4 research outputs found

    Filtering spin with tunnel-coupled electron wave guides

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    We show how momentum-resolved tunneling between parallel electron wave guides can be used to observe and exploit lifting of spin degeneracy due to Rashba spin-orbit coupling. A device is proposed that achieves spin filtering without using ferromagnets or the Zeeman effect.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures, RevTex

    Spin-injection device based on EuS magnetic tunnel barriers

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    We propose a spin-valve device consisting of a nonmagnetic semiconductor quantum well, sandwiched between ferromagnetic semiconductor layers that act as barriers. The total conductance through such a trilayer depends on the relative magnetization of the two ferromagnetic-barrier layers which act as spin filters. With respect to practical realization, EuS/PbS heterostructures may be a suitable candidate. The magnetoresistance should exceed 100% for a wide range of the thicknesses of both the quantum well and the ferromagnetic barriers. From a fundamental physics point of view, the device may not only give insight into the spin lifetimes of the nonmagnetic layer, but the strong spin accumulation taking place in the quantum well may lead to novel optical and nuclear magnetic resonance properties. ©2002 American Institute of Physics