731 research outputs found

    Friction pressure on relativistic bubble walls

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    During a cosmological first-order phase transition, particles of the plasma crossing the bubble walls can radiate a gauge boson. The resulting pressure cannot be computed perturbatively for large coupling constant and/or large supercooling. We resum the real and virtual emissions at all leading-log orders, both analytically and numerically using a Monte-Carlo simulation. We find that radiated bosons are dominantly soft and that the resulting retarding pressure on relativistic bubble walls is linear both in the Lorentz boost and in the order parameter, up to a log. We further quantitatively discuss IR cut-offs, wall thickness effects, the impact of various approximations entering the calculation, and comment on the fate of radiated bosons that are reflected

    Tunneling Potential Actions from Canonical Transformations

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    A new formulation for obtaining the tunneling action for vacuum decay based on the so-called tunneling potential was developed recently. In the original derivation, the new action was obtained by requiring that its variation led to the correct equations of motion and the same value for the action as evaluated on the Euclidean bounce. We present an alternative derivation of the tunneling potential action via canonical transformations. We discuss both single-field and multi-field cases as well as the case with gravity. We also comment on the possible application of the new approach to the calculation of the functional determinant prefactor in the tunneling rate.Comment: 15 page

    Nonlinear multivariable analysis of SOI and local precipitation and temperature

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    International audienceGlobal climate variability affects important local hydro-meteorological variables like precipitation and temperature. The Southern Oscillation (SO) is an easily quantifiable major driving force that gives impact on regional and local climate. The relationships between SO and local climate variation are, however, characterized by strongly nonlinear processes. Due to this, teleconnections between global-scale hydro-meteorological variables and local climate are not well understood. In this paper, we suggest to study these processes in terms of nonlinear dynamics. Consequently, the nonlinear dynamic relationship between the Southern Oscillation Index (SOI), precipitation, and temperature in Fukuoka, Japan, is investigated using a nonlinear multivariable approach. This approach is based on the joint variation of these variables in the phase space. The joint phase-space variation of SOI, precipitation, and temperature is studied with the primary objective to obtain a better understanding of the dynamical evolution of local hydro-meteorological variables affected by global atmospheric-oceanic phenomena. The results from the analyses display rather clear low-order phase space trajectories when treating the time series individually. However, when plotting phase space trajectories for several time series jointly, complicated higher-order nonlinear relationships emerge between the variables. Consequently, simple data-driven prediction techniques utilizing phase-space characteristics of individual time series may prove successful. On the other hand, since either the time series are too short and/or the phase-space properties are too complex when analysing several variables jointly, it may be difficult to use multivariable statistical prediction techniques for the present investigated variables. In any case, it is essential to further pursue studies regarding links between the SOI and observed local climatic and other geophysical variables even if these links are not fully understood in physical terms

    Experimental demonstration of gridless spectrum and time optical switching

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    An experimental demonstration of gridless spectrum and time switching is presented. We propose and demonstrate a bit-rate and modulation-format independent optical cross-connect architecture, based on gridless spectrum selective switch, 20-ms 3D-MEMS and 10-ns PLZT optical switches, that supports arbitrary spectrum allocation and transparent time multiplexing. The architecture is implemented in a four-node field-fiber-linked testbed to transport continuous RZ and NRZ data channels at 12.5, 42.7 and 170.8 Gb/s, and selectively groom sub-wavelength RZ channels at 42.7 Gb/s. We also showed that the architecture is dynamic and can be reconfigured to meet the routing requirements of the network traffic. Results show error-free operation with an end-to-end power penalty between 0.8 dB and 5 dB for all continuous and sub-wavelength channels

    Dynamics of monthly rainfall-runoff process at the Gota basin: A search for chaos

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    International audienceSivakumar et al. (2000a), by employing the correlation dimension method, provided preliminary evidence of the existence of chaos in the monthly rainfall-runoff process at the Gota basin in Sweden. The present study verifies and supports the earlier results and strengthens such evidence. The study analyses the monthly rainfall, runoff and runoff coefficient series using the nonlinear prediction method, and the presence of chaos is investigated through an inverse approach, i.e. identifying chaos from the results of the prediction. The presence of an optimal embedding dimension (the embedding dimension with the best prediction accuracy) for each of the three series indicates the existence of chaos in the rainfall-runoff process, providing additional support to the results obtained using the correlation dimension method. The reasonably good predictions achieved, particularly for the runoff series, suggest that the dynamics of the rainfall-runoff process could be understood from a chaotic perspective. The predictions are also consistent with the correlation dimension results obtained in the earlier study, i.e. higher prediction accuracy for series with a lower dimension and vice-versa, so that the correlation dimension method can indeed be used as a preliminary indicator of chaos. However, the optimal embedding dimensions obtained from the prediction method are considerably less than the minimum dimensions essential to embed the attractor, as obtained by the correlation dimension method. A possible explanation for this could be the presence of noise in the series, since the effects of noise at higher embedding dimensions could be significantly greater than that at lower embedding dimensions. Keywords: Rainfall-runoff; runoff coefficient; chaos; phase-space; correlation dimension; nonlinear prediction; noise</p

    The biocompatibility of titanium in a buffer solution: compared effects of a thin film of TiO2 deposited by MOCVD and of collagen deposited from a gel

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    This study aims at evaluating the biocompatibility of titanium surfaces modified according two different ways: (i) deposition of a bio-inert, thin film of rutile TiO2 by chemical vapour deposition (MOCVD), and (ii) biochemical treatment with collagen gel, in order to obtain a bio-interactive coating. Behind the comparison is the idea that either the bio-inert or the bio-active coating has specific advantages when applied to implant treatment, such as the low price of the collagen treatment for instance. The stability in buffer solution was evaluated by open circuit potential (OCP) for medium time and cyclic voltametry. The OCP stabilized after 5104 min for all the specimens except the collagen treated sample which presented a stable OCP from the first minutes. MOCVD treated samples stabilized to more electropositive values. Numeric results were statistically analysed to obtain the regression equations for long time predictable evolution. The corrosion parameters determined from cyclic curves revealed that the MOCVD treatment is an efficient way to improve corrosion resistance. Human dermal fibroblasts were selected for cell culture tests, taking into account that these cells are present in all bio-interfaces, being the main cellular type of connective tissue. The cells grew on either type of surface without phenotype modification. From the reduction of yellow, water-soluble 3-(4,5-dimethyldiazol-2-yl)-2,5-diphenyl tetrazolium bromide (MTT cytotoxicity test), MOCVD treated samples offer better viability than mechanically polished Ti and collagen treated samples as well. Cell spreading, as evaluated from microscope images processed by the program Sigma Scan, showed also enhancement upon surface modification. Depending on the experimental conditions, MOCVD deposited TiO2 exhibits different nanostructures that may influence biological behaviour. The results demonstrate the capacity of integration in simulated physiologic liquids for an implant pretreated by either method

    Clonal Growth of Dermal Papilla Cells in Hydrogels Reveals Intrinsic Differences between Sox2-Positive and -Negative Cells In Vitro and In Vivo

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    In neonatal mouse skin, two types of dermal papilla (DP) are distinguished by Sox2 expression: CD133+Sox2+ DP are associated with guard/awl/auchene hairs, whereas CD133+Sox2− DP are associated with zigzag (ZZ) hairs. We describe a three-dimensional hydrogel culture system that supports clonal growth of CD133+Sox2+, CD133+Sox2−, and CD133−Sox2− (non-DP) neonatal dermal cells. All three cell populations formed spheres that expressed the DP markers alkaline phosphatase, α8 integrin, and CD133. Nevertheless, spheres formed by CD133− cells did not efficiently support hair follicle formation in skin reconstitution assays. In the presence of freshly isolated P2 dermal cells, CD133+Sox2+ and CD133+Sox2− spheres contributed to the DP of both AA and ZZ hairs. Hair type did not correlate with sphere size. Sox2 expression was maintained in culture, but not induced significantly in Sox2− cells in vitro or in vivo, suggesting that Sox2+ cells are a distinct cellular lineage. Although Sox2+ cells were least efficient at forming spheres, they had the greatest ability to contribute to DP and non-DP dermis in reconstituted skin. As the culture system supports clonal growth of DP cells and maintenance of distinct DP cell types, it will be useful for further analysis of intrinsic and extrinsic signals controlling DP function

    Model discrimination in gravitational wave spectra from dark phase transitions

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    In anticipation of upcoming gravitational wave experiments, we provide a comprehensive overview of the spectra predicted by phase transitions triggered by states from a large variety of dark sector models. Such spectra are functions of the quantum numbers and (self-) couplings of the scalar that triggers the dark phase transition. We classify dark sectors that give rise to a first order phase transition and perform a numerical scan over the thermal parameter space. We then characterize scenarios in which a measurement of a new source of gravitational waves could allow us to discriminate between models with differing particle content

    Optimizing Taq Polymerase Concentration for Improved Signal-to-Noise in the Broad Range Detection of Low Abundance Bacteria

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    BACKGROUND:PCR in principle can detect a single target molecule in a reaction mixture. Contaminating bacterial DNA in reagents creates a practical limit on the use of PCR to detect dilute bacterial DNA in environmental or public health samples. The most pernicious source of contamination is microbial DNA in DNA polymerase preparations. Importantly, all commercial Taq polymerase preparations inevitably contain contaminating microbial DNA. Removal of DNA from an enzyme preparation is problematical. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS:This report demonstrates that the background of contaminating DNA detected by quantitative PCR with broad host range primers can be decreased greater than 10-fold through the simple expedient of Taq enzyme dilution, without altering detection of target microbes in samples. The general method is: For any thermostable polymerase used for high-sensitivity detection, do a dilution series of the polymerase crossed with a dilution series of DNA or bacteria that work well with the test primers. For further work use the concentration of polymerase that gave the least signal in its negative control (H(2)O) while also not changing the threshold cycle for dilutions of spiked DNA or bacteria compared to higher concentrations of Taq polymerase. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE:It is clear from the studies shown in this report that a straightforward procedure of optimizing the Taq polymerase concentration achieved "treatment-free" attenuation of interference by contaminating bacterial DNA in Taq polymerase preparations. This procedure should facilitate detection and quantification with broad host range primers of a small number of bona fide bacteria (as few as one) in a sample
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