630 research outputs found

    Application of a multi-site mean-field theory to the disordered Bose-Hubbard model

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    We present a multi-site formulation of mean-field theory applied to the disordered Bose-Hubbard model. In this approach the lattice is partitioned into clusters, each isolated cluster being treated exactly, with inter-cluster hopping being treated approximately. The theory allows for the possibility of a different superfluid order parameter at every site in the lattice, such as what has been used in previously published site-decoupled mean-field theories, but a multi-site formulation also allows for the inclusion of spatial correlations allowing us, e.g., to calculate the correlation length (over the length scale of each cluster). We present our numerical results for a two-dimensional system. This theory is shown to produce a phase diagram in which the stability of the Mott insulator phase is larger than that predicted by site-decoupled single-site mean-field theory. Two different methods are given for the identification of the Bose glass-to-superfluid transition, one an approximation based on the behaviour of the condensate fraction, and one of which relies on obtaining the spatial variation of the order parameter correlation. The relation of our results to a recent proposal that both transitions are non self-averaging is discussed.Comment: Accepted for publication in Physical Review

    Multi-site mean-field theory for cold bosonic atoms in optical lattices

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    We present a detailed derivation of a multi-site mean-field theory (MSMFT) used to describe the Mott-insulator to superfluid transition of bosonic atoms in optical lattices. The approach is based on partitioning the lattice into small clusters which are decoupled by means of a mean field approximation. This approximation invokes local superfluid order parameters defined for each of the boundary sites of the cluster. The resulting MSMFT grand potential has a non-trivial topology as a function of the various order parameters. An understanding of this topology provides two different criteria for the determination of the Mott insulator superfluid phase boundaries. We apply this formalism to dd-dimensional hypercubic lattices in one, two and three dimensions, and demonstrate the improvement in the estimation of the phase boundaries when MSMFT is utilized for increasingly larger clusters, with the best quantitative agreement found for d=3d=3. The MSMFT is then used to examine a linear dimer chain in which the on-site energies within the dimer have an energy separation of Δ\Delta. This system has a complicated phase diagram within the parameter space of the model, with many distinct Mott phases separated by superfluid regions.Comment: 30 pages, 23 figures, accepted for publication in Phys. Rev.

    Dynamical Gauge Symmetry Breaking and Superconductivity in three-dimensional systems

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    We discuss dynamical breaking of non-abelian gauge groups in three dimensional (lattice) gauge systems via the formation of fermion condensates. A physically relevant example, motivated by condensed-matter physics, is that of a fermionic gauge theory with group SU(2)⊗US(1)⊗UE(1)SU(2)\otimes U_S(1) \otimes U_{E}(1). In the strong U_S(1) region, the SU(2) symmetry breaks down to a U(1), due to the formation of a parity-invariant fermion condensate. We conjecture a phase diagram for the theory involving a critical line, which separates the regions of broken SU(2) symmetry from those where the symmetry is restored. In the broken phase, the effective Abelian gauge theory is closely related to an earlier model of two-dimensional parity-invariant superconductivity in doped antiferromagnets. The superconductivity in the model occurs in the Kosterlitz-Thouless mode, since strong phase fluctuations prevent the existence of a local order parameter. Some physical consequences of the SU(2)×US(1)SU(2) \times U_S(1) phase diagram for the (doping-dependent) parameter space of this condensed-matter model are briefly discussed.Comment: 17 pages Latex, 1 macro, three figures (included) (minor typo on page 14 concerning the critical coupling of SU(2) corrected

    Possibility of spontaneous parity violation in hot QCD

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    We suggest that for QCD in the limit of a large number of colors, N, the axial U(1) symmetry of massless quarks is effectively restored at the deconfining=chiral phase transition. If the deconfining transition is of second order, then the chiral transition is weakly first order. In this case, metastable states in which parity is spontaneously broken appear at temperatures below the phase transition. The production of these metastable states would have dramatic signatures, including enhanced production of eta and eta' mesons, which can decay through parity violating decay processes such as eta -> pi^0 pi^0, and global parity odd asymmetries for charged pions. Using a nonlinear sigma model, in QCD these metastable states only appear rather near the phase transition.Comment: 4 pages, REVTe

    Debye screening and Meissner effect in a two-flavor color superconductor

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    I compute the gluon self-energy in a color superconductor with two flavors of massless quarks, where condensation of Cooper pairs breaks SU(3)_c to SU(2)_c. At zero temperature, there is neither Debye screening nor a Meissner effect for the three gluons of the unbroken SU(2)_c subgroup. The remaining five gluons attain an electric as well as a magnetic mass. For temperatures approaching the critical temperature for the onset of color superconductivity, or for gluon momenta much larger than the color-superconducting gap, the self-energy assumes the form given by the standard hard-dense loop approximation. The gluon self-energy determines the coefficient of the kinetic term in the effective low-energy theory for the condensate fields.Comment: 29 pages, RevTe

    Infrared divergence in QED3_3 at finite temperature

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    We consider various ways of treating the infrared divergence which appears in the dynamically generated fermion mass, when the transverse part of the photon propagator in N flavour QED3QED_{3} at finite temperature is included in the Matsubara formalism. This divergence is likely to be an artefact of taking into account only the leading order term in the 1N1 \over N expansion when we calculate the photon propagator and is handled here phenomenologically by means of an infrared cutoff. Inserting both the longitudinal and the transverse part of the photon propagator in the Schwinger-Dyson equation we find the dependence of the dynamically generated fermion mass on the temperature and the cutoff parameters. It turns out that consistency with certain statistical physics arguments imposes conditions on the cutoff parameters. For parameters in the allowed range of values we find that the ratio r=2∗Mass(T=0)/criticaltemperaturer=2*Mass(T=0)/critical temperature is approximately 6, consistently with previous calculations which neglected the transverse photon contribution.Comment: 37 pages, 12 figures, typos corrected, references added, Introduction rewritte

    Lifetime Effects in Color Superconductivity at Weak Coupling

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    Present computations of the gap of color superconductivity in weak coupling assume that the quarks which participate in the condensation process are infinitely long-lived. However, the quasiparticles in a plasma are characterized by having a finite lifetime. In this article we take into account this fact to evaluate its effect in the computation of the color gap. By first considering the Schwinger-Dyson equations in weak coupling, when one-loop self-energy corrections are included, a general gap equation is written in terms of the spectral densities of the quasiparticles. To evaluate lifetime effects, we then model the spectral density by a Lorentzian function. We argue that the decay of the quasiparticles limits their efficiency to condense. The value of the gap at the Fermi surface is then reduced. To leading order, these lifetime effects can be taken into account by replacing the coupling constant of the gap equation by a reduced effective one.Comment: 16 pages, 2 figures; explanations on the role of the Meissner effect added; 2 references added; accepted for publication in PR

    Hard Thermal Loops and Chiral Lagrangians

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    Chiral symmetry is used as the guiding principle to derive hard thermal loop effects in chiral perturbation theory. This is done by using a chiral invariant background field method for the non-linear sigma model and the Wess-Zumino-Witten lagrangian, with and without external vector and axial vector sources. It is then shown that the n-point hard thermal loop is the leading thermal correction for the Green function of n point vector soft quark currents.Comment: 15 pages, Revtex, references added, typos corrected, final version to appear in Phys. Rev.

    Anisotropic admixture in color-superconducting quark matter

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    The analysis of color-superconducting two-flavor deconfined quark matter at moderate densities is extended to include a particular spin-1 Cooper pairing of those quarks which do not participate in the standard spin-0 diquark condensate. (i) The relativistic spin-1 gap Delta' implies spontaneous breakdown of rotation invariance manifested in the form of the quasi-fermion dispersion law. (ii) The critical temperature of the anisotropic component is approximately given by the relation T_c'~ Delta'(T=0)/3. (iii) For massless fermions the gas of anisotropic Bogolyubov-Valatin quasiquarks becomes effectively gapless and two-dimensional. Consequently, its specific heat depends quadratically on temperature. (iv) All collective Nambu-Goldstone excitations of the anisotropic phase have a linear dispersion law and the whole system remains a superfluid. (v) The system exhibits an electromagnetic Meissner effect.Comment: v2: references added, angular dependence of the gap clarified, v3: extended discussion, typo in eq. (5) corrected, version accepted for publication in PR
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