22,013 research outputs found

    Searching a systematics for nonfactorizable contributions to hadronic decays of D0 D^{0} and D+ D^{+} mesons

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    We investigate nonfactorizable contributions to charm meson decays in DKˉπ D \rightarrow \bar K \pi / Kˉρ \bar K \rho /Kˉπ \bar K ^{*} \pi / Kˉa1 \bar K a_{1} / Kˉρ \bar K ^{*} \rho modes. Obtaining the contributions from spectator-quark diagrams for Nc N_{c} = 3, we determine nonfactorizable isospin 1/2 and 3/2 amplitudes required to explain the data for these modes. We observe that ratio of these amplitudes seem to follow a universal value.Comment: 23 pages, Late

    A Multivariate Analysis of Savings, Investment, and Growth in India

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    This paper considers per worker household, private corporate and public sector savings and investment, foreign capital inflows and economic growth for India in a multivariate setting for the period 1950-2001. The analysis, uses FIML to estimate the long run cointegrating equilibriums and short run Granger causing dynamics for the non-stationary time series data, which includes endogenously detected structural breaks in 1989 and 1993, consistent with the recent period of financial reforms in India. The estimates do not support the commonly accepted Solow and endogenous models of economic growth. The popular view that increases in savings are a necessary condition for economic growth is supported with the detected strong direct links from per worker household and private corporate savings to output in the long run and sectoral per worker savings to investment links in both the short and long run. This implies the need to encourage savings, which is being realised with the estimated significantly higher growth rates in household and private corporate per worker savings during deregulation in the late 1980s and early 1990s. However, the link from investment to output is missing. Despite extensive analysis, per worker private corporate and household sector investment are not found to affect output in the short run or long run as required by the Solow and endogenous growth models. Indeed household investment, being the largest sector for gross domestic capital formation, does not appear to have any influence on other variables. Per worker public investment is found to adversely affect output per worker in the short and long run, contradicting Barro’s hypothesis of the benefits of the public provision of capital. These findings, plus the estimated reductions in the rates of growth in sectoral per worker investment during the 1990s, are worrying. The lack of empirical validation of commonly accepted growth theories is p roblematic for policy formulation and further research on the role of investment in the post-reform Indian economy is required.Savings, investment, economic growth

    Measurement of long-range steric repulsions between microspheres due to an adsorbed polymer

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    We have measured the interparticle potential between pairs of micron-sized silica spheres induced by adsorbed polyethylene oxide polymer using a line-scanned optical tweezer. We found this long-range steric repulsion to be exponential over the range of energies (0.1kBT–5kBT) and polymer molecular weights (452 000–1 580 000) studied, and that the potential scaled with the polymer’s radius of gyration RG. The potential’s exponential decay length was about 0.6RG and its range was about 4RG, although both parameters varied significantly from one pair of spheres to another. The potential’s exponential prefactor was greater than mean-field predictions

    Efficient absolute aspect determination of a balloon borne far infrared telescope using a solid state optical photometer

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    The observational and operational efficiency of the TIFR 1 meter balloon borne far infrared telescope has been improved by incorporating a multielement solid state optical photometer (SSOP) at the Cassegrain focus of the telescope. The SSOP is based on a 1-D linear photo diode array (PDA). The online and offline processing schemes of the PDA signals which have been developed, lead to improvement in the determination of absolute telescope aspect (\sim 0\farcm8), which is very crucial for carrying out the observations as well as offline analysis. The SSOP and its performance during a recent balloon flight are presented here.Comment: To appear in the February 2000 issue of the PAS