161 research outputs found

    A measurement-based approach to quantum arrival times

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    For a quantum-mechanically spread-out particle we investigate a method for determining its arrival time at a specific location. The procedure is based on the emission of a first photon from a two-level system moving into a laser-illuminated region. The resulting temporal distribution is explicitly calculated for the one-dimensional case and compared with axiomatically proposed expressions. As a main result we show that by means of a deconvolution one obtains the well known quantum mechanical probability flux of the particle at the location as a limiting distribution.Comment: 11 pages, 4 figures, submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Sources of quantum waves

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    Due to the space and time dependence of the wave function in the time dependent Schroedinger equation, different boundary conditions are possible. The equation is usually solved as an ``initial value problem'', by fixing the value of the wave function in all space at a given instant. We compare this standard approach to "source boundary conditions'' that fix the wave at all times in a given region, in particular at a point in one dimension. In contrast to the well-known physical interpretation of the initial-value-problem approach, the interpretation of the source approach has remained unclear, since it introduces negative energy components, even for ``free motion'', and a time-dependent norm. This work provides physical meaning to the source method by finding the link with equivalent initial value problems.Comment: 12 pages, 7 inlined figures; typos correcte

    Comment on "Measurement of time of arrival in quantum mechanics"

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    The analysis of the model quantum clocks proposed by Aharonov et al. [Phys. Rev. A 57 (1998) 4130 - quant-ph/9709031] requires considering evanescent components, previously ignored. We also clarify the meaning of the operational time of arrival distribution which had been investigated.Comment: 3 inlined figures; comment on quant-ph/970903

    Quantum times of arrival for multiparticle states

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    Using the concept of crossing state and the formalism of second quantization, we propose a prescription for computing the density of arrivals of particles for multiparticle states, both in the free and the interacting case. The densities thus computed are positive, covariant in time for time independent hamiltonians, normalized to the total number of arrivals, and related to the flux. We investigate the behaviour of this prescriptions for bosons and fermions, finding boson enhancement and fermion depletion of arrivals.Comment: 10 a4 pages, 5 inlined figure

    Transient response of a quantum wave to an instantaneous potential step switching

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    The transient response of a stationary state of a quantum particle in a step potential to an instantaneous change in the step height (a simplified model for a sudden bias switch in an electronic semiconductor device) is solved exactly by means of a semianalytical expression. The characteristic times for the transient process up to the new stationary state are identified. A comparison is made between the exact results and an approximate method.Comment: 8 pages, 8 figures, Revtex

    Generalizations of Kijowski's time-of-arrival distribution for interaction potentials

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    Several proposals for a time-of-arrival distribution of ensembles of independent quantum particles subject to an external interaction potential are compared making use of the ``crossing state'' concept. It is shown that only one of them has the properties expected for a classical distribution in the classical limit. The comparison is illustrated numerically with a collision of a Gaussian wave packet with an opaque square barrier.Comment: 5 inlined figures: some typo correction

    Atomic time-of-arrival measurements with a laser of finite beam width

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    A natural approach to measure the time of arrival of an atom at a spatial region is to illuminate this region with a laser and detect the first fluorescence photons produced by the excitation of the atom and subsequent decay. We investigate the actual physical content of such a measurement in terms of atomic dynamical variables, taking into account the finite width of the laser beam. Different operation regimes are identified, in particular the ones in which the quantum current density may be obtained.Comment: 7 figure

    Towards a time-reversal mirror for quantum systems

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    The reversion of the time evolution of a quantum state can be achieved by changing the sign of the Hamiltonian as in the polarization echo experiment in NMR. In this work we describe an alternative mechanism inspired by the acoustic time reversal mirror. By solving the inverse time problem in a discrete space we develop a new procedure, the perfect inverse filter. It achieves the exact time reversion in a given region by reinjecting a prescribed wave function at its periphery.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figures. Introduction modified, references added, one figure added to improve the discussio


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    This revision presents a global vision about the therapeutic relationship and its importance for nursing professionals. With this, we will show the importance of the acquisition of skills and attitudes for initiating the therapeutic relationship. One of the most important characteristic of nursing is the concept of care which is the essence of this profession. Among the most important needs, we found the need to establish a correct therapeutic relationship. If nursing students are coached in these skills, we will be able to achieve better prepared professionals, who have a holistic vision of the patient, they offering an integral attention to the patient. This is a demand to our current society, which assures the improvement of individual healthEn esta revisión se presenta una visión global de la relación terapéutica y su relevancia en la profesión enfermera. A través de ésta, se quiere demostrar la importancia de la adquisición de habilidades y actitudes fundamentales a la hora de iniciar una relación de ayuda. Una de las características de la enfermería es el concepto del cuidado a través del cual damos significado a la profesión. Entre las necesidades de los cuidados encontramos la más importante de ellas que es la necesidad de establecer una correcta relación terapéutica.   Si los estudiantes de enfermería están entrenados en estas habilidades, conseguiremos profesionales mejores preparados, que contemplarán a las personas en su globalidad, proporcionando una atención integral. Ésta es una demanda de la sociedad actual, la cual conllevaría a una mejora de la salud individual.  

    Time-of-arrival distribution for arbitrary potentials and Wigner's time-energy uncertainty relation

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    A realization of the concept of "crossing state" invoked, but not implemented, by Wigner, allows to advance in two important aspects of the time of arrival in quantum mechanics: (i) For free motion, we find that the limitations described by Aharonov et al. in Phys. Rev. A 57, 4130 (1998) for the time-of-arrival uncertainty at low energies for certain mesurement models are in fact already present in the intrinsic time-of-arrival distribution of Kijowski; (ii) We have also found a covariant generalization of this distribution for arbitrary potentials and positions.Comment: 4 pages, revtex, 2 eps figures include