2,371 research outputs found

    Live in Destiny or Die as Martyr: the Venture of Front Pembela Islam (Fpi) in Contemporary Indonesia

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    Book Review:Book title:Defending the Majesty of Islam: Indonesia\u27s Front Pembela Islam, 1998-2003Author:Jajang JahroniNo. of Pages:vii + 72Year:2008Publisher:University of Washington Pres

    Narasi Pendidikan Islam di Aceh: Biografi Intelektual M. Arifin Amin

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    Perkembangan pendidikan Islam di Aceh Timur selalu merujuk pada salah seorang tokoh pendidikan Islam yang telah banyak mendedikasikan dirinya bagi pendidikan Islam. Ironisnya, nama ini tidak pernah direkam dalam lintasan sejarah pendidikan (Islam) Aceh. Tulisan ini menginvestigasi tidak hanya profil dan karya tulis M. Arifin Amin, tetapi juga kontribusi Arifin terhadap perkembangan pendidikan Islam serta faktor yang sangat dimungkinkan lahirnya inisiasi untuk mendirikan lembaga-lembaga pendidikan Islam di Aceh Timur. Penelitian ini menggunakan perspektif sosiologi historis Max Weber dengan menggunakan causal analysis untuk menginterpretasikan berbagai faktor yang melahirkan tindakan Arifin terhadap pendidikan Islam di Aceh Timur. Penelitian ini menggali informasi dari informan yang dilakukan melalui indepth interview dan mengumpulkan karya intelektual serta dokumen lembaga-lembaga pendidikan Islam di mana Arifin merupakan tokoh sentral. Penelitian ini menemukan bahwa Arifin tidak hanya terlibat aktif dalam organisasi sosial dan pendidikan, tetapi juga aktif dalam bidang politik dan sejarah

    Penerapan Model Pembelajaran Guided Discovery untuk Meningkatkan Keterampilan Berpikir Kritis Siswa Kelas XI SMA N 9 Pekanbaru dalam Pembelajaran Fisika

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    This research aimed to know enhancement on critical thinking skillssecondary grades students SMA N 9 Pekanbaru through application guideddiscovery learning model in learning physics and to know the difference learningoutcomes between secondary grades students that teached by conventional learningmodel with secondary grades students that teached by guided discovery learningmodel on spring force matter. This research conducted on SMA N 9 Pekanbaru fromJuly to December 2015. This type of research is quasi experimental design withNonequivalent Control Group Design. Sampling technique of this research usedsimple random sampling technic by taking two classes at random from population.The Samples is sciences two as experiment class and sciences four as control class.The number of students on experiment class is 29 childrens which consist of 10 boysand 19 girls.While the number of students on the control class of 30 people consist of12 boys and 18 girls.Multiple choices questions used for collect data as techniquetest. Based on analyze of mean percentage posttest show that mean percentageexperiment class with 71,67 % percentages is different than control class with59,52 % percentages. Based on analyze with t-test, show that thitung > ttabel then Horejected and Ha accepted with a significance level 5 %. Its show that there aredifference learning outcomes between experiment class and control class

    Pengembangan Lks Berbasis Saintifik Pada Materi Alat- Alat Optik Dan Efektivitasnya Terhadap Hasil Belajar Kognitif Fisika Siswa

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    Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengembangan LKS Berbasis Saintifik pada materi alat-alat optik dan untuk mengetahui efektivitasnya terhadap hasil belajar kognitif fisika siswa. Metode penelitian ini adalah metode Research and Development (R & D). Pengembangan yang digunakan adalah Four D dari Thiagarajan, Semmel & Semmel. Tahapan Four D meliputi tahap define, design, develop, and disseminate. Uji kelayakan LKS menggunakan validasi ahli dan uji efektifitas menggunakan desain one group pretest-posttes. Teknik analisis data menggunakan N gain dan uji t dua pihak. Kesimpulan hasil penelitian ini adalah (1) hasil validasi Tim Ahli terhadap hasil pengembangan LKS Berbasis Saintifik adalah sangat layak digunakan dalam proses pembelajaran, (2) LKS Berbasis saintifik yang diajarkan menggunakan model pembelajaran kooperatif efektif untuk meningkatkan hasil belajar kognitif siswa, (3) Profile LKS Berbasis Saintifik adalah memuat percobaan yang disusun berdasarkan langkah-langkah saintifik (mengamati, menanya, mencoba, mengasosiasi, dan mengkomunikasikan)

    Dual band rectangular dielectric resonator antenna for WLAN application

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    A compact dual band ring shape rectangular dielectric resonator antenna (RRDRA) to operate at 2.4 GHz and 5 GHZ WLAN application is proposed. In this design the dielectric resonator is fed by modified 50Ω trapezoidal micro strip line situated on top of the FR4 substrate. The simulated and measured impedance bandwidth achieved at 2.4 GHZ is 12.42% (2.3149-2.6132) and 12.9% (2.21-2.52) respectively; whilst for 5 GHZ at 13% (5.1795-5.8914) and 13.2% (5.08-5.81) for S11<-10 dB. And the gain of the proposed antenna is 4.9dBi and 5.9 dBi at 2.4 GHz 5GHZ respectively. Results are simulated using Ansoft High frequency structural simulator (HFSS) for the study of impedance bandwidth, return loss, radiation pattern and antenna gain. Furthermore the antenna has been fabricated and tested. The measured characteristics of the proposed antenna are in good agreement with the simulated results

    Penerapan Media Simulasi Virtual untuk Meningkatkan Penguasaan Konsep Listrik Dinamis melalui Pembelajaran Kontekstual di Sman 4 Pekanbaru

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    The aims this study to determine the incresing dynamic electric concepts with the application of virtual simulation media through contextual learning in class X SMAN 4 Pekanbaru. The subjects were students of class X1 and X2 class. X1 class as a class experiment with the number of students by 37 votes, while class X2 as the control class with the number of students as many as 37 people. Data collection instrument in this research is test the mastery of concept of dynamic electric that consists of 10 items essay. Analysis of the data in this research is descriptive analysis to see the picture of increasing mastery of the concept of dynamic electricity students by using the value of the gain is normalized and inferential analysis to know there is no difference between the classes who use the virtual simulation media through contextual learning with classes that do not use the application virtual simulation media of the dynamic electric concept mastery. From the analysis of the data shows: the value of the gain is normalized experimental class was 0.76 with a high category, while the value of the normalized gain control group was 0.71 with a high category and there value significance 0,765>0,05 and (3,482>2,028) so accepted, meaning there is a difference between a class that uses the application of virtual simulation media through contextual learning with classes that do not use the media application of virtual simulation of the dynamic electric concept mastery. Thus, it can be concluded that the application of virtual simulation media through contextual learning can be used for learning in class X1 SMAN 4 Pekanbaru

    Dynamics of semi-flexible polymer solutions in the highly entangled regime

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    We present experimental evidence that the effective medium approximation (EMA), developed by D.C. Morse [Phys. Rev. E {\bf 63}, 031502, (2001)], provides the correct scaling law of the macroscopic plateau modulus G0ρ4/3Lp1/3G^{0}\propto\rho^{4/3}L^{-1/3}_{p} (where ρ\rho is the contour length per unit volume and LpL_{p} is the persistence length) of semi-flexible polymer solutions, in the highly entangled concentration regime. Competing theories, including a self-consistent binary collision approximation (BCA), have instead predicted G0ρ7/5Lp1/5G^{0}\propto\rho^{7/5}L^{-1/5}_{p}. We have tested both the EMA and BCA scaling predictions using actin filament (F-actin) solutions which permit experimental control of LpL_p independently of other parameters. A combination of passive video particle tracking microrheology and dynamic light scattering yields independent measurements of the elastic modulus GG and LpL_{p} respectively. Thus we can distinguish between the two proposed laws, in contrast to previous experimental studies, which focus on the (less discriminating) concentration functionality of GG.Comment: 4 pages, 6 figures, Phys. Rev. Lett. (accepted

    Design and Development of Physics Learning Media of Three Dimensional Animation Using Blender Applications on Atomic Core Material

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    The Aims of this study is to design and build a three dimensional animated physics learning media on the atomic core material using blender application for High School Physics learning media for atomic core material is already exist but still in the form of two dimensions, so it less of visualize actual concept. This research used three-stage of development research. The first stage is the design stage of the media by using instructional design model type ADDIE. The second stage is the stage of media development using the blender application. The third stage is the stage of validation and reliability. Respondents amounted to 54 people consisting of 5 experts (Expert), 11 teachers (user experts), 20 teachers (users) and 18 students (users). Aspects assessed are pedagogic, content and technical. Data collection technique is questionnaire. The results showed the validity score of experts 4.515 which means the learning media is valid with very high category. The Cronbach alpha value of the teacher as user is 0.950 and from student as user is 0.889. it indicated that the media is reliable