722 research outputs found

    Coherent π^0 photoproduction on the deuteron up to 4 GeV

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    The differential cross section for ^2H(γ,d)π^0 has been measured at deuteron center-of-mass angles of 90° and 136°. This work reports the first data for this reaction above a photon energy of 1 GeV, and permits a test of the apparent constituent counting rule and reduced nuclear amplitude behavior as observed in elastic ed scattering. Measurements were performed up to a photon energy of 4.0 GeV, and are in good agreement with previous lower energy measurements. Overall, the data are inconsistent with both constituent-counting rule and reduced nuclear amplitude predictions

    Extracting nucleon strange and anapole form factors from world data

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    The complete world set of parity violating electron scattering data up to Q^2~0.3 GeV^2 is analysed. We extract the current experimental determination of the strange electric and magnetic form factors of the proton, as well as the weak axial form factors of the proton and neutron, at Q^2 = 0.1 GeV^2. Within experimental uncertainties, we find that the strange form factors are consistent with zero, as are the anapole contributions to the axial form factors. Nevertheless, the correlation between the strange and anapole contributions suggest that there is only a small probability that these form factors all vanish simultaneously.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figs; v2: version to appear in PR

    Measurement of kinematic and nuclear dependence of R = σ_L/σ_T in deep inelastic electron scattering

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    We report results on a precision measurement of the ratio R=σ_L/σ_T in deep inelastic electron-nucleon scattering in the kinematic range 0.2≤x≤0.5 and 1≤Q^2≤10 (GeV/c)^2. Our results show, for the first time, a clear falloff of R with increasing Q^2. Our R results are in agreement with QCD predictions only when corrections for target mass effects and some additional higher twist effects are included. At small x, the data on R favor structure functions with a large gluon contribution. We also report results on the differences R_A-R_D and the cross section ratio σ^A/σ^D between Fe and Au nuclei and the deuteron. Our results for R_A-R_D are consistent with zero for all x, Q^2 indicating that possible contributions to R from nuclear higher twist effects and spin-0 constituents in nuclei are not different from those in nucleons. The ratios σ^A/σ^D from all recent experiments, at all x, Q^2 values, are now in agreement

    Measurement of the Difference in R=σ_L/σ_T and of σ^A/σ^D in Deep-Inelastic e-D, e-Fe, and e-Au Scattering

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    We measured the differences in R=σ_L/σ_T and the cross-section ratio σA/σD in deep-inelastic electron scattering from D, Fe, and Au nuclei in the kinematic range 0.2≤x≤0.5 and 1≤Q^2≤5 (Gev/c)^2. Our results for R^A-R^D are consistent with zero for all x and Q^2, indicating that possible contributions to R from nuclear higher-twist effects and spin-0 constituents in nuclei are not different from those in nucleons. The European Muon Collaboration effect is reconfirmed, and the low-x data from all recent experiments, at all Q^2, are now in agreement

    Parameter inference in mechanistic models of cellular regulation and signalling pathways using gradient matching

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    A challenging problem in systems biology is parameter inference in mechanistic models of signalling pathways. In the present article, we investigate an approach based on gradient matching and nonparametric Bayesian modelling with Gaussian processes. We evaluate the method on two biological systems, related to the regulation of PIF4/5 in Arabidopsis thaliana, and the JAK/STAT signal transduction pathway

    Radiative corrections for (e,e′p) reactions at GeV energies

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    A general framework for applying radiative corrections to (e,e′p) coincidence reactions at GeV energies is presented, with special emphasis to higher-order bremsstrahlung effects, radiation from the scattered hadron, and the validity of peaking approximations. The sensitivity to the assumptions made in practically applying radiative corrections to (e,e′p) data is extensively discussed. The general framework is tested against experimental data of the 1H(e,e′p) reaction at momentum transfer values larger than 1.0 (GeV/c)^2, where radiative processes become a dominant source of uncertainty. The formulas presented here can easily be modified for any other electron-induced coincidence reaction

    Impact of ¹⁶O(e,e′α)¹²C measurements on the ¹²C(α,γ)¹⁶O astrophysical reaction rate

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    The ¹²C(α,γ)¹⁶O reaction, an important component of stellar helium burning, has a key role in nuclear astrophysics. It has direct impact on the evolution and final state of massive stars and also influences the elemental abundances resulting from nucleosynthesis in such stars. Providing a reliable estimate for the energy dependence of this reaction at stellar helium burning temperatures has been a longstanding and important goal. In this work, we study the role of potential new measurements of the ¹⁶O(e,e′α)¹²C reaction in reducing the overall uncertainty. A multilevel R-matrix analysis is used to make extrapolations of the astrophysical S factor for the ¹²C(α,γ)¹⁶O reaction to the stellar energy of 300 keV. The statistical precision of the S-factor extrapolation is determined by performing multiple fits to existing E1 and E2 ground state capture data, including the impact of possible future measurements of the ¹⁶O(e,e′α)¹²C reaction. In particular, we consider a proposed MIT experiment that would make use of a high-intensity low-energy electron beam that impinges on a windowless oxygen gas target as a means to determine the total E1 and E2 cross sections for this reaction