481 research outputs found

    Rodent Aβ Modulates the Solubility and Distribution of Amyloid Deposits in Transgenic Mice

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    The amino acid sequence of amyloid precursor protein (APP) is highly conserved, and age-related Abeta aggregates have been described in a variety of vertebrate animals, with the notable exception of mice and rats. Three amino acid substitutions distinguish mouse and human Abeta that might contribute to their differing properties in vivo. To examine the amyloidogenic potential of mouse Abeta, we studied several lines of transgenic mice overexpressing wild-type mouse amyloid precursor protein (moAPP) either alone or in conjunction with mutant PS1 (PS1dE9). Neither overexpression of moAPP alone nor co-expression with PS1dE9 caused mice to develop Alzheimer-type amyloid pathology by 24 months of age. We further tested whether mouse Abeta could accelerate the deposition of human Abeta by crossing the moAPP transgenic mice to a bigenic line expressing human APPswe with PS1dE9. The triple transgenic animals (moAPP x APPswe/PS1dE9) produced 20% more Abeta but formed amyloid deposits no faster and to no greater extent than APPswe/PS1dE9 siblings. Instead, the additional mouse Abeta increased the detergent solubility of accumulated amyloid and exacerbated amyloid deposition in the vasculature. These findings suggest that, although mouse Abeta does not influence the rate of amyloid formation, the incorporation of Abeta peptides with differing sequences alters the solubility and localization of the resulting aggregates

    Environmental Enrichment Mitigates Cognitive Deficits in a Mouse Model of Alzheimer's Disease

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    Epidemiological studies suggest that individuals with greater education or more cognitively demanding occupations have diminished risk of developing dementia. We wanted to test whether this effect could be recapitulated in rodents using environmental enrichment, a paradigm well documented to attenuate behavioral deficits induced by various pathological insults. Here, we demonstrate that learning and memory deficits observed in a transgenic mouse model of Alzheimer's disease can be ameliorated by enrichment. Female transgenic mice overexpressing amyloid precursor protein and/or presenilin-1 and nontransgenic controls were placed into enriched or standard cages at 2 months of age and tested for cognitive behavior after 6 months of differential housing. Enrichment significantly improved performance of all genotypes in the radial water maze and in the classic and repeated-reversal versions of the Morris water maze. However, enrichment did not benefit all genotypes equally. Mice overproducing amyloid-β (Aβ), particularly those with amyloid deposits, showed weaker memory for the platform location in the classic Morris water maze and learned new platform positions in the repeated-reversals task less quickly than their nontransgenic cagemates. Nonetheless, enrichment normalized the performance of Aβ-overproducing mice to the level of standard-housed nontransgenic mice. Moreover, this functional preservation occurred despite increased neuritic plaque burden in the hippocampus of double-transgenic animals and elevated steady-state Aβ levels, because both endogenous and transgene-derived Aβ are increased in enriched animals. These results demonstrate that the generation of Aβ in vivo and its impact on the function of the nervous system can be strongly modulated by environmental factors

    Probing Colored Particles with Photons, Leptons, and Jets

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    If pairs of new colored particles are produced at the Large Hadron Collider, determining their quantum numbers, and even discovering them, can be non-trivial. We suggest that valuable information can be obtained by measuring the resonant signals of their near-threshold QCD bound states. If the particles are charged, the resulting signatures include photons and leptons and are sufficiently rich for unambiguously determining their various quantum numbers, including the charge, color representation and spin, and obtaining a precise mass measurement. These signals provide well-motivated benchmark models for resonance searches in the dijet, photon+jet, diphoton and dilepton channels. While these measurements require that the lifetime of the new particles be not too short, the resulting limits, unlike those from direct searches for pair production above threshold, do not depend on the particles' decay modes. These limits may be competitive with more direct searches if the particles decay in an obscure way.Comment: 39 pages, 9 figures; v2: more recent searches include

    Protection of innate immunity by C5aR antagonist in septic mice

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    Innate immune functions are known to be compromised during sepsis, often with lethal consequences. There is also evidence in rats that sepsis is associated with excessive complement activation and generation of the potent anaphylatoxin C5a. In the presence of a cyclic peptide antagonist (C5aRa) to the C5a receptor (C5aR), the binding of murine 125Iâ C5a to murine neutrophils was reduced, the in vitro chemotactic responses of mouse neutrophils to mouse C5a were markedly diminished, the acquired defect in hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) production of C5aâ exposed neutrophils was reversed, and the lung permeability index (extravascular leakage of albumin) in mice after intrapulmonary deposition of IgG immune complexes was markedly diminished. Mice that developed sepsis after cecal ligation/puncture (CLP) and were treated with C5aRa had greatly improved survival rates. These data suggest that C5aRa interferes with neutrophil responses to C5a, preventing C5aâ induced compromise of innate immunity during sepsis, with greatly improved survival rates after CLP.â Huberâ Lang, M. S., Riedeman, N. C., Sarma, J. V., Younkin, E. M., McGuire, S. R., Laudes, I. J., Lu, K. T., Guo, R.â F., Neff, T. A., Padgaonkar, V. A., Lambris, J. D., Spruce, L., Mastellos, D., Zetoune, F. S., Ward, P. A. Protection of innate immunity by C5aR antagonist in septic mice. FASEB J. 16, 1567â 1574 (2002)Peer Reviewedhttps://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/154360/1/fsb2fj020209com.pd

    NLL soft and Coulomb resummation for squark and gluino production at the LHC

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    We present predictions of the total cross sections for pair production of squarks and gluinos at the LHC, including the stop-antistop production process. Our calculation supplements full fixed-order NLO predictions with resummation of threshold logarithms and Coulomb singularities at next-to-leading logarithmic (NLL) accuracy, including bound-state effects. The numerical effect of higher-order Coulomb terms can be as big or larger than that of soft-gluon corrections. For a selection of benchmark points accessible with data from the 2010-2012 LHC runs, resummation leads to an enhancement of the total inclusive squark and gluino production cross section in the 15-30 % range. For individual production processes of gluinos, the corrections can be much larger. The theoretical uncertainty in the prediction of the hard-scattering cross sections is typically reduced to the 10 % level.Comment: 45 pages, 16 Figures, LaTex. v2: published version. Grids with numerical results for the NLL cross sections for squark and gluino production at the 7/8 TeV LHC are included in the submission and are also available at http://omnibus.uni-freiburg.de/~cs1010/susy.htm

    Genome-wide pleiotropy analysis of neuropathological traits related to Alzheimer’s disease

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    Background Simultaneous consideration of two neuropathological traits related to Alzheimer’s disease (AD) has not been attempted in a genome-wide association study. Methods We conducted genome-wide pleiotropy analyses using association summary statistics from the Beecham et al. study (PLoS Genet 10:e1004606, 2014) for AD-related neuropathological traits, including neuritic plaque (NP), neurofibrillary tangle (NFT), and cerebral amyloid angiopathy (CAA). Significant findings were further examined by expression quantitative trait locus and differentially expressed gene analyses in AD vs. control brains using gene expression data. Results Genome-wide significant pleiotropic associations were observed for the joint model of NP and NFT (NP + NFT) with the single-nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) rs34487851 upstream of C2orf40 (alias ECRG4, P = 2.4 × 10−8) and for the joint model of NFT and CAA (NFT + CAA) with the HDAC9 SNP rs79524815 (P = 1.1 × 10−8). Gene-based testing revealed study-wide significant associations (P ≤ 2.0 × 10−6) for the NFT + CAA outcome with adjacent genes TRAPPC12, TRAPPC12-AS1, and ADI1. Risk alleles of proxy SNPs for rs79524815 were associated with significantly lower expression of HDAC9 in the brain (P = 3.0 × 10−3), and HDAC9 was significantly downregulated in subjects with AD compared with control subjects in the prefrontal (P = 7.9 × 10−3) and visual (P = 5.6 × 10−4) cortices. Conclusions Our findings suggest that pleiotropy analysis is a useful approach to identifying novel genetic associations with complex diseases and their endophenotypes. Functional studies are needed to determine whether ECRG4 or HDAC9 is plausible as a therapeutic target