89 research outputs found

    Optimizing and evaluating protein microcrystallography experiments: strengths and weaknesses of X-rays and electrons

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    Recently, significant technological innovations have enabled the measurement of both X-ray and electron diffraction from protein microcrystals. These new microcrystallography experiments are useful when large crystals cannot be obtained, but also in other cases, such as when large crystals suffer from long-range disorder, or when uniform perturbations need to be applied rapidly to the entire crystal volume. Optimizing the preparation of protein microcrystals for this new class of experiments presents new challenges for crystallographers, who have traditionally sought to grow large, single crystals. To better understand these new challenges, we optimized the production of microcrystalline samples of cyclophilin A (CypA), starting from conditions that produced millimeter scale crystals. Next, we used these microcrystals to determine CypA structures by serial femtosecond crystallography (SFX) at two XFEL lightsources, and by microcrystal electron diffraction (microED) in an electron cryomicroscope. Here, I will present our optimization strategy for protein microcrystallization, and compare the results of X-ray and electron microcrystallography experiments with CypA. I will focus on the unique caveats of sample delivery for each method, and compare the resulting structures. The goal will be to provide insight into which microcrystallography experiment is most appropriate for which types of samples, and to share our experience with sample preparation and delivery for each type of experiment

    Autofix for backward-fit sidechains: using MolProbity and real-space refinement to put misfits in their place

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    Misfit sidechains in protein crystal structures are a stumbling block in using those structures to direct further scientific inference. Problems due to surface disorder and poor electron density are very difficult to address, but a large class of systematic errors are quite common even in well-ordered regions, resulting in sidechains fit backwards into local density in predictable ways. The MolProbity web site is effective at diagnosing such errors, and can perform reliable automated correction of a few special cases such as 180° flips of Asn or Gln sidechain amides, using all-atom contacts and H-bond networks. However, most at-risk residues involve tetrahedral geometry, and their valid correction requires rigorous evaluation of sidechain movement and sometimes backbone shift. The current work extends the benefits of robust automated correction to more sidechain types. The Autofix method identifies candidate systematic, flipped-over errors in Leu, Thr, Val, and Arg using MolProbity quality statistics, proposes a corrected position using real-space refinement with rotamer selection in Coot, and accepts or rejects the correction based on improvement in MolProbity criteria and on χ angle change. Criteria are chosen conservatively, after examining many individual results, to ensure valid correction. To test this method, Autofix was run and analyzed for 945 representative PDB files and on the 50S ribosomal subunit of file 1YHQ. Over 40% of Leu, Val, and Thr outliers and 15% of Arg outliers were successfully corrected, resulting in a total of 3,679 corrected sidechains, or 4 per structure on average. Summary Sentences: A common class of misfit sidechains in protein crystal structures is due to systematic errors that place the sidechain backwards into the local electron density. A fully automated method called “Autofix” identifies such errors for Leu, Val, Thr, and Arg and corrects over one third of them, using MolProbity validation criteria and Coot real-space refinement of rotamers

    AI is a viable alternative to high throughput screening: a 318-target study

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    : High throughput screening (HTS) is routinely used to identify bioactive small molecules. This requires physical compounds, which limits coverage of accessible chemical space. Computational approaches combined with vast on-demand chemical libraries can access far greater chemical space, provided that the predictive accuracy is sufficient to identify useful molecules. Through the largest and most diverse virtual HTS campaign reported to date, comprising 318 individual projects, we demonstrate that our AtomNet® convolutional neural network successfully finds novel hits across every major therapeutic area and protein class. We address historical limitations of computational screening by demonstrating success for target proteins without known binders, high-quality X-ray crystal structures, or manual cherry-picking of compounds. We show that the molecules selected by the AtomNet® model are novel drug-like scaffolds rather than minor modifications to known bioactive compounds. Our empirical results suggest that computational methods can substantially replace HTS as the first step of small-molecule drug discovery

    Modeling of Hidden Structures Using Sparse Chemical Shift Data from NMR Relaxation Dispersion

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    NMR relaxation dispersion measurements report on conformational changes occurring on the μs-ms timescale. Chemical shift information derived from relaxation dispersion can be used to generate structural models of weakly populated alternative conformational states. Current methods to obtain such models rely on determining the signs of chemical shift changes between the conformational states, which are difficult to obtain in many situations. Here, we use a "sample and select" method to generate relevant structural models of alternative conformations of the C-terminal-associated region of Escherichia coli dihydrofolate reductase (DHFR), using only unsigned chemical shift changes for backbone amides and carbonyls (1H, 15N, and 13C'). We find that CS-Rosetta sampling with unsigned chemical shift changes generates a diversity of structures that are sufficient to characterize a minor conformational state of the C-terminal region of DHFR. The excited state differs from the ground state by a change in secondary structure, consistent with previous predictions from chemical shift hypersurfaces and validated by the x-ray structure of a partially humanized mutant of E. coli DHFR (N23PP/G51PEKN). The results demonstrate that the combination of fragment modeling with sparse chemical shift data can determine the structure of an alternative conformation of DHFR sampled on the μs-ms timescale. Such methods will be useful for characterizing alternative states, which can potentially be used for in silico drug screening, as well as contributing to understanding the role of minor states in biology and molecular evolution

    Design of a Minimally Invasive Surgical Teleoperated Master-Slave System with Haptic Feedback

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    Conventional Minimally Invasive Surgery (MIS)is performed with long and slender camera and instruments through at least three small incisions. However, it generally provides the surgeon with an uncomfortable body posture, limited force feedback and unnatural eye-hand-coordination. A masterslave system with force feedback is being developed, since sucha system can overcome the inconveniences of MIS. This paper is about the design of the master and the slave

    Conformational variation of proteins at room temperature is not dominated by radiation damage.

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    Protein crystallography data collection at synchrotrons is routinely carried out at cryogenic temperatures to mitigate radiation damage. Although damage still takes place at 100 K and below, the immobilization of free radicals increases the lifetime of the crystals by approximately 100-fold. Recent studies have shown that flash-cooling decreases the heterogeneity of the conformational ensemble and can hide important functional mechanisms from observation. These discoveries have motivated increasing numbers of experiments to be carried out at room temperature. However, the trade-offs between increased risk of radiation damage and increased observation of alternative conformations at room temperature relative to cryogenic temperature have not been examined. A considerable amount of effort has previously been spent studying radiation damage at cryo-temperatures, but the relevance of these studies to room temperature diffraction is not well understood. Here, the effects of radiation damage on the conformational landscapes of three different proteins (T. danielli thaumatin, hen egg-white lysozyme and human cyclophilin A) at room (278 K) and cryogenic (100 K) temperatures are investigated. Increasingly damaged datasets were collected at each temperature, up to a maximum dose of the order of 107 Gy at 100 K and 105 Gy at 278 K. Although it was not possible to discern a clear trend between damage and multiple conformations at either temperature, it was observed that disorder, monitored by B-factor-dependent crystallographic order parameters, increased with higher absorbed dose for the three proteins at 100 K. At 278 K, however, the total increase in this disorder was only statistically significant for thaumatin. A correlation between specific radiation damage affecting side chains and the amount of disorder was not observed. This analysis suggests that elevated conformational heterogeneity in crystal structures at room temperature is observed despite radiation damage, and not as a result thereof

    Presentation1_Discovery of a cryptic pocket in the AI-predicted structure of PPM1D phosphatase explains the binding site and potency of its allosteric inhibitors.pdf

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    Virtual screening is a widely used tool for drug discovery, but its predictive power can vary dramatically depending on how much structural data is available. In the best case, crystal structures of a ligand-bound protein can help find more potent ligands. However, virtual screens tend to be less predictive when only ligand-free crystal structures are available, and even less predictive if a homology model or other predicted structure must be used. Here, we explore the possibility that this situation can be improved by better accounting for protein dynamics, as simulations started from a single structure have a reasonable chance of sampling nearby structures that are more compatible with ligand binding. As a specific example, we consider the cancer drug target PPM1D/Wip1 phosphatase, a protein that lacks crystal structures. High-throughput screens have led to the discovery of several allosteric inhibitors of PPM1D, but their binding mode remains unknown. To enable further drug discovery efforts, we assessed the predictive power of an AlphaFold-predicted structure of PPM1D and a Markov state model (MSM) built from molecular dynamics simulations initiated from that structure. Our simulations reveal a cryptic pocket at the interface between two important structural elements, the flap and hinge regions. Using deep learning to predict the pose quality of each docked compound for the active site and cryptic pocket suggests that the inhibitors strongly prefer binding to the cryptic pocket, consistent with their allosteric effect. The predicted affinities for the dynamically uncovered cryptic pocket also recapitulate the relative potencies of the compounds (τb = 0.70) better than the predicted affinities for the static AlphaFold-predicted structure (τb = 0.42). Taken together, these results suggest that targeting the cryptic pocket is a good strategy for drugging PPM1D and, more generally, that conformations selected from simulation can improve virtual screening when limited structural data is available.</p