5,499 research outputs found

    Finite temperature dynamics of the Anderson model

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    The recently introduced local moment approach (LMA) is extended to encompass single-particle dynamics and transport properties of the Anderson impurity model at finite-temperature, T. While applicable to arbitrary interaction strengths, primary emphasis is given to the strongly correlated Kondo regime (characterized by the T=0 Kondo scale ωK\omega_{\rm K}). In particular the resultant universal scaling behaviour of the single-particle spectrum D(\omega; T) \equiv F(\frac{\w}{\omega_{\rm K}}; \frac{T}{\omega_{\rm K}}) within the LMA is obtained in closed form; leading to an analytical description of the thermal destruction of the Kondo resonance on all energy scales. Transport properties follow directly from a knowledge of D(ω;T)D(\omega; T). The T/ωKT / \omega_{\rm K}-dependence of the resulting resistivity ρ(T)\rho(T), which is found to agree rather well with numerical renormalization group calculations, is shown to be asymptotically exact at high temperatures; to concur well with the Hamann approximation for the s-d model down to T/ωK1T/\omega_{\rm K} \sim 1, and to cross over smoothly to the Fermi liquid form ρ(T)ρ(0)(T/ωK)2\rho (T) - \rho (0) \propto -(T/\omega_{\rm K})^2 in the low-temperature limit. The underlying approach, while naturally approximate, is moreover applicable to a broad range of quantum impurity and related models

    Field-dependent dynamics of the Anderson impurity model

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    Single-particle dynamics of the Anderson impurity model in the presence of a magnetic field HH are considered, using a recently developed local moment approach that encompasses all energy scales, field and interaction strengths. For strong coupling in particular, the Kondo scaling regime is recovered. Here the frequency (ω/ωK\omega/\omega_{\rm K}) and field (H/ωKH/\omega_{\rm K}) dependence of the resultant universal scaling spectrum is obtained in large part analytically, and the field-induced destruction of the Kondo resonance investigated. The scaling spectrum is found to exhibit the slow logarithmic tails recently shown to dominate the zero-field scaling spectrum. At the opposite extreme of the Fermi level, it gives asymptotically exact agreement with results for statics known from the Bethe ansatz. Good agreement is also found with the frequency and field-dependence of recent numerical renormalization group calculations. Differential conductance experiments on quantum dots in the presence of a magnetic field are likewise considered; and appear to be well accounted for by the theory. Some new exact results for the problem are also established

    Single-particle dynamics of the Anderson model: a local moment approach

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    A non-perturbative local moment approach to single-particle dynamics of the general asymmetric Anderson impurity model is developed. The approach encompasses all energy scales and interaction strengths. It captures thereby strong coupling Kondo behaviour, including the resultant universal scaling behaviour of the single-particle spectrum; as well as the mixed valent and essentially perturbative empty orbital regimes. The underlying approach is physically transparent and innately simple, and as such is capable of practical extension to lattice-based models within the framework of dynamical mean-field theory.Comment: 26 pages, 9 figure

    Collective excitation spectrum of a disordered Hubbard model

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    We study the collective excitation spectrum of a d=3 site-disordered Anderson-Hubbard model at half-filling, via a random-phase approximation (RPA) about broken-symmetry, inhomogeneous unrestricted Hartree-Fock (UHF) ground states. We focus in particular on the density and character of low-frequency collective excitations in the transverse spin channel. In the absence of disorder, these are found to be spin-wave-like for all but very weak interaction strengths, extending down to zero frequency and separated from a Stoner-like band, to which there is a gap. With disorder present, a prominent spin-wave-like band is found to persist over a wide region of the disorder-interaction phase plane in which the mean-field ground state is a disordered antiferromagnet, despite the closure of the UHF single-particle gap. Site resolution of the RPA excitations leads to a microscopic rationalization of the evolution of the spectrum with disorder and interaction strength, and enables the observed localization properties to be interpreted in terms of the fraction of strong local moments and their site-differential distribution.Comment: 25 pages (revtex), 9 postscript figure

    Local quantum phase transition in the pseudogap Anderson model: scales, scaling and quantum critical dynamics

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    The pseudogap Anderson impurity model provides a paradigm for understanding local quantum phase transitions, in this case between generalised fermi liquid and degenerate local moment phases. Here we develop a non-perturbative local moment approach to the generic asymmetric model, encompassing all energy scales and interaction strengths and leading thereby to a rich description of the problem. We investigate in particular underlying phase boundaries, the critical behaviour of relevant low-energy scales, and single-particle dynamics embodied in the local spectrum. Particular attention is given to the resultant universal scaling behaviour of dynamics close to the transition in both the GFL and LM phases, the scale-free physics characteristic of the quantum critical point itself, and the relation between the two.Comment: 39 pages, 19 figure

    Renormalization group study of capacitively coupled double quantum dots

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    The numerical renormalization group is employed to study a double quantum (DQD) dot system consisting of two equivalent single-level dots, each coupled to its own lead and with a mutual capacitive coupling embodied in an interdot interaction U', in addition to the intradot Coulomb interaction U. We focus on the regime with two electrons on the DQD, and the evolution of the system on increasing U'/U. The spin-Kondo effect arising for U'=0 (SU(2) x SU(2)) is found to persist robustly with increasing U'/U, before a rapid but continuous crossover to (a) the SU(4) point U'=U where charge and spin degrees of freedom are entangled and the Kondo scale strongly enhanced; and then (b) a charge-Kondo state, in which a charge-pseudospin is quenched on coupling to the leads/conduction channels. A quantum phase transition of Kosterlitz-Thouless type then occurs from this Fermi liquid, strong coupling (SC) phase, to a broken symmetry, non-Fermi liquid charge ordered (CO) phase at a critical U'_c. Our emphasis in this paper is on the structure, stability and flows between the underlying RG fixed points, on the overall phase diagram in the (U,U')-plane and evolution of the characteristic low-energy Kondo scale inherent to the SC phase; and on static physical properties such as spin- and charge-susceptibilities (staggered and uniform), including universality and scaling behaviour in the strongly correlated regime. Some exact results for associated Wilson ratios are also obtained.Comment: 27 pages, 12 figure

    Novel use of stir bar sorptive extraction (SBSE) as a tool for isolation of oviposition site attractants for gravid Culex quinquefasciatus

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    Mosquitoes such as Culex quinquefasciatus Say (Diptera: Culicidae) are important vectors of organisms that cause disease in humans. Research into the development of effective standardized odour baits for blood-fed females (oviposition attractants), to enable entomological monitoring of vector populations, is hampered by complex protocols for extraction of physiologically active volatile chemicals from natural breeding site water samples, which have produced inconsistent results. Air entrainment and solvent extraction are technically demanding methods and are impractical for use in resource poor environments where mosquito-borne disease is most prevalent. This study reports the first use of a simple, robust extraction technique, stir bar sorptive extraction (SBSE), to extract behaviourally active small lipophilic molecules (SLMs) present in water samples collected from Cx. quinquefasciatus breeding sites in Tanzania. Extracts from a pit latrine and from a cess pool breeding site attracted more gravid Cx. quinquefasciatus in pair choice bioassays than control extracts, and coupled gas chromatography-electroantennography (GC-EAG) allowed tentative identification of 15 electrophysiologically active chemicals, including the known oviposition attractant, skatole (3-methylindole). Here, we have demonstrated, using simple pair choice bioassays in controlled laboratory conditions, that SBSE is effective for the extraction of behaviourally and electrophysiologically active semiochemicals from mosquito breeding site waters. Further research is required to confirm that SBSE is an appropriate technique for use in field surveys in the search for oviposition cues for Cx. quinquefasciatus

    A Local Moment Approach to magnetic impurities in gapless Fermi systems

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    A local moment approach is developed for the single-particle excitations of a symmetric Anderson impurity model (AIM), with a soft-gap hybridization vanishing at the Fermi level with a power law r > 0. Local moments are introduced explicitly from the outset, and a two-self-energy description is employed in which the single-particle excitations are coupled dynamically to low-energy transverse spin fluctuations. The resultant theory is applicable on all energy scales, and captures both the spin-fluctuation regime of strong coupling (large-U), as well as the weak coupling regime. While the primary emphasis is on single particle dynamics, the quantum phase transition between strong coupling (SC) and (LM) phases can also be addressed directly; for the spin-fluctuation regime in particular a number of asymptotically exact results are thereby obtained. Results for both single-particle spectra and SC/LM phase boundaries are found to agree well with recent numerical renormalization group (NRG) studies. A number of further testable predictions are made; in particular, for r < 1/2, spectra characteristic of the SC state are predicted to exhibit an r-dependent universal scaling form as the SC/LM phase boundary is approached and the Kondo scale vanishes. Results for the `normal' r = 0 AIM are moreover recovered smoothly from the limit r -> 0, where the resultant description of single-particle dynamics includes recovery of Doniach-Sunjic tails in the Kondo resonance, as well as characteristic low-energy Fermi liquid behaviour.Comment: 52 pages, 19 figures, submitted to Journal of Physics: Condensed Matte

    Spectral properties of a narrow-band Anderson model

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    We consider single-particle spectra of a symmetric narrow-band Anderson impurity model, where the host bandwidth DD is small compared to the hybridization strength Δ0\Delta_{0}. Simple 2nd order perturbation theory (2PT) in UU is found to produce a rich spectral structure, that leads to rather good agreement with extant Lanczos results and offers a transparent picture of the underlying physics. It also leads naturally to two distinct regimes of spectral behaviour, Δ0Z/D1\Delta_{0}Z/D\gg 1 and 1\ll 1 (with ZZ the quasi-particle weight), whose existence and essential characteristics are discussed and shown to be independent of 2PT itself. The self-energy Σiω\Sigma_{i\omega} is also examined beyond the confines of PT. It is argued that on frequency scales of order ωDelta0D\omega\sim\sqrt{Delta_{0}D}, the self-energy in {\em strong} coupling is given precisely by the 2PT result, and we point out that the resultant poles in Σiω\Sigma_{i\omega} connect continuously to that characteristic of the atomic limit. This in turn offers a natural rationale for the known inability of the skeleton expansion to capture such behaviour, and points to the intrinsic dangers of partial infinite-order summations that are based on PT in UU.Comment: 10 pages, 2 Postscript figures, uses RevTex 3.1; accepted for publication in Phys. Rev. B1

    Symmetric Anderson impurity model with a narrow band

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    The single channel Anderson impurity model is a standard model for the description of magnetic impurities in metallic systems. Usually, the bandwidth represents the largest energy scale of the problem. In this paper, we analyze the limit of a narrow band, which is relevant for the Mott-Hubbard transition in infinite dimensions. For the symmetric model we discuss two different effects: i) The impurity contribution to the density of states at the Fermi surface always turns out to be negative in such systems. This leads to a new crossover in the thermodynamic quantities that we investigate using the numerical renormalization group. ii) Using the Lanczos method, we calculate the impurity spectral function and demonstrate the breakdown of the skeleton expansion on an intermediate energy scale. Luttinger's theorem, as an example of the local Fermi liquid property of the model, is shown to still be valid.Comment: 4 pages RevTeX, 2 eps figures included, final versio