486 research outputs found

    TOI-150b and TOI-163b: two transiting hot Jupiters, one eccentric and one inflated, revealed by TESS near and at the edge of the JWST CVZ

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    We present the discovery of TYC9191-519-1b (TOI-150b, TIC 271893367) and HD271181b (TOI-163b, TIC 179317684), two hot Jupiters initially detected using 30-min cadence Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite (TESS) photometry from Sector 1 and thoroughly characterized through follow-up photometry (CHAT, Hazelwood, LCO/CTIO, El Sauce, TRAPPIST-S), high-resolution spectroscopy (FEROS, CORALIE), and speckle imaging (Gemini/DSSI), confirming the planetary nature of the two signals. A simultaneous joint fit of photometry and radial velocity using a new fitting package JULIET reveals that TOI-150b is a 1.254±0.016 R_J⁠, massive (⁠2.61^(+0.19)_(−0.12) M_J) hot Jupiter in a 5.857-d orbit, while TOI-163b is an inflated (⁠R_P = 1.478^(+0.022)_(−0.029) R_J⁠, M_P = 1.219±0.11M_J) hot Jupiter on a P = 4.231-d orbit; both planets orbit F-type stars. A particularly interesting result is that TOI-150b shows an eccentric orbit (⁠e = 0.262^(+0.045)_(−0.037)⁠), which is quite uncommon among hot Jupiters. We estimate that this is consistent, however, with the circularization time-scale, which is slightly larger than the age of the system. These two hot Jupiters are both prime candidates for further characterization – in particular, both are excellent candidates for determining spin-orbit alignments via the Rossiter–McLaughlin (RM) effect and for characterizing atmospheric thermal structures using secondary eclipse observations considering they are both located closely to the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) Continuous Viewing Zone (CVZ)

    Elliptical orbits in the Bloch sphere

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    As is well known, when an SU(2) operation acts on a two-level system, its Bloch vector rotates without change of magnitude. Considering a system composed of two two-level systems, it is proven that for a class of nonlocal interactions of the two subsystems including \sigma_i\otimes\sigma_j (with i,j \in {x,y,z}) and the Heisenberg interaction, the geometric description of the motion is particularly simple: each of the two Bloch vectors follows an elliptical orbit within the Bloch sphere. The utility of this result is demonstrated in two applications, the first of which bears on quantum control via quantum interfaces. By employing nonunitary control operations, we extend the idea of controllability to a set of points which are not necessarily connected by unitary transformations. The second application shows how the orbit of the coherence vector can be used to assess the entangling power of Heisenberg exchange interaction.Comment: 9 pages, 4 figures, few corrections, J. Opt. B: Quantum Semiclass. Opt. 7 (2005) S1-S

    Master equation approach to line shape in dissipative systems

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    We propose a formulation to obtain the line shape of a magnetic response with dissipative effects that directly reflects the nature of the environment. Making use of the fact that the time evolution of a response function is described by the same equation as the reduced density operator, we formulate a full description of the complex susceptibility. We describe the dynamics using the equation of motion for the reduced density operator, including the term for the initial correlation between the system and a thermal bath. In this formalism, we treat the full description of non-Markovian dynamics, including the initial correlation. We present an explicit and compact formula up to the second order of cumulants, which can be applied in a straightforward way to multiple spin systems. We also take into account the frequency shift by the system-bath interaction. We study the dependence of the line shape on the type of interaction between the system and the thermal bath. We demonstrate that the present formalism is a powerful tool for investigating various kinds of systems, and we show how it is applied to spin systems, including those with up to three spins. We distinguish the contributions of the initial correlation and the frequency shift, and make clear the role of each contribution in the Ohmic coupling spectral function. As examples of applications to multispin systems, we obtain the dependence of the line shape on the spatial orientation in relation to the direction of the static field (Nagata-Tazuke effect), including the effects of the thermal environment, in a two-spin system, along with the dependence on the arrangement of a triangle in a three-spin system.Comment: 12 Figures, to be appeared in Physical Review E Typos are correcte

    Unbounded-Error Classical and Quantum Communication Complexity

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    Since the seminal work of Paturi and Simon \cite[FOCS'84 & JCSS'86]{PS86}, the unbounded-error classical communication complexity of a Boolean function has been studied based on the arrangement of points and hyperplanes. Recently, \cite[ICALP'07]{INRY07} found that the unbounded-error {\em quantum} communication complexity in the {\em one-way communication} model can also be investigated using the arrangement, and showed that it is exactly (without a difference of even one qubit) half of the classical one-way communication complexity. In this paper, we extend the arrangement argument to the {\em two-way} and {\em simultaneous message passing} (SMP) models. As a result, we show similarly tight bounds of the unbounded-error two-way/one-way/SMP quantum/classical communication complexities for {\em any} partial/total Boolean function, implying that all of them are equivalent up to a multiplicative constant of four. Moreover, the arrangement argument is also used to show that the gap between {\em weakly} unbounded-error quantum and classical communication complexities is at most a factor of three.Comment: 11 pages. To appear at Proc. ISAAC 200

    A class of 2^N x 2^N bound entangled states revealed by non-decomposable maps

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    We use some general results regarding positive maps to exhibit examples of non-decomposable maps and 2^N x 2^N, N >= 2, bound entangled states, e.g. non distillable bipartite states of N + N qubits.Comment: 19 pages, 1 figur

    Bloch Equations and Completely Positive Maps

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    The phenomenological dissipation of the Bloch equations is reexamined in the context of completely positive maps. Such maps occur if the dissipation arises from a reduction of a unitary evolution of a system coupled to a reservoir. In such a case the reduced dynamics for the system alone will always yield completely positive maps of the density operator. We show that, for Markovian Bloch maps, the requirement of complete positivity imposes some Bloch inequalities on the phenomenological damping constants. For non-Markovian Bloch maps some kind of Bloch inequalities involving eigenvalues of the damping basis can be established as well. As an illustration of these general properties we use the depolarizing channel with white and colored stochastic noise.Comment: Talk given at the Conference "Quantum Challenges", Falenty, Poland, September 4-7, 2003. 21 pages, 3 figure

    Completely positive maps with memory

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    The prevailing description for dissipative quantum dynamics is given by the Lindblad form of a Markovian master equation, used under the assumption that memory effects are negligible. However, in certain physical situations, the master equation is essentially of a non-Markovian nature. This paper examines master equations that possess a memory kernel, leading to a replacement of white noise by colored noise. The conditions under which this leads to a completely positive, trace-preserving map are discussed for an exponential memory kernel. A physical model that possesses such an exponential memory kernel is presented. This model contains a classical, fluctuating environment based on random telegraph signal stochastic variables.Comment: 4 page