4 research outputs found

    Safety duplication of cultivated chickpea and wild relative genetic resources

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    When the original accessions are lost and no longer available and safety back-up storage is the only source for regenerating the accessions. To replace active/base collections, when germination is very low or nil. Should be located in a different country..........

    Conservation of chickpea genetic resources

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    Archeological chickpea remains found from Syria to Greece dating from the very early days of farming show its important role in the dispersal of farming habits. Like many other crops, it has been subjected to different selection pressures in various ecological and cultural environments and consequently diversified into a range of varieties. It is likely that chickpea has a higher potential to yield more than the yields currently achieved on farmers' fields. This potential can only be fully utilized if a broad range of genetic materials are available to select from or to breed for specific traits. Therefore, breeding for higher and more stable yields and also for enhanced resistance to pests and diseases is one of the immediate objectives of many chickpea programmes