563 research outputs found

    Smooth-Particle Phase Stability with density and density-gradient potentials

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    Stable fluid and solid particle phases are essential to the simulation of continuum fluids and solids using Smooth Particle Applied Mechanics. We show that density-dependent potentials, such as Phi=(1/2)Sum (rho-rho_0)^2, along with their corresponding constitutive relations, provide a simple means for characterizing fluids and that a special stabilization potential, Phi=(1/2)Sum (delrho)^2, not only stabilizes crystalline solid phases (or meshes) but also provides a surface tension which is missing in the usual density-dependent-potential approach. We illustrate these ideas for two-dimensional square, triangular, and hexagonal lattices.Comment: 10 pages, 5 figure

    Relativistic Hydrodynamic Flows Using Spatial and Temporal Adaptive Structured Mesh Refinement

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    Astrophysical relativistic flow problems require high resolution three-dimensional numerical simulations. In this paper, we describe a new parallel three-dimensional code for simulations of special relativistic hydrodynamics (SRHD) using both spatially and temporally structured adaptive mesh refinement (AMR). We used the method of lines to discretize the SRHD equations spatially and a total variation diminishing (TVD) Runge-Kutta scheme for time integration. For spatial reconstruction, we have implemented piecewise linear method (PLM), piecewise parabolic method (PPM), third order convex essentially non-oscillatory (CENO) and third and fifth order weighted essentially non-oscillatory (WENO) schemes. Flux is computed using either direct flux reconstruction or approximate Riemann solvers including HLL, modified Marquina flux, local Lax-Friedrichs flux formulas and HLLC. The AMR part of the code is built on top of the cosmological Eulerian AMR code {\sl enzo}. We discuss the coupling of the AMR framework with the relativistic solvers. Via various test problems, we emphasize the importance of resolution studies in relativistic flow simulations because extremely high resolution is required especially when shear flows are present in the problem. We also present the results of two 3d simulations of astrophysical jets: AGN jets and GRB jets. Resolution study of those two cases further highlights the need of high resolutions to calculate accurately relativistic flow problems.Comment: 14 pages, 23 figures. A section on 3D GRB jet simulation added. Accepted by ApJ

    SPH Simulations of Counterrotating Disk Formation in Spiral Galaxies

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    We present the results of Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics (SPH) simulations of the formation of a massive counterrotating disk in a spiral galaxy. The current study revisits and extends (with SPH) previous work carried out with sticky particle gas dynamics, in which adiabatic gas infall and a retrograde gas-rich dwarf merger were tested as the two most likely processes for producing such a counterrotating disk. We report on experiments with a cold primary similar to our Galaxy, as well as a hot, compact primary modeled after NGC 4138. We have also conducted numerical experiments with varying amounts of prograde gas in the primary disk, and an alternative infall model (a spherical shell with retrograde angular momentum). The structure of the resulting counterrotating disks is dramatically different with SPH. The disks we produce are considerably thinner than the primary disks and those produced with sticky particles. The time-scales for counterrotating disk formation are shorter with SPH because the gas loses kinetic energy and angular momentum more rapidly. Spiral structure is evident in most of the disks, but an exponential radial profile is not a natural byproduct of these processes. The infalling gas shells that we tested produce counterrotating bulges and rings rather than disks. The presence of a considerable amount of preexisting prograde gas in the primary causes, at least in the absence of star formation, a rapid inflow of gas to the center and a subsequent hole in the counterrotating disk. In general, our SPH experiments yield stronger evidence to suggest that the accretion of massive counterrotating disks drives the evolution of the host galaxies towards earlier (S0/Sa) Hubble types.Comment: To appear in ApJ. 20 pages LaTex 2-column with 3 tables, 23 figures (GIF) available at this site. Complete gzipped postscript preprint with embedded figures available from http://tarkus.pha.jhu.edu/~thakar/cr3.html (3 Mb

    Effects of a Supermassive Black Hole Binary on a Nuclear Gas Disk

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    We study influence of a galactic central supermassive black hole (SMBH) binary on gas dynamics and star formation activity in a nuclear gas disk by making three-dimensional Tree+SPH simulations. Due to orbital motions of SMBHs, there are various resonances between gas motion and the SMBH binary motion. We have shown that these resonances create some characteristic structures of gas in the nuclear gas disk, for examples, gas elongated or filament structures, formation of gaseous spiral arms, and small gas disks around SMBHs. In these gaseous dense regions, active star formations are induced. As the result, many star burst regions are formed in the nuclear region.Comment: 19 pages, 11 figures, accepted for publication in Ap

    A Density Independent Formulation of Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics

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    The standard formulation of the smoothed particle hydrodynamics (SPH) assumes that the local density distribution is differentiable. This assumption is used to derive the spatial derivatives of other quantities. However, this assumption breaks down at the contact discontinuity. At the contact discontinuity, the density of the low-density side is overestimated while that of the high-density side is underestimated. As a result, the pressure of the low (high) density side is over (under) estimated. Thus, unphysical repulsive force appears at the contact discontinuity, resulting in the effective surface tension. This tension suppresses fluid instabilities. In this paper, we present a new formulation of SPH, which does not require the differentiability of density. Instead of the mass density, we adopt the internal energy density (pressure), and its arbitrary function, which are smoothed quantities at the contact discontinuity, as the volume element used for the kernel integration. We call this new formulation density independent SPH (DISPH). It handles the contact discontinuity without numerical problems. The results of standard tests such as the shock tube, Kelvin-Helmholtz and Rayleigh-Taylor instabilities, point like explosion, and blob tests are all very favorable to DISPH. We conclude that DISPH solved most of known difficulties of the standard SPH, without introducing additional numerical diffusion or breaking the exact force symmetry or energy conservation. Our new SPH includes the formulation proposed by Ritchie & Thomas (2001) as a special case. Our formulation can be extended to handle a non-ideal gas easily.Comment: 24 pages, 21 figures. Movies and high resolution figures are available at http://v1.jmlab.jp/~saitoh/sph/index.htm

    Tidal exposure or microhabitats: what determines sandy-beach nematode zonation? A case study of a macrotidal ridge-and-runnel sandy beach in Belgium

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    Lately, across-shore zonation has been found to be more important in structuring the nematode community of a tropical macrotidal sandy beach than microhabitat heterogeneity. To evaluate whether this zonation pattern applies to a temperate beach, a macrotidal ridge-and-runnels sandy beach in the North Sea was studied. We investigated whether a similar zonation occurs in sandbar and runnel microhabitats, and whether the runnels harbour a different community from the subtidal. Our results indicate that nematode communities from runnel and sandbar habitats are significantly different. In addition, horizontal zonation patterns for nematode communities differ between both habitats. Nematode assemblages from sandbars are divided to lower, middle and upper beach while upper and middle runnels cluster together. The subtidal and upper runnels showed dissimilar nematode assemblages, although runnels showed the same dominant species (Daptonema normandicum), which increases its abundance towards the upper runnels. This study illustrates the importance of microhabitat heterogeneity, which resulted in different zonation patterns across the sandy beach examined. The divergent zonation between sandbars and runnels in the macrotidal temperate sandy beach, compared with the pattern observed for a subtropical sandy beach with similar morphodynamics, indicates that generalizations about nematode distribution patterns should be made with caution

    The Chemical Compositions of the Type II Cepheids -- The BL Her and W Vir Variables

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    Abundance analyses from high-resolution optical spectra are presented for 19 Type II Cepheids in the Galactic field. The sample includes both short-period (BL Her) and long-period (W Vir) stars. This is the first extensive abundance analysis of these variables. The C, N, and O abundances with similar spreads for the BL Her and W Vir show evidence for an atmosphere contaminated with 3α3\alpha-process and CN-cycling products. A notable anomaly of the BL Her stars is an overabundance of Na by a factor of about five relative to their presumed initial abundances. This overabundance is not seen in the W Vir stars. The abundance anomalies running from mild to extreme in W Vir stars but not seen in the BL Her stars are attributed to dust-gas separation that provides an atmosphere deficient in elements of high condensation temperature, notably Al, Ca, Sc, Ti, and ss-process elements. Such anomalies have previously been seen among RV Tau stars which represent a long-period extension of the variability enjoyed by the Type II Cepheids. Comments are offered on how the contrasting abundance anomalies of BL Her and W Vir stars may be explained in terms of the stars' evolution from the blue horizontal branch.Comment: 41 pages including 11 figures and 4 tables; Accepted for publication in Ap

    A Co-moving Coordinate System for Relativistic Hydrodynamics

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    The equations of relativistic hydrodynamics are transformed so that steps forward in time preserves local simultaneity. In these variables, the space-time coordinates of neighboring points on the mesh are simultaneous according to co-moving observers. Aside from the time step varying as a function of the location on the mesh, the local velocity gradient and the local density then evolve according to non-relativistic equations of motion. Analytic solutions are found for two one-dimensional cases with constant speed of sound. One solution has a Gaussian density profile when mapped into the new coordinates. That solution is analyzed for the effects of longitudinal acceleration in relativistic heavy ion collisions at RHIC, especially in regards to two-particle correlation measurements of the longitudinal size

    Tidal spin-up of stars in dense stellar cusps around massive black holes

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    We show that main-sequence stars in dense stellar cusps around massive black holes are likely to rotate at a significant fraction of the centrifugal breakup velocity due to spin-up by hyperbolic tidal encounters. We use realistic stellar structure models to calculate analytically the tidal spin-up in soft encounters, and extrapolate these results to close and penetrating collisions using smoothed particle hydrodynamics simulations. We find that the spin-up falls off only slowly with distance from the black hole because the increased tidal coupling in slower collisions at larger distances compensates for the decrease in the stellar density. We apply our results to the stars near the massive black hole in the Galactic Center. Over their lifetime, ~1 Msol main sequence stars in the inner 0.3 pc of the Galactic Center are spun-up on average to ~10%--30% of the centrifugal breakup limit. Such rotation is ~20--60 times higher than is usual for such stars and may affect their subsequent evolution and their observed properties.Comment: 25 pages, 7 figures. Submitted to Ap

    The mass function

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    We present the mass functions for different mass estimators for a range of cosmological models. We pay particular attention to how universal the mass function is, and how it depends on the cosmology, halo identification and mass estimator chosen. We investigate quantitatively how well we can relate observed masses to theoretical mass functions.Comment: 14 pages, 12 figures, to appear in ApJ
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