60 research outputs found

    Evidence of polariton induced transparency in a single organic quantum wire

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    The resonant interaction between quasi-one dimensional excitons and photons is investigated. For a single isolated organic quantum wire, embedded in its single crystal monomer matrix, the strong exciton-photon coupling regime is reached. This is evidenced by the suppression of the resonant excitonic absorption arising when the system eigenstate is a polariton. These observations demonstrate that the resonant excitonic absorption in a semiconductor can be understood in terms of a balance between the exciton coherence time and the Rabi period between exciton-like and photon-like states of the polariton.Comment: 9 pages and 4 figure

    Langevin dynamics of the Coulomb frustrated ferromagnet: a mode-coupling analysis

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    We study the Langevin dynamics of the soft-spin, continuum version of the Coulomb frustrated Ising ferromagnet. By using the dynamical mode-coupling approximation, supplemented by reasonable approximations for describing the equilibrium static correlation function, and the somewhat improved dynamical self-consistent screening approximation, we find that the system displays a transition from an ergodic to a non-ergodic behavior. This transition is similar to that obtained in the idealized mode-coupling theory of glassforming liquids and in the mean-field generalized spin glasses with one-step replica symmetry breaking. The significance of this result and the relation to the appearance of a complex free-energy landscape are also discussed.Comment: 13 pages, 11 figures, submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Locally Preferred Structure and Frustration in Glassforming Liquids: A Clue to Polyamorphism?

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    We propose that the concept of liquids characterized by a given locally preferred structure (LPS) could help in understanding the observed phenomenon of polyamorphism. ``True polyamorphism'' would involve the competition between two (or more) distinct LPS, one favored at low pressure because of its low energy and one favored at high pressure because of its small specific volume, as in tetrahedrally coordinated systems. ``Apparent polyamorphism'' could be associated with the existence of a poorly crystallized defect-ordered phase with a large unit cell and small crystallites, which may be illustrated by the metastable glacial phase of the fragile glassformer triphenylphosphite; the apparent polyamorphism might result from structural frustration, i. e., a competition between the tendency to extend the LPS and a global constraint that prevents tiling of the whole space by the LPS.Comment: 11, 6 figures, Proceedings of the Conference "Horizons in Complex Systems", Messina; in honor of the 60th birthday of H.E. Stanle

    Resonant excitonic emission of a single quantum dot in the Rabi regime

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    We report on coherent resonant emission of the fundamental exciton state in a single semiconductor GaAs quantum dot. Resonant regime with picoseconde laser excitation is realized by embedding the quantum dots in a waveguiding structure. As the pulse intensity is increased, Rabi oscillation is observed up to three periods. The Rabi regime is achieved owing to an enhanced light-matter coupling in the waveguide. This is due to a \emph{slow light effect} (c/vg3000c/v_{g}\simeq 3000), occuring when an intense resonant pulse propagates in a medium. The resonant control of the quantum dot fundamental transition opens new possibilities in quantum state manipulation and quantum optics experiments in condensed matter physics.Comment: Submitted to Phys. Rev. Let

    Influence of exciton spin relaxation on the photoluminescence spectra of semimagnetic quantum dots

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    We present a comprehensive experimental and theoretical studies of photoluminescence of single CdMnTe quantum dots with Mn content x ranging from 0.01 to 0.2. We distinguish three stages of the equilibration of the exciton-Mn ion spin system and show that the intermediate stage, in which the exciton spin is relaxed, while the total equilibrium is not attained, gives rise to a specific asymmetric shape of the photoluminescence spectrum. From an excellent agreement between the measured and calculated spectra we are able to evaluate the exciton localization volume, number of paramagnetic Mn ions, and their temperature for each particular dot. We discuss the values of these parameters and compare them with results of other experiments. Furthermore, we analyze the dependence of average Zeeman shifts and transition linewidths on the Mn content and point out specific processes, which control these values at particular Mn concentrations.Comment: submitted to Phys. Rev.

    The nature of slow dynamics in a minimal model of frustration-limited domains

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    We present simulation results for the dynamics of a schematic model based on the frustration-limited domain picture of glass-forming liquids. These results are compared with approximate theoretical predictions analogous to those commonly used for supercooled liquid dynamics. Although model relaxation times increase by several orders of magnitude in a non-Arrhenius manner as a microphase separation transition is approached, the slow relaxation is in many ways dissimilar to that of a liquid. In particular, structural relaxation is nearly exponential in time at each wave vector, indicating that the mode coupling effects dominating liquid relaxation are comparatively weak within this model. Relaxation properties of the model are instead well reproduced by the simplest dynamical extension of a static Hartree approximation. This approach is qualitatively accurate even for temperatures at which the mode coupling approximation predicts loss of ergodicity. These results suggest that the thermodynamically disordered phase of such a minimal model poorly caricatures the slow dynamics of a liquid near its glass transition

    Macroscopic coherence of a single exciton state in a polydiacetylene organic quantum wire

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    We show that a single exciton state in an individual ordered conjugated polymer chain exhibits macroscopic quantum spatial coherence reaching tens of microns, limited by the chain length. The spatial coherence of the k=0 exciton state is demonstrated by selecting two spatially separated emitting regions of the chain and observing their interference.Comment: 12 pages with 2 figure

    Dynamics of systems with isotropic competing interactions in an external field: a Langevin approach

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    We study the Langevin dynamics of a ferromagnetic Ginzburg-Landau Hamiltonian with a competing long-range repulsive term in the presence of an external magnetic field. The model is analytically solved within the self consistent Hartree approximation for two different initial conditions: disordered or zero field cooled (ZFC), and fully magnetized or field cooled (FC). To test the predictions of the approximation we develop a suitable numerical scheme to ensure the isotropic nature of the interactions. Both the analytical approach and the numerical simulations of two-dimensional finite systems confirm a simple aging scenario at zero temperature and zero field. At zero temperature a critical field hch_c is found below which the initial conditions are relevant for the long time dynamics of the system. For h<hch < h_c a logarithmic growth of modulated domains is found in the numerical simulations but this behavior is not captured by the analytical approach which predicts a t1/2t^1/2 growth law at T=0T = 0

    A Monte Carlo study of the three-dimensional Coulomb frustrated Ising ferromagnet

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    We have investigated by Monte-Carlo simulation the phase diagram of a three-dimensional Ising model with nearest-neighbor ferromagnetic interactions and small, but long-range (Coulombic) antiferromagnetic interactions. We have developed an efficient cluster algorithm and used different lattice sizes and geometries, which allows us to obtain the main characteristics of the temperature-frustration phase diagram. Our finite-size scaling analysis confirms that the melting of the lamellar phases into the paramgnetic phase is driven first-order by the fluctuations. Transitions between ordered phases with different modulation patterns is observed in some regions of the diagram, in agreement with a recent mean-field analysis.Comment: 14 pages, 10 figures, submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Local disorder and optical properties in V-shaped quantum wires : towards one-dimensional exciton systems

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    The exciton localization is studied in GaAs/GaAlAs V-shaped quantum wires (QWRs) by high spatial resolution spectroscopy. Scanning optical imaging of different generations of samples shows that the localization length has been enhanced as the growth techniques were improved. In the best samples, excitons are delocalized in islands of length of the order of 1 micron, and form a continuum of 1D states in each of them, as evidenced by the sqrt(T) dependence of the radiative lifetime. On the opposite, in the previous generation of QWRs, the localization length is typically 50 nm and the QWR behaves as a collection of quantum boxes. These localization properties are compared to structural properties and related to the progresses of the growth techniques. The presence of residual disorder is evidenced in the best samples and explained by the separation of electrons and holes due to the large in-built piezo-electric field present in the structure.Comment: 8 figure