446 research outputs found

    Drugs and Crime in Anchorage, Alaska: A Note

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    Also published in Alaska Justice Forum 22(1): 7 (Spring 2005).This research note examines the relationship between drug use and offense charged through data collected in 2003 from 259 recent arrestees in Anchorage, Alaska using the Arrestee Drug Abuse Monitoring (ADAM) protocol. The analysis is restricted to examining those ADAM participants who tested positive for marijuana and cocaine use.Research note supported in part by Grant No. 2002-BJ-CX-K018 from the Bureau of Justice Statistics, Office of Justice Programs, U.S. Department of Justice

    Seasonal Use of Marijuana and Cocaine by Arrestees in Anchorage, Alaska

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    Previously presented at the Western Society of Criminology, Honolulu, HI, Feb 2005.This paper explores the relation between season (fall, winter, spring and summer) and drug use among arrestees. The analysis examines seasonal differences of proportions of drug tests positive for marijuana or cocaine among recently arrested and booked suspects in Anchorage, Alaska. The study is based on Arrestee Drug Abuse Monitoring (ADAM) data collected in Anchorage during the period between 1999 and the third quarter of 2003.Paper supported in part by Grant No. 2002-BJ-CX-K018 from the Bureau of Justice Statistics, Office of Justice Programs, U.S. Department of Justice.Abstract / Seasonal Use of Drugs / Data and Methods of Analysis / Seasonality and Marijuana Use / Seasonality and Cocaine Use / Discussion / Reference

    Preliminary Results From the Long-Term Inmate Survey: Focus on Child Abuse Histories

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    This preliminary report of long-term inmates in Alaska correctional facilities finds that over 80 percent of long-term inmates report having been physically abused as children, over 65 percent report having suffered neglect. Other findings related to the child abuse histories of long-term inmates are also reported.Alaska Department of Correction

    Results From the Long-Term Inmate Survey: Focus on Child Abuse Histories

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    This report of long-term inmates in Alaska correctional facilities attempts to describe the childhood experiences of a sample of long-term inmates, address the "cycle of abuse" issue; and present the correlates of abuse which may impact the pattern of offending or inmate functioning. Over 80 percent of long-term inmates report having been physically abused as children; over 65 percent report having suffered neglect.Alaska Department of CorrectionsResults from the Long Term Inmate Study: Focus on Child Abuse Histories / Incidence of Child Abuse and the Relationship to Criminality / Measuring Child Abuse and Neglect: A Review of Methods / Survey Methods and Administration / An Assessment of Survey Biases / Tables to Support Profile Analysis / Personal Interview Administration and Results / Correlates of Abus

    Atlas of Anchorage Community Indicators

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    The Anchorage Community Indicators (ACI) project is designed to make information (extracted from data) accessible so that conversations about the health and well-being of Anchorage may become more completely informed. Policy makers, social commentators, service delivery systems, and scholars often stake out positions based on anecdotal evidence or hunches when, in many instances, solid, empirical evidence could be compiled to support or challenge these opinions.The Atlas of Anchorage Community Indicators makes empirical information about neighborhoods widely accessible to many different audiences. The initial selection of indicators for presentation in the Atlas was inspired by Peter Blau and his interest in measures of heterogeneity (diversity) and inequality and by the work of the Project on Human Development in Chicago Neighborhoods. In both cases the measures they developed were well-conceptualized and validated. The Atlas presents community indicators at the census block group level derived from data captured in the 2000 U.S. Census and the 2005 Anchorage Community Survey. All maps in the Atlas are overlaid by Community Council boundaries to facilitate comparisons across maps.Introduction / COMMUNITY COUNCIL BOUNDARY MAPS / Eagle River Community Councils / North Anchorage Community Councils / South Anchorage Community Councils / Girdwood Community Councils / CENSUS-DERIVES INDICATORS AT BLOCK GROUP LEVEL / 1. Concentrated Affluence / 2. Concentrated Disadvantage / 3. Housing Density / 4. Immigrant Concentration / 5. Index of Concentration at Extremes / 6. Industrial Heterogeneity / 7. Multiform Disadvantage / 8. Occupational Heterogeneity / 9. Population Density / 10. Racial Heterogeneity / 11. Ratio of Adults to Children / 12. Residential Stability / 13. Income Inequality // APPENDIX: ACI Technical Report: Initial Measures Derived from Censu

    Withdrawal rates as a consequence of disclosure of risk associated with manipulation of the cervical spine

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The risk associated with cervical manipulation is controversial. Research in this area is widely variable but as yet the risk is not easily quantifiable. This presents a problem when informing the patient of risks when seeking consent and information may be withheld due to the fear of patient withdrawal from care. As yet, there is a lack of research into the frequency of risk disclosure and consequent withdrawal from manipulative treatment as a result. This study seeks to investigate the reality of this and to obtain insight into the attitudes of chiropractors towards informed consent and disclosure.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Questionnaires were posted to 200 UK chiropractors randomly selected from the register of the General Chiropractic Council.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>A response rate of 46% (n = 92) was achieved. Thirty-three per cent (n = 30) respondents were female and the mean number of years in practice was 10. Eighty-eight per cent considered explanation of the risks associated with any recommended treatment important when obtaining informed consent. However, only 45% indicated they always discuss this with patients in need of cervical manipulation. When asked whether they believed discussing the possibility of a serious adverse reaction to cervical manipulation could increase patient anxiety to the extent there was a strong possibility the patient would refuse treatment, 46% said they believed this could happen. Nonetheless, 80% said they believed they had a moral/ethical obligation to disclose risk associated with cervical manipulation despite these concerns. The estimated number of withdrawals throughout respondents' time in practice was estimated at 1 patient withdrawal for every 2 years in practice.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>The withdrawal rate from cervical manipulation as a direct consequence of the disclosure of associated serious risks appears unfounded. However, notwithstanding legal obligations, reluctance to disclose risk due to fear of increasing patient anxiety still remains, despite acknowledgement of moral and ethical responsibility.</p