56 research outputs found


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    Objectives. The aim is to improve the mathematical model of the motion of channelfill deposits in terms of clarifying one of the main relationships on which the sediment flow rate depends: the frequency of pulsations of the vertical fluid velocity component with hydraulic flow parameters.Methods. The mathematical model is developed using probability theory and the theory of runs of random processes, taking into account the normal distribution of the horizontal and vertical components of the instantaneous flow velocities and the Rayleigh law of the distribution of their maxima.Results. As a result of the modelling, information was obtained concerning the volumes and areas of the zones of influence of increased turbidity on the aquatic bioresources of the Gizeldon River. The operation of the Gizeldon hydroelectric power station have led to the loss of zoobenthos habitats, the destruction of bottom biocenoses, the loss of food organisms of plankton and benthos, a decrease in the fodder base of fish and the direct death of the ichthyofauna. An assessment of the damage caused to aquatic bioresources from the operation of the Gizeldon hydroelectric power station was carried out. As a result, it was proved that the negative influence of the "turbidity loop" in the lower tail of the river, taking into account the critical values of suspended matter concentration in water will be traced for 3.7 km. The amount of damage to aquatic bioresources in physical terms is about 1.5 tons due to the destruction of the fodder base of fish and the deterioration of habitat conditions in the zone of increased turbidity.Conclusion. The results of mathematical modelling were tested on field data materials and used to calculate the turbidity of the Gizeldon River flow during the reconstruction of the Gizeldon hydroelectric power station. The results of the approbation of the mathematical model of the motion of channel-fill sediment are presented in order to identify the areas of increased turbidity during the assessment of the damage to the water resources of the Gizeldon River

    Association of angiotensinogen and angiotensin II receptor type I polymorphisms with biomarkers of carbohydrate and lipid metabolism in Dagestan residents with type 2 diabetes and hypertension

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    Aim. To study the associations of angiotensinogen (AGT) (s4762(С521Т), rs699(Т704C)) and angiotensin II receptor type I (AGTR1) (rs5186(A1166C)) genetic polymorphisms with serum levels of insulin, glucagon, C-peptide, leptin, as well as with dyslipidemia and glycemic levels in Dagestan residents with combination of type 2 diabetes (T2D) and hypertension (HTN), as well as with isolated T2D/HTN.Material and methods. We examined 16 patients with isolated T2D, 59 patients with T2D+HTN and 51 patients with isolated HTN from Dagestan. Genetic polymorphisms of the AGT and AGTR1 genes were studied. The levels of insulin, glucagon, C-peptide, and leptin were studied by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA), while lipid and carbohydrate metabolism — by biochemical methods.Results. In patients with T2D, the association of CC genotype of AGT gene rs4762(С521Т) polymorphism with a leptin decrease was determined, while its CT genotype was associated with an increase in serum level of triglycerides. The TC genotype of AGT gene rs699(Т704C) polymorphism was associated with an increase in leptin, triglyceride and glucose levels. The AA genotype of AGTR1 gene rs5186(A1166C) polymorphism was associated with an increase in insulin and glucose levels, as well as a decrease in leptin level. In patients with a combination of T2D and HTN, CC and CT genotypes of AGT gene rs4762(С521Т) polymorphism was associated with a decrease in glucagon level. The TT genotype of AGT gene rs699(Т704C) polymorphism was associated with an increase in insulin, triglyceride, glucose and body mass index (BMI) levels. In isolated HTN, the CC and CT genotypes of AGT gene rs4762(С521Т) polymorphism were associated ith a decrease in glucagon level. The TT genotype of AGT gene rs699(Т704C) polymorphism was associated with increased levels of insulin, low density lipoproteins, and BMI.Conclusion. Associations of AGT (s4762(С521Т), rs699(Т704C)) and AGTR1 (rs5186(A1166C)) genetic polymorphisms with carbohydrate and lipid metabolism changes are an important pathogenetic link of T2D and HTN, which allows developing an individual prognosis of these diseases in Dagestan residents


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    Purpose: The article presents the author's approach to assessing the human capital of a graduate of a regional university. Emphasis is placed on the fact that the problem of assessing of human capital is especially acute for pedagogy, since the contribution of education to the formation of human capital is one of the determining factors, and the contribution of pedagogy to the study of the pedagogical aspects of this phenomenon is extremely small. Methodology: The authors propose a methodology and technology for assessing human capital. In particular, it was proposed to use an integrated approach to the assessment of human capital of a graduate of a regional university, the essence of which is to add the absolute values of indicators of individual components of capital, and then based on the data calculate the relative indicator of the quality of human capital. Result: The result of training and the main goal of improving the quality of training of specialists at a regional university will be to ensure the minimum deviation of the level of the human capital of the graduate achieved during the period of study at the university, from the level of human capital established by regulatory requirements

    Twenty-year clinical progression of dysferlinopathy in patients from Dagestan

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    © 2017 Umakhanova, Bardakov, Mavlikeev, Chernova, Magomedova, Akhmedova, Yakovlev, Dalgatov, Fedotov, Isaev and Deev.To date, over 30 genes with mutations causing limb-girdle muscle dystrophy have been described. Dysferlinopathies are a form of limb-girdle muscle dystrophy type 2B with an incidence ranging from 1:1,300 to 1:200,000 in different populations. In 1996, Dr. S. N. Illarioshkin described a family from the Botlikhsky district of Dagestan, where limb-girdle muscle dystrophy type 2B and Miyoshi myopathy were diagnosed in 12 members from three generations of a large Avar family. In 2000, a previously undescribed mutation in the DYSF gene (c.TG573/574AT; p. Val67Asp) was detected in the affected members of this family. Twenty years later, in this work, we re-examine five known and seven newly affected family members previously diagnosed with dysferlinopathy. We observed disease progression in family members who were previously diagnosed and noted obvious clinical polymorphism of the disease. A typical clinical case is provided

    Corrigendum: Twenty-year clinical progression of dysferlinopathy in patients from Dagestan [Front Neurol, 8, (2017) (77)] doi: 10.3389/fneur.2017.00077

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    The "Funding" section should be: This work was funded by Human Stem Cells Institute PJSC and Roman V. Deev. Theoretical part of this work was supported by Russian Scientific Foundation grant (14-15-00916). Ivan A. Yakovlev and Mikhail O. Mavlikeev were supported by the Russian Government Program of Competitive Growth of Kazan Federal University. The authors apologize for this error and state that this does not change the scientific conclusions of the article in any way

    Features of the demographic situation in the Republic of Dagestan (2002-2012)

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    The subject of the study: demographic indicators in the Republic of Dagestan (RD) from 2002 to 2012. Topic of the research: dynamics and structure of the demographic data in RD and Russian Federation (RF). Objective: comprehensive analysis of the geographical features of RD, dynamics and structure of the demographic data in RD and RF from 2002 to 2012; detection features of demographic situation in RD in comparison to RF. Methodology: study of the indicators of the total population, its structure by age, sex, place of residence, including women and children; total death rate, birth rate, natality in the dynamics of RD in comparison to RF. Results: demographic situation in RD is characterized by high rate of natality due to the high level of growing birthrate, which is steady exceeding the index in RF more than 1,5 times while there is low index of death rate, that is progressively decreases and remains lower than in RF not less than 2,4 times; by increasing index of natality from 2005 to 2012, that reached level of 13,4 per 1000 population in 2012, this index is higher than in RF (0 per 1000); by a high proportion of rural population, that is higher than in RF more than 2 times (55,4% and 26% respectively); by high proportion of women of childbearing age (56,3% of the total female population), most of them live in the countryside (55%), by a high proportion of child population (0-14 years old), which is higher thatT in RF 1,6 times, that represents 24,9% and 15,5% respectively and with an equal index of working population proportion (62,2% and 36,2% respectively) indicates a high demographic and socio­economic burden on the working population in RD. Range of application of the results: when forming programs for optimizing the structure of health care in RD and in other subjects of RF; when forming territorial programs of Government guarantees of health care in RD and in other subjects of RF. Findings: integrated assessment of geographical features, transport connection, demographical situation features in the region, a detailed study of the reasons why the death rate of population is higher than average index in the RF, should be considered when planning structure and volume of medical care in the region.Предмет исследования: демографические показатели Республики Дагестан (РД) 2002-2012гг. Тема исследования: динамика и структура демографических показателей РД и Российской Федерации (РФ). Цель работы: анализ географических особенностей, динамики и структуры демографических показателей РД в период 2002-2012гг. в сравнении с РФ, выявление особенностей демографической ситуации в РД. Методология: изучение показателей общей численности населения РД, ее структуры по возрасту, полу, месту жительства, в т.ч. женского и детского; общей смертности населения, рождаемости, естественного прироста в динамике в сравнении с РФ. Результаты: демографическая ситуация в РД характеризуется: высоким темпом естественного прироста населения за счет высокого растущего уровня рождаемости, стабильно превышающего показатель в РФ более, чем в 1,5 раза на фоне низкого показателя общей смертности населения, который прогрессивно снижаясь, остается ниже, чем в РФ не менее, чем в 2,4 раза; увеличением показателя естественного прироста населения в 2005- 2012гг. на 58% с достижением в 2012г. уровня 13,4на 1000 населения, что выше, чем в РФ(0 на 1000 населения); высокой долей сельского населения, превышающей показатель в РФ более, чем в 2 раза (55,4% и 26% соответственно);высокой долей женщин детородного возраста (56,3 % от общей численности женского населения), большая часть которых проживает в сельской местности (55%);высокой долей детского населения (0-14 лет), превышающей показатель в РФ в 1,6 раза, что составляет 24,9% и 15,5% соответственно и при равном показателе доли трудоспособного населения (62,2% и63,2% соответственно), свидетельствует о высокой демографической и социально-экономической нагрузке на трудоспособное население РД. Область применения результатов: при формировании Программ оптимизации структуры оказания медицинской помощи в РД и других субъектах РФ; при формировании территориальных программ Государственных гарантий оказания медицинской помощи в РД и других субъектах РФ. Выводы: комплексная оценка географических особенностей, транспортного сообщения, особенностей демографической ситуации в регионе, детальное изучение причин, по которым показатели смертности населения превышают общероссийские показатели, необходимо учитывать при планировании структуры и объемов медицинской помощи в регионе

    Ethnic features of cerebral stroke in Dagestan

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    Held in the Republic of Dagestan in 2011 stroke registry has allowed to establish indicators of morbidity, mortality and case fatality rate of stroke for different nationalities living on the territory of Dagestan. The highest parameters of morbidity have kumyks — 5,36, then the nogais - 4,91, lezgins - 3,63, russian - 3,39, dargins - 3,32, laks - 2,85, avars - 2,27. The highest mortality rates in the nogay - cache, then in descending order follow the kumyks - 2,07, russian -1,28, dargins - 0,96, lezgins - 0,86, laks - 0,83, the lowest indicators in the avar - 0,8. The highest case lethality of the nogai - 50,0%, the kumyks - 43,93%, the russians — 42,63%, the avars - 39,24%, dargin - 36,14%, laktsev - 35,16%, lezgin - 27,4%Проводимый в Республике Дагестан в 2011 г. регистр инсульта позволил установить показатели болезненности, смертности и летальности церебральным инсультом у разных национальностей проживающих на территории Дагестана. Самые высокие показатели болезненности отмечаются у кумыков - 5,36, затем следуют ногайцы - 4,91, лезгины — 3,63, русские - 3,39, даргинцы - 3,32, лакцы - 2,85, аварцы - 2,27. Самая высокая смертности отмечается у ногайцев — 2,26, затем по убыванию следуют кумыки - 2,07, русские -1,28, даргинцы - 0,96, лезгины - 0,86, лакцы - 0,83, наименьшие показатели у аварцев - 0,8 на 1000 населения. Самая высокая летальность у ногайцев - 50,0%, у кумыков - 43,93%, у русских - 42,63%, у аварцев - 39,24%, даргинцев - 36,14%, лакцев - 35,16%, лезгин - 27,4%

    Ethnic features of the major risk factors for cerebral stroke in Dagestan

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    Held in the Republic of Dagestan in 2011 stroke registry allowed to establish the main factors of development of a stroke in a different nationalities. The highest number of risk factors of a stroke occurs in the Russian - 2,37, followed by kumyks — 2,24, lezgins - 2,06, laks - 2,04, dargins -1,92, avars -1,87 and the smallest number of risk factors have nogai -1,65.Проведенный в Республике Дагестан в 2011 году регистр инсульта позволил установить основные факторы развития инсульта у разных национальностей. Наиболее высокое количество факторов риска инсульта отмечается у русских — 2,37, затем следуют кумыки - 2,24, лезгины - 2,06, лакцы - 2,04, даргинцы -1,92, аварцы -1 ,8 7 и наименьшее количество факторов риска у ногайцев -1,65

    The clinical case of limb-girdle muscle dystrophy 2Q associated with myasthenic syndrome and lung damage

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    Limb-girdle muscle dystrophy 2Q is one of the rarest forms of plectinopathies and is represented by an isolated muscular dystrophic syndrome, according to two previously described literature reports. There are five forms of plectinopathies, including limb-girdle muscle dystrophy 2Q, are caused by mutations in the PLEC gene, the alternative splicing of which determines the synthesis of 9 isoforms of the plectin protein (1, 1a, 1b, 1c, 1d, 1e, 1f, 1g, 3) performing cytolinker function in the neuronal, epithelial and muscle tissue.The article describes the family observation of three sick siblings with the limb-girdle muscle dystrophy 2Q phenotype due to the presence of a new homozygous mutation (NM_201378.3:c.58G>T, NP_958780.1:p.Glu20Ter) in the isoform 1f PLEC revealed by whole-exome sequencing. Clinical, electromyography, visualization and histopathological features of limb-girdle muscle dystrophy 2Q were analyzed in detail. The onset of clinical manifestations in all the described siblings was observed in early childhood with moderate weakness mainly in the pelvic girdle muscles and proximal lower limbs with minimal involvement of the muscles of the shoulder girdle. A distinctive aspect is the stagnation of the myodystrophic process until 20—21 years, followed by the progression and development of episodes of respiratory failure, as well as the formation of rigidity of the cervical, thoracic spine and moderate contracture of the Achilles tendons. Typical features are marked atrophy of paravertebral muscles with the formation of pterygoid scapula and the presence of hypertrophy m. gastrocnemius, m. quadriceps femoris, m. deltoideus and m. triceps brachii. Histopathological examination m. vastus lateralis revealed myodystrophic process without inflammatory infiltration, muscle fiber cytoskeleton disorganization resulted from the plectin loss.Electrocardiography signs of the early repolarization syndrome, focal cardiosclerosis and sinus tachycardia are described. For the first time, involvement in the pathological process of pulmonary tissue in the form of noninfectious bronchiolitis, atelectasis, and the development of the myasthenic syndrome causing episodes of respiratory failure resulted in the death of two described siblings aged 29 and 31 years. Discussed pathogenetic role of PLEC 1f isoform in the development of described syndromes, expands understanding of rare nosology limb-girdle muscle dystrophy 2Q