702 research outputs found

    Running a distributed virtual observatory: US Virtual Astronomical Observatory operations

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    Operation of the US Virtual Astronomical Observatory shares some issues with modern physical observatories, e.g., intimidating data volumes and rapid technological change, and must also address unique concerns like the lack of direct control of the underlying and scattered data resources, and the distributed nature of the observatory itself. In this paper we discuss how the VAO has addressed these challenges to provide the astronomical community with a coherent set of science-enabling tools and services. The distributed nature of our virtual observatory-with data and personnel spanning geographic, institutional and regime boundaries-is simultaneously a major operational headache and the primary science motivation for the VAO. Most astronomy today uses data from many resources. Facilitation of matching heterogeneous datasets is a fundamental reason for the virtual observatory. Key aspects of our approach include continuous monitoring and validation of VAO and VO services and the datasets provided by the community, monitoring of user requests to optimize access, caching for large datasets, and providing distributed storage services that allow user to collect results near large data repositories. Some elements are now fully implemented, while others are planned for subsequent years. The distributed nature of the VAO requires careful attention to what can be a straightforward operation at a conventional observatory, e.g., the organization of the web site or the collection and combined analysis of logs. Many of these strategies use and extend protocols developed by the international virtual observatory community.Comment: 7 pages with 2 figures included within PD

    A Cross-Match of 2MASS and SDSS: Newly-Found L and T Dwarfs and an Estimate of the Space Densitfy of T Dwarfs

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    We report new L and T dwarfs found in a cross-match of the SDSS Data Release 1 and 2MASS. Our simultaneous search of the two databases effectively allows us to relax the criteria for object detection in either survey and to explore the combined databases to a greater completeness level. We find two new T dwarfs in addition to the 13 already known in the SDSS DR1 footprint. We also identify 22 new candidate and bona-fide L dwarfs, including a new young L2 dwarf and a peculiar L2 dwarf with unusually blue near-IR colors: potentially the result of mildly sub-solar metallicity. These discoveries underscore the utility of simultaneous database cross-correlation in searching for rare objects. Our cross-match completes the census of T dwarfs within the joint SDSS and 2MASS flux limits to the 97% level. Hence, we are able to accurately infer the space density of T dwarfs. We employ Monte Carlo tools to simulate the observed population of SDSS DR1 T dwarfs with 2MASS counterparts and find that the space density of T0-T8 dwarf systems is 0.0070 (-0.0030; +0.0032) per cubic parsec (95% confidence interval), i.e., about one per 140 cubic parsecs. Compared to predictions for the T dwarf space density that depend on various assumptions for the sub-stellar mass function, this result is most consistent with models that assume a flat sub-stellar mass function dN/dM ~ M^0. No >T8 dwarfs were discovered in the present cross-match, though less than one was expected in the limited area (2099 sq. degrees) of SDSS DR1.Comment: To appear in ApJ, Feb 10, 2008 issue. 37 pages, including 12 figures and 14 table

    BamView: visualizing and interpretation of next-generation sequencing read alignments.

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    So-called next-generation sequencing (NGS) has provided the ability to sequence on a massive scale at low cost, enabling biologists to perform powerful experiments and gain insight into biological processes. BamView has been developed to visualize and analyse sequence reads from NGS platforms, which have been aligned to a reference sequence. It is a desktop application for browsing the aligned or mapped reads [Ruffalo, M, LaFramboise, T, KoyutĂŒrk, M. Comparative analysis of algorithms for next-generation sequencing read alignment. Bioinformatics 2011;27:2790-6] at different levels of magnification, from nucleotide level, where the base qualities can be seen, to genome or chromosome level where overall coverage is shown. To enable in-depth investigation of NGS data, various views are provided that can be configured to highlight interesting aspects of the data. Multiple read alignment files can be overlaid to compare results from different experiments, and filters can be applied to facilitate the interpretation of the aligned reads. As well as being a standalone application it can be used as an integrated part of the Artemis genome browser, BamView allows the user to study NGS data in the context of the sequence and annotation of the reference genome. Single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) density and candidate SNP sites can be highlighted and investigated, and read-pair information can be used to discover large structural insertions and deletions. The application will also calculate simple analyses of the read mapping, including reporting the read counts and reads per kilobase per million mapped reads (RPKM) for genes selected by the user

    HST Fine Guidance Sensor Astrometric Parallaxes for Three Dwarf Novae: SS Aurigae, SS Cygni, and U Geminorum

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    We report astrometric parallaxes for three well known dwarf novae obtained using the Fine Guidance Sensors on the Hubble Space Telescope. We found a parallax for SS Aurigae of Pi = 5.00 +/- 0.64 mas, for SS Cygni we found Pi = 6.02 +/- 0.46 mas, and for U Geminorum we obtained Pi = 10.37 +/- 0.50 mas. These represent the first true trigonometric parallaxes of any dwarf novae. We briefly compare these results with previous distance estimates. This program demonstrates that with a very modest amount of HST observing time, the Fine Guidance Sensors can deliver parallaxes of unrivaled precision.Comment: 15 pages, 2 Table

    Parallax and Distance Estimates for Fourteen Cataclysmic Variable Stars

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    I used the 2.4 m Hiltner telescope at MDM Observatory in an attempt to measure trigonometric parallaxes for 14 cataclysmic variable stars. Techniques are described in detail. In the best cases the parallax uncertainties are below 1 mas, and significant parallaxes are found for most of the program stars. A Bayesian method which combines the parallaxes together with proper motions and absolute magnitude constraints is developed and used to derive distance estimates and confidence intervals. The most precise distance derived here is for WZ Sge, for which I find 43.3 (+1.6, -1.5) pc. Six Luyten Half-Second stars with previous precise parallax measurements were re-measured to test the techniques, and good agreement is found.Comment: 33 pages, 3 figures. Astronomical Journal, accepte

    5-micron photometry of late-type dwarfs

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    We present narrowband-M photometry of nine low-mass dwarfs with spectral types ranging from M2.5 to L0.5. Combining the (L'-M') colours derived from our observations with data from the literature, we find colours consistent with a Rayleigh-Jeans flux distribution for spectral types earlier than M5, but enhanced F_3.8/F_4.7 flux ratios (negative (L'-M') colours) at later spectral types. This probably reflects increased absorption at M' due to the CO fundamental band. We compare our results against recent model predictions and briefly discuss the implications.Comment: accepted for the Astronomical Journa

    The Design and Operation of The Keck Observatory Archive

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    The Infrared Processing and Analysis Center (IPAC) and the W. M. Keck Observatory (WMKO) operate an archive for the Keck Observatory. At the end of 2013, KOA completed the ingestion of data from all eight active observatory instruments. KOA will continue to ingest all newly obtained observations, at an anticipated volume of 4 TB per year. The data are transmitted electronically from WMKO to IPAC for storage and curation. Access to data is governed by a data use policy, and approximately two-thirds of the data in the archive are public.Comment: 12 pages, 4 figs, 4 tables. Presented at Software and Cyberinfrastructure for Astronomy III, SPIE Astronomical Telescopes + Instrumentation 2014. June 2014, Montreal, Canad

    The First Data Release of the KODIAQ Survey

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    We present and make publicly available the first data release (DR1) of the Keck Observatory Database of Ionized Absorption toward Quasars (KODIAQ) survey. The KODIAQ survey is aimed at studying galactic and circumgalactic gas in absorption at high-redshift, with a focus on highly-ionized gas traced by OVI, using the HIRES spectrograph on the Keck-I telescope. KODIAQ DR1 consists of a fully-reduced sample of 170 quasars at 0.29 < z_em < 5.29 observed with HIRES at high resolution (36,000 <= R <= 103,000) between 2004 and 2012. DR1 contains 247 spectra available in continuum normalized form, representing a sum total exposure time of ~1.6 megaseconds. These co-added spectra arise from a total of 567 individual exposures of quasars taken from the Keck Observatory Archive (KOA) in raw form and uniformly processed using a HIRES data reduction package made available through the XIDL distribution. DR1 is publicly available to the community, housed as a higher level science product at the KOA. We will provide future data releases that make further QSOs, including those with pre-2004 observations taken with the previous-generation HIRES detectors.Comment: 14 pages, 9 figures, Submitted to AJ. All data products available at the Keck Observatory Archive beginning May 15, 2015. URL: https://koa.ipac.caltech.edu/applications/KODIA

    Artemis: an integrated platform for visualization and analysis of high-throughput sequence-based experimental data.

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    MOTIVATION: High-throughput sequencing (HTS) technologies have made low-cost sequencing of large numbers of samples commonplace. An explosion in the type, not just number, of sequencing experiments has also taken place including genome re-sequencing, population-scale variation detection, whole transcriptome sequencing and genome-wide analysis of protein-bound nucleic acids. RESULTS: We present Artemis as a tool for integrated visualization and computational analysis of different types of HTS datasets in the context of a reference genome and its corresponding annotation. AVAILABILITY: Artemis is freely available (under a GPL licence) for download (for MacOSX, UNIX and Windows) at the Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute websites: http://www.sanger.ac.uk/resources/software/artemis/
