171 research outputs found

    Decrease of myocardial mRNA in adriamycin-treated rats

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    Up-Regulation of the Human Serum and Glucocorticoid-Dependent Kinase 1 in Glomerulonephritis

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    Abstract Glomerulonephritis is paralleled by excessive formation of transforming growth factor-beta (TGF-ß), which participates in the pathophysiology of the disease. Recently, a novel downstream target of TGF-ß has been identified, i.e. the human serum and glucocorticoid-dependent kinase 1 (hSGK1), a serine/threonine kinase participating in the regulation of Na + transport. The present study was performed to elucidate transcriptional regulation of hSGK1 in glomerulonephritis. To this end, in situ hybridization was performed in biopsies from patients with clinical diagnosis of glomerulonephritis. hSGK1 transcript levels were moderately enhanced in 5 out of 9 patients and strongly enhanced in 4 out of 9 patients. Distal nephron epithelial cell hSGK1 transcript levels were low or absent in 7 of the 9 patients but markedly enhanced in 2 of the 9 patients. In conclusion, glomerulonephritis leads to glomerular and in some cases to epithelial up-regulation of hSGK1 transcription

    Expression of Ksp-cadherin during kidney development and in renal cell carcinoma

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    Cadherins are a large family of cell–cell adhesion molecules acting in a homotypic, homophilic manner that play an important role in the maintenance of tissue integrity. In the human kidney, several members of the cadherin family (including E- and N-cadherin, cadherin-6, -8 and -11) are expressed in a controlled spatiotemporal pattern. Cadherin-16, also called kidney-specific (Ksp-) cadherin, is exclusively expressed in epithelial cells of the adult kidney. In renal cell carcinomas (RCCs), which are considered to originate from epithelial kidney tubular cells, a complex pattern of cadherin expression can be observed, but Ksp-cadherin expression has not been analysed so far. In the present study, we show that the expression of Ksp-cadherin is completely abrogated in RCCs. Whereas Ksp-cadherin can be detected at later stages of tubulogenesis during human renal development and in the distal tubules of adult kidneys, no expression was found by immunohistochemistry or Western blot analysis in RCC tumour tissues and several RCC cell lines. However, despite the lack of protein expression, mRNA synthesis of Ksp-cadherin could be detected by reverse transcriptase–polymerase chain reaction analysis in all RCC tissues and most of the RCC cell lines studied, although at a reduced level. The loss of Ksp-cadherin protein was only observed in the malignant part of the tumour kidneys, whereas in the normal part of the affected kidneys Ksp-cadherin expression was clearly detected. These results indicate a downregulation of Ksp-cadherin in RCC and suggest a role for this cell adhesion molecule in tumour suppression

    Impairment of Immunoproteasome Function by β5i/LMP7 Subunit Deficiency Results in Severe Enterovirus Myocarditis

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    Proteasomes recognize and degrade poly-ubiquitinylated proteins. In infectious disease, cells activated by interferons (IFNs) express three unique catalytic subunits β1i/LMP2, β2i/MECL-1 and β5i/LMP7 forming an alternative proteasome isoform, the immunoproteasome (IP). The in vivo function of IPs in pathogen-induced inflammation is still a matter of controversy. IPs were mainly associated with MHC class I antigen processing. However, recent findings pointed to a more general function of IPs in response to cytokine stress. Here, we report on the role of IPs in acute coxsackievirus B3 (CVB3) myocarditis reflecting one of the most common viral disease entities among young people. Despite identical viral load in both control and IP-deficient mice, IP-deficiency was associated with severe acute heart muscle injury reflected by large foci of inflammatory lesions and severe myocardial tissue damage. Exacerbation of acute heart muscle injury in this host was ascribed to disequilibrium in protein homeostasis in viral heart disease as indicated by the detection of increased proteotoxic stress in cytokine-challenged cardiomyocytes and inflammatory cells from IP-deficient mice. In fact, due to IP-dependent removal of poly-ubiquitinylated protein aggregates in the injured myocardium IPs protected CVB3-challenged mice from oxidant-protein damage. Impaired NFκB activation in IP-deficient cardiomyocytes and inflammatory cells and proteotoxic stress in combination with severe inflammation in CVB3-challenged hearts from IP-deficient mice potentiated apoptotic cell death in this host, thus exacerbating acute tissue damage. Adoptive T cell transfer studies in IP-deficient mice are in agreement with data pointing towards an effective CD8 T cell immune. This study therefore demonstrates that IP formation primarily protects the target organ of CVB3 infection from excessive inflammatory tissue damage in a virus-induced proinflammatory cytokine milieu

    A Novel Laser Vaccine Adjuvant Increases the Motility of Antigen Presenting Cells

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    Background Development of a potent vaccine adjuvant without introduction of any side effects remains an unmet challenge in the field of the vaccine research. Methodology/Principal Findings We found that laser at a specific setting increased the motility of antigen presenting cells (APCs) and immune responses, with few local or systemic side effects. This laser vaccine adjuvant (LVA) effect was induced by brief illumination of a small area of the skin or muscle with a nondestructive, 532 nm green laser prior to intradermal (i.d.) or intramuscular (i.m.) administration of vaccines at the site of laser illumination. The pre-illumination accelerated the motility of APCs as shown by intravital confocal microscopy, leading to sufficient antigen (Ag)-uptake at the site of vaccine injection and transportation of the Ag-captured APCs to the draining lymph nodes. As a result, the number of Ag+ dendritic cells (DCs) in draining lymph nodes was significantly higher in both the 1° and 2° draining lymph nodes in the presence than in the absence of LVA. Laser-mediated increases in the motility and lymphatic transportation of APCs augmented significantly humoral immune responses directed against a model vaccine ovalbumin (OVA) or influenza vaccine i.d. injected in both primary and booster vaccinations as compared to the vaccine itself. Strikingly, when the laser was delivered by a hair-like diffusing optical fiber into muscle, laser illumination greatly boosted not only humoral but also cell-mediated immune responses provoked by i.m. immunization with OVA relative to OVA alone. Conclusion/Significance The results demonstrate the ability of this safe LVA to augment both humoral and cell-mediated immune responses. In comparison with all current vaccine adjuvants that are either chemical compounds or biological agents, LVA is novel in both its form and mechanism; it is risk-free and has distinct advantages over traditional vaccine adjuvants.National Institutes of Health (U.S.) (grant AI070785)National Institutes of Health (U.S.) (grant RC1 DA028378)Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation (Grand Challenges Explorations grant # 53273)Boston BioCom (Firm) (Sponsored Research agreement grant #2008A25652

    The evolving field of Dermato-oncology and the role of dermatologists: Position Paper of the EADO, EADV and Task Forces, EDF, IDS, EBDV-UEMS and EORTC Cutaneous Lymphoma Task Force.

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    BACKGROUND The incidence of skin cancers has been increasing steadily over the last decades. Although there have been significant breakthroughs in the management of skin cancers with the introduction of novel diagnostic tools and innovative therapies, skin cancer mortality, morbidity and costs heavily burden the society. OBJECTIVE Members of the European Association of Dermato-Oncology, European Academy of Dermatology and Venereology, International Dermoscopy Society, European Dermatology Forum, European Board of Dermatovenereology of the European Union of Medical Specialists and EORTC Cutaneous Lymphoma Task Force have joined this effort to emphasize the fundamental role that the specialist in Dermatology-Venereology has in the diagnosis and management of different types of skin cancer. We review the role of dermatologists in the prevention, diagnosis, treatment and follow-up of patients with melanoma, non-melanoma skin cancers and cutaneous lymphomas, and discuss approaches to optimize their involvement in effectively addressing the current needs and priorities of dermato-oncology. DISCUSSION Dermatologists play a crucial role in virtually all aspects of skin cancer management including the implementation of primary and secondary prevention, the formation of standardized pathways of care for patients, the establishment of specialized skin cancer treatment centres, the coordination of an efficient multidisciplinary team and the setting up of specific follow-up plans for patients. CONCLUSION Skin cancers represent an important health issue for modern societies. The role of dermatologists is central to improving patient care and outcomes. In view of the emerging diagnostic methods and treatments for early and advanced skin cancer, and considering the increasingly diverse skills, knowledge and expertise needed for managing this heterogeneous group of diseases, dermato-oncology should be considered as a specific subspecialty of Dermatology-Venereology

    Non-invasive imaging in the diagnosis of acute viral myocarditis

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    Autopsy series of consecutive cases have demonstrated an incidence of myocarditis at approximately 1–10%; on the contrary, myocarditis is seriously underdiagnosed clinically. In a traditional view, the gold standard has been myocardial biopsy. However, it is generally specific but invasive and less sensitive, mostly because of the focal nature of the disease. Thus, non-invasive approaches to detect myocarditis are necessary. The traditional diagnostic tools are electrocardiography, laboratory values, especially troponin T or I, creatine kinase and echocardiography. For a long period, nuclear technique with indium-111 antimyosin antibody has been used as a diagnostic approach. In the last years, the use of this technique has declined because of radiation exposure and 48-h delay in obtaining imaging after injection to prevent blood pool effect. Thus, a non-invasive diagnostic approach without radiation and online image availability has been awaited. Cardiac magnetic resonance imaging has these promising characteristics. With this technique, it is possible to analyse inflammation, oedema and necrosis in addition to functional parameters such as left ventricular function, regional wall motion and dimensions. Thus, cardiovascular magnetic resonance imaging has emerged as the most important imaging tool in the diagnostic procedure and the review focus on this field. But there are also advances in echocardiography and computer tomography, which are described in detail
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