31 research outputs found

    Bottom topography, length, chamber structure of timergazin canyon-like valley and problems of oil and gas exploration in basement

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    In this article there are specified: a sub-latitudinal valley bottom topography of South Tatar arch, valley length and a position of directive pallial-crustal first order fracture. The valley bottom chamber was considered as continental rift structure with fracture-block tectonics in plan. The possible contribution of the valley to hydrocarbon transit from deep formations is estimated. The Subkhankulovsky swell is specified as possible hydrocarbon deposit within the basement. © 2009

    Productivity of corn Ross 140 depending on the level of the chemicalization of zonal soils of the republic of Tatarstan

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    It is known that one and the same corn plant material can be used to produce silage, cornage, milled grain, or grain for fodder. Each of them contains completely different amounts of nutrients and a wide range of gross yield of fodder units. The results of the research show the direct dependence of the choice of corn use on zonal features of the soil cover and the existing level of chemicalization of agricultural formations of the Republic of Tatarstan, which are considered in detail in this paper. Thus, in order to produce the ploughed grain or corn with the gross harvest of fodder units 7.94–8.82 t/ha and profitability of 78.7% on leached chernozems, which account for 38% of soils of the Republic of Tatarstan, it is recommended to cultivate corn using the complex application of agromeliorants and calculated norms of mineral fertilizers. Liming of acidic dark gray and gray forest soils with phosphorite and zeolite application in combination with NPK provides increase in gross harvest of fodder units of corn silage from 4.22 to 6.13 and 3.34 to 5.86 t/ha respectively. The high efficiency of agrochemicals application on corn crops and forage harvesting of different types of fodder taking into account zonal features of soil cover of the Republic of Tatarstan is also confirmed by economic indicators. The profitability of production of rolled grain reaches the maximum value (78.8%) in the variant with liming and phosphating of leached chernozem combined with the application of mineral fertilizers in rates calculated for obtaining the planned 35 t/ha of green mass. At the same time, on dark gray and gray forest soils as the yield of green mass increases under the influence of agromeliorants the total costs of silage production increases by 13.1 and 16.5 thousand rubles/ha compared with the control variants of the experiment (without agrochemicals). However, the costs of production of 1 000 fodder units are reduced to 9.9 and 10.4 thousand rubles respectively, provided that the sale price is about14 thousand rubles

    An experience of scaling and intensifying the industrial production of the Gam-COVID-Vac vector adenovirus vaccine in the limiting conditions of the pandemic

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    The COVID-19 pandemic has presented a global challenge to the health system. More than 200 years of world epidemiological experience since the first mass use of vaccines have convincingly shown that effective vaccines are the key tools in the fight against dangerous infectious diseases, especially epidemic and pandemic ones. In the context of a rapidly spreading pandemic of a new infectious agent, it is crucial not only to develop fundamentally new vaccines, but also to be able to quickly organise their large-scale production. In the Russian Federation, in 2020, a team of the National Research Centre for Epidemiology and Microbiology named after Honorary Academician N.F. Gamaleya developed an innovative vector vaccine, Gam-COVID-Vaс, for the prevention of coronavirus disease caused by the SARS-CoV-2 virus. A number of pharmaceutical companies faced the challenge of producing the vaccine. The aim of the study was to optimise the production technology of Gam-COVID-Vac for scaling and increasing the production capacity. In the course of the work, the authors established critical quality attributes of the product, optimised analytical methods for their control, identified poorly scalable technological stages, streamlined the technological process before its transfer to production, and modified non-scalable and technologically unfeasible stages. The work resulted in the launch of industrial-scale production of active pharmaceutical ingredients for both components of Gam-COVID-Vac, which made it possible not only to meet the critical need for COVID-19 immunoprophylaxis in the Russian Federation, but also to supply this vaccine to a number of foreign countries

    Совершенствование оказания медицинской помощи пациентам с ОНМК с применением стандартов JCI. Первые результаты

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    AIM OF THE STUDY To compare the dynamics of thrombolytic therapy effectiveness in patients with stroke after the reorganization of medical care using JCI standards.MATERIAL AND METHODS In 2022, a new system for routing patients with stroke at the level of the emergency department was introduced in the Emergency Care Hospital; and 976 patients with the diagnosis of brain infarction were treated. The analysis of the results was carried out by comparing the mortality rates from ischemic stroke, the number of thrombolytic therapies and procedures of mechanical methods of revascularization, as well as the indicators “Door-CT”, “DoorNeedle”, “Door-Opening” for 2021 and 10 months of 2022.RESULTS After the introduction of the new routing system for patients with stroke at the emergency department level, there appeared the first positive results. Thus, the mortality rate from brain infarction in 10 months of 2022 decreased by 5.6% compared to 2021. The number of thrombolytic therapies performed increased by 5.2%, and mechanical revascularization procedures by 1.62% over the same period, while the “Door-CT” indicator decreased by 27 minutes, “DoorNeedle” by 22 minutes, “Door-Opening” by 31.6 minutes.CONCLUSIONS The immediate results of the introduction of the new patient routing system at the level of the emergency department have proved successful, primarily due to the significant reduction in the mortality rate of patients with cerebral infarction by 5.6%. However, the process requires further investigation and has application points for further improvement.ЦЕЛЬ ИССЛЕДОВАНИЯ Сравнить динамику эффективности проведения тромболитической терапии у пациентов с острым нарушением мозгового кровообращения (ОНМК) после реорганизации медицинской помощи с применением стандартов JCI.МАТЕРИАЛ И МЕТОДЫ В ГАУЗ РТ «БСМП» в 2022 г. внедрена новая система маршрутизации пациентов с ОНМК на уровне приемного отделения и пролечены 976 пациентов с диагнозом «Инфаркт мозга». Анализ полученных результатов проводили путем сравнения показателей летальности от ишемического инсульта, количества проведенных тромболитических терапий и процедур механических методов реваскуляризации, а также показателей «Дверь–КТ», «Дверь–Игла», «Дверь–Раскрытие» за 2021 г. и 10 месяцев 2022 г.РЕЗУЛЬТАТЫ После внедрения новой системы маршрутизации пациентов с ОНМК на уровне приемного отделения с применением стандартов JCI имеются первые положительные результаты. Так, летальность от инфаркта мозга за 10 месяцев 2022 г. снизилась на 5,6% в сравнении с 2021 г. Количество проведенных тромболитических терапий увеличилось на 5,2%, а процедур механических методов реваскуляризации — на 1,62% за аналогичный период, в то время как показатель «Дверь–КТ» снизился на 27 минут, «Дверь–Игла» — на 22 минуты, а «Дверь–Раскрытие» — на 31,6 минуты.ЗАКЛЮЧЕНИЕ Непосредственные результаты внедрения новой системы маршрутизации пациентов на уровне приемного отделения являются успешными, в первую очередь за счет значимого снижения летальности пациентов с инфарктом мозга на 5,6%. Однако процесс требует дальнейшего исследования и имеет точки приложения для дальнейшего улучшения

    Sugar transporters of the SWEET family and their role in arbuscular mycorrhiza

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    Plant sugar transporters play an essential role in the organism’s productivity by carrying out carbohydrate transportation from source cells in the leaves to sink cells in the cortex. In addition, they aid in the regulation of a substantial part of the exchange of nutrients with microorganisms in the rhizosphere (bacteria and fungi), an activity essential to the formation of symbiotic relationships. This review pays special attention to carbohydrate nutrition during the development of arbuscular mycorrhiza (AM), a symbiosis of plants with fungi from the Glomeromycotina subdivision. This relationship results in the host plant receiving micronutrients from the mycosymbiont, mainly phosphorus, and the fungus receiving carbon assimilation products in return. While the efficient nutrient transport pathways in AM symbiosis are yet to be discovered, SWEET sugar transporters are one of the three key families of plant carbohydrate transporters. Specific AM symbiosis transporters can be identified among the SWEET proteins. The survey provides data on the study history, structure and localization, phylogeny and functions of the SWEET proteins. A high variability of both the SWEET proteins themselves and their functions is noted along with the fact that the same proteins may perform different functions in different plants. A special role is given to the SWEET transporters in AM development. SWEET transporters can also play a key role in abiotic stress tolerance, thus allowing plants to adapt to adverse environmental conditions. The development of knowledge about symbiotic systems will contribute to the creation of microbial preparations for use in agriculture in the Russian Federation

    Механизмы развития антипсихотик-индуцированных метаболических нарушений: фармакогенетический аспект

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    Antipsychotics are the main drug group in the treatment of disorders of the schizophrenic spectrum. At the same time, this drug group requires long-term use, has a narrow therapeutic breadth and a large spectrum and high severity of undesirable drug reactions, the manifestation of which is largely determined by the patient’s genotype. In this connection, the severity of undesirable drug reactions in drugs of the first and second generation of antipsychotics is different. Atypical antipsychotics, unlike typical antipsychotics, have a significantly lower chance of causing extrapyramidal disorders, though they primarily induce metabolic side effects, consisting of significant weight changes, glucose metabolism dysregulation, and dyslipidemia. These unwanted drug reactions significantly reduce adherence to therapy and can lead to serious complications in the future. At the same time, experience with the use of atypical antipsychotics has shown that the severity of unwanted reactions differs within the group of atypical antipsychotics and, more importantly, even for one drug taken by different patients, is a variable index. The reason for this phenomenon lies is in the polymorphism of the pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic factors involved in the metabolism of atypical antipsychotics and the different chemical structure of the drugs. The study of the effect of various combinations of polymorphic variants of the pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamics factors on the development of antipsychotic-induced metabolic disorders is a complex and high-priority task of personalized medicine. Антипсихотики являются основными лекарственными препаратами в терапии расстройств шизофренического спектра. Антипсихотические препараты требуют длительного применения, обладают узкой терапевтической широтой, большим спектром и выраженностью нежелательных лекарственных реакций, проявление которых во многом определяется генотипом пациента. Выраженность нежелательных лекарственных реакций у препаратов первой и второй генераций антипсихотиков различна.Применение атипичных антипсихотиков, в отличие от типичных, реже вызывает экстрапирамидные расстройства, но индуцирует, прежде всего, метаболические нарушения: изменение веса, дизрегуляцию метаболизма глюкозы, дислипидемию. Перечисленные нежелательные лекарственные реакции в значительной мере снижают приверженность пациентов к терапии и могут привести к серьезным осложнениям в дальнейшем. Клинический опыт применения антипсихотиков показал, что выраженность нежелательных реакций одного препарата, принимаемого различными пациентами, является вариабельным показателем в связи с полиморфизмом генов фармакокинетических и фармакодинамических факторов, задействованных в реализации фармакологического действия антипсихотиков. В связи с этим изучение влияния различных комбинаций полиморфных вариантов генов фармакокинетических и фармакодинамических факторов на развитие антипсихотик-индуцированных метаболических нарушений является приоритетной задачей персонализированной психиатрии.

    Опыт масштабирования и интенсификации промышленного производства векторной аденовирусной вакцины Гам-КОВИД-Вак в лимитирующих условиях пандемии

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    The COVID-19 pandemic has presented a global challenge to the health system. More than 200 years of world epidemiological experience since the first mass use of vaccines have convincingly shown that effective vaccines are the key tools in the fight against dangerous infectious diseases, especially epidemic and pandemic ones. In the context of a rapidly spreading pandemic of a new infectious agent, it is crucial not only to develop fundamentally new vaccines, but also to be able to quickly organise their large-scale production. In the Russian Federation, in 2020, a team of the National Research Centre for Epidemiology and Microbiology named after Honorary Academician N.F. Gamaleya developed an innovative vector vaccine, Gam-COVID-Vaс, for the prevention of coronavirus disease caused by the SARS-CoV-2 virus. A number of pharmaceutical companies faced the challenge of producing the vaccine. The aim of the study was to optimise the production technology of Gam-COVID-Vac for scaling and increasing the production capacity. In the course of the work, the authors established critical quality attributes of the product, optimised analytical methods for their control, identified poorly scalable technological stages, streamlined the technological process before its transfer to production, and modified non-scalable and technologically unfeasible stages. The work resulted in the launch of industrial-scale production of active pharmaceutical ingredients for both components of Gam-COVID-Vac, which made it possible not only to meet the critical need for COVID-19 immunoprophylaxis in the Russian Federation, but also to supply this vaccine to a number of foreign countries.Пандемия COVID-19 явилась глобальным вызовом для системы здравоохранения. За более чем 200 лет, прошедших с момента первого массового применения вакцин, эпидемиологи всего мира убедились, что именно эффективные вакцины являются ключевым инструментом в борьбе с опасными инфекционными заболеваниями, особенно эпидемического и пандемического характера. В условиях быстро распространяющейся пандемии нового инфекционного агента, не только разработка принципиально новых вакцинных препаратов, но и возможность быстро организовать крупномасштабное производство приобретают решающее значение. В Российской Федерации коллективом ФГБУ «НИЦЭМ им. Н.Ф. Гамалеи» Минздрава России в 2020 г. была разработана инновационная векторная вакцина Гам-КОВИД-Вак для профилактики коронавирусной инфекции, вызываемой вирусом SARS-CoV-2. Перед рядом отечественных биофармацевтических предприятий была поставлена задача ее производства. Цель работы – оптимизация технологии производства вакцины Гам-КОВИД-Вак для масштабирования и наращивания объема выпуска. В ходе работы были решены следующие задачи: установлены критические атрибуты качества продукта и оптимизированы аналитические методы для их контроля; выявлены технологические стадии, плохо поддающиеся масштабированию; оптимизирован технологический процесс перед переносом в производство; модифицированы не масштабируемые/нетехнологичные стадии. В результате работы был налажен массовый выпуск субстанции обоих компонентов Гам-КОВИД-Вак, позволивший не только обеспечить высокую потребность в вакцине для иммунопрофилактики COVID-19 в Российской Федерации, но и осуществлять поставки данной вакцины в ряд зарубежных стран

    Bottom topography, length, chamber structure of timergazin canyon-like valley and problems of oil and gas exploration in basement

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    In this article there are specified: a sub-latitudinal valley bottom topography of South Tatar arch, valley length and a position of directive pallial-crustal first order fracture. The valley bottom chamber was considered as continental rift structure with fracture-block tectonics in plan. The possible contribution of the valley to hydrocarbon transit from deep formations is estimated. The Subkhankulovsky swell is specified as possible hydrocarbon deposit within the basement. © 2009

    Bottom topography, length, chamber structure of timergazin canyon-like valley and problems of oil and gas exploration in basement

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    In this article there are specified: a sub-latitudinal valley bottom topography of South Tatar arch, valley length and a position of directive pallial-crustal first order fracture. The valley bottom chamber was considered as continental rift structure with fracture-block tectonics in plan. The possible contribution of the valley to hydrocarbon transit from deep formations is estimated. The Subkhankulovsky swell is specified as possible hydrocarbon deposit within the basement. © 2009

    Bottom topography, length, chamber structure of timergazin canyon-like valley and problems of oil and gas exploration in basement

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    In this article there are specified: a sub-latitudinal valley bottom topography of South Tatar arch, valley length and a position of directive pallial-crustal first order fracture. The valley bottom chamber was considered as continental rift structure with fracture-block tectonics in plan. The possible contribution of the valley to hydrocarbon transit from deep formations is estimated. The Subkhankulovsky swell is specified as possible hydrocarbon deposit within the basement. © 2009