles approaching the singularity is not essentially self-adjoint.Comment: 10 pages, 1 figure, minor corrections, final versio

    Numerical Evolution of General Relativistic Voids

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    In this paper, we study the evolution of a relativistic, superhorizon-sized void embedded in a Friedmann-Robertson-Walker universe. We numerically solve the spherically symmetric general relativistic equations in comoving, synchronous coordinates. Initially, the fluid inside the void is taken to be homogeneous and nonexpanding. In a radiation- dominated universe, we find that radiation diffuses into the void at approximately the speed of light as a strong shock---the void collapses. We also find the surprising result that the cosmic collapse time (the 1st1^{\rm st}-crossing time) is much smaller than previously thought, because it depends not only on the radius of the void, but also on the ratio of the temperature inside the void to that outside. If the ratio of the initial void radius to the outside Hubble radius is less than the ratio of the outside temperature to that inside, then the collapse occurs in less than the outside Hubble time. Thus, superhorizon-sized relativistic void may thermalize and homogenize relatively quickly. These new simulations revise the current picture of superhorizon-sized void evolution after first-order inflation.Comment: 37 pages plus 12 figures (upon request-- [email protected]) LaTeX, FNAL-PUB-93/005-

    Mining metrics for buried treasure

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    The same but different: That might describe two metrics. On the surface CLASSI may show two metrics are locally equivalent, but buried beneath one may be a wealth of further structure. This was beautifully described in a paper by M.A.H. MacCallum in 1998. Here I will illustrate the effect with two flat metrics -- one describing ordinary Minkowski spacetime and the other describing a three-parameter family of Gal'tsov-Letelier-Tod spacetimes. I will dig out the beautiful hidden classical singularity structure of the latter (a structure first noticed by Tod in 1994) and then show how quantum considerations can illuminate the riches. I will then discuss how quantum structure can help us understand classical singularities and metric parameters in a variety of exact solutions mined from the Exact Solutions book.Comment: 16 pages, no figures, minor grammatical changes, submitted to Proceedings of the Malcolm@60 Conference (London, July 2004