8 research outputs found

    Functional state of the chewing muscle group in the musculo-articular dysfunction of the temporomandibular joint in patients with chronic generalized periodontitis

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    This article is devoted to the diagnosis of musculo-articular dysfunction (MSD) of the temporomandibular joint (TMJ) in patients with chronic generalized periodontitis (CGP). The purpose of our work was to study the functional state of the masticatory group of muscles and facial muscles in MSD of the TMJ in patients with CGP. MATERIALS AND METHODS: A clinical examination of 89 patients aged 35-45 years with CHP and MSD was performed. Diagnostic models were studied in the articulator PROTAR (Germany), electromyography was performed. Results: In patients with MSJ, the EMJ significantly changes the electromyographic (EMG) pattern: there appears spontaneous EMG activity of the masticatory muscles and facial muscles during the period of physiological dormancy, the activity of the temporal muscles increases. In the presence of MSD of the TMJ and bruxism in patientsДанная статья посвящена диагностике мышечно-суставной дисфункции (МСД) височно-нижнечелюстного сустава (ВНЧС) у пациентов с хроническим генерализованным пародонтитом (ХГП). Целью нашей работы явилось изучение функционального состояния жевательной группы мышц и мимических мышц при МСД ВНЧС у пациентов с ХГП. Материалы и методы: произведено клиническое обследование 89 пациентов в возрасте 35-45 лет с ХГП и МСД. Изучали диагностические модели в артикуляторе PR0TAR (Германия), проводили электромиографию. Результаты: у пациентов с МСД ВНЧС значительно изменяется злектромиографическая (ЭМГ) - картина: появляется спонтанная ЭМГ-активность жевательных мышц и мимических мышц в период физиологического покоя, повышается активность височных мышц. При наличии МСД ВНЧС и бруксизма у пациентов с ХГП присутствует спонтанная ЭМГ-активность жевательных и мимических мышц в период физиологического покоя

    Quantification of C1 esterase inhibitor in human serum by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay: Correlation with turbidimetric immunoassay

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    C1 inhibitor of serine proteases (C1-INH) performs a regulatory function in the complement system and vascular permeability. Deficiency of C1-INH leads to various forms of angioedema, including hereditary angioedema (HAE). The cause of HAE is a genetically determined violation of the synthesis of C1-INH. A decrease in the level of C1-INH to 50% relative to the norm leads to an increase in the production of bradykinin, which is the basis for the diagnosis of HAE. The development of affordable ELISA for the quantitative determination of C1-INH is a popular direction for clinicians. During the development of a new kit for quantitative determination of C1-INH, two mouse monoclonal antibodies (mAb) with different epitope specificities were obtained. On their basis, a sandwich-type ELISA was developed. The specificity of the obtained mAb's was confirmed using the medical device “Berinert”. To prepare calibrators, C1-INH was affinity purified from human blood plasma using a sorbent with immobilized mAbs. The identity of the C1-INH protein was confirmed by PAGE electrophoresis, immunoblotting, and mass spectrometry on MALDI-TOF/TOF UltrafleXtreme mass spectrometer. To assess the quality indicators of developed reagents kit, studies were carried out in accordance with GOST R 51352-2013 and TU 21.20.23-041-01967164-2022. Values of quality indicators: accuracy — 93.53%; measurement linearity interval — 22.00-176.07 ng/mL. Using the developed ELISA test system, we examined 28 blood sera from healthy donors and 7 blood sera from patients with confirmed HAE. In the same samples, the content of C1-INH was determined by turbidimetric method, using the "Diagnostic reagents for in vitro immunochemical studies of specific blood proteins. Model: C1-esterase inhibitor (C1 EsteraseInhibitor)" (Aptec, Belgium). The correlation coefficient was 0.94 (p < 0.05). It was found that the diagnostic sensitivity and specificity of the developed ELISA is 100%. As a result of the study, an original ELISA test system for the quantitative determination of C1-INH was developed "Reagent kit for enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay of human C1-inhibitor (C1-inh PS)"

    Features of Isotypic Structure of Virus-Specific Systemic Humoral Immune Response in Adult Volunteers Immunized with Inactivated Monovalent Subunit Vaccines against Pandemic Influenza A(H1N1)pdm09

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    An isotypic structure of system antibody response to influenza A(H1N1)pdm09 was analyzed in adult volunteers vaccinated with two inactivated monovalent subunit vaccines against pandemic influenza. The comparison group consisted of patients infected with influenza A(H1N1)pdm09 virus. In vaccinated volunteers the more active response of influenza-specific antibodies both with neutralizing properties (IgG1, IgG2, IgG3) and associated with allergic inflammation (IgG and IgE) was observed in comparison with infected patients. The high activity of the virus-specific serum IgA was observed both in infected patients and vaccinated volunteers. Antiviral hemagglutinating activity of antibodies in post-vaccination sera of vaccinated volunteers, unlike sera obtained from infected patients in the phase of recovery, were higher than protective level (1:40) according to HAI data

    The Middle and Late Pleniglacial (Weichselian) malacofauna of the Zemun loess–paleosol sequence, Serbia

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    The aim of our study was to describe the succession of malacological assemblages along the exposed loess profile located in Belgrade, along the banks of the Danube River (municipality of Zemun). Deposits that belong to the composite loess unit L1 were sampled. Loess unit L1 included two subunits: L1SS1 (a Middle Pleniglacial subunit with two weakly developed initial pedogenic horizons) and L1LL1 (a Late Pleniglacial loess subunit). Three malacological zones were distinguished. Malacological results imply a change in climatic conditions and subsequently in vegetation structure. The molluscs indicate an environment with a moderate (warm and dry) climate and a mosaic vegetation type composed of grasslands and forest steppe. Gradual cooling was inferred within the Late Pleniglacial period. Our findings concur with the results of earlier studies indicating that the Zemun site and the adjacent area served as a transition zone between the refuge areas within the southeastern part of the Carpathian Basin during the Late Pleistocene