308 research outputs found

    Evaluating matrix elements relevant to some Lorenz violating operators

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    Carlson, Carone and Lebed have derived the Feynman rules for a consistent formulation of noncommutative QCD. The results they obtained were used to constrain the noncommutativity parameter in Lorentz violating noncommutative field theories. However, their constraint depended upon an estimate of the matrix element of the quark level operator (gamma.p - m) in a nucleon. In this paper we calculate the matrix element of (gamma.p - m), using a variety of confinement potential models. Our results are within an order of magnitude agreement with the estimate made by Carlson et al. The constraints placed on the noncommutativity parameter were very strong, and are still quite severe even if weakened by an order of magnitude.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures, RevTex, minor change

    A Two-Dimensional Model with Chiral Condensates and Cooper Pairs Having QCD-like Phase Structure

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    We describe how a generalization of the original Gross-Neveu model from U(N) to O(N) flavor symmetry leads to the appearance of a pairing condensate at high density, in agreement with the conjectured phenomenon of color superconductivity in (3+1)(3+1)-dimensional QCD. Moreover, the model displays a rich phase structure which closely resembles the one expected in two-flavor QCD.Comment: 11 pages, 1 fugure, Presented at TMU-Yale Symposium on Dynamics of Gauge Fields: An External Activity of APCTP, Tokyo, Japan, 13-15 Dec 199

    Crystalline ground state in chiral Gross-Neveu and Cooper pair models at finite densities

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    We study the possibility of spatially non-uniform ground state in (1+1)-dimensional models with quartic fermi interactions at finite fermion densities by introducing chemical potential \mu. We examine the chiral Gross-Neveu model and the Cooper pair model as toy models of the chiral symmetry breaking and the difermion pair condensates which are presumed to exist in QCD. We confirm in the chiral Gross-Neveu model that the ground state has a crystalline structure in which the chiral condensate oscillates in space with wave number 2\mu. Whereas in the Cooper pair model we find that the vacuum structure is spatially uniform. Some discussions are given to explain this difference.Comment: 18 pages, REVTeX, 3 eps figure

    Bag Model for a Link in a Closed Gluonic Chain

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    The large NcN_c limit of Yang-Mills gauge theory is the dynamics of a closed gluonic chain, but this fact does not obviate the inherently strong coupling nature of the dynamical problem. However, we suggest that a single link in such a chain might be reasonably described in the quasi-perturbative language of gluons and their interactions. To implement this idea, we use the MIT bag to model the physics of a nearest neighbor bond.Comment: 10 pages, LaTe

    The R.I. Pimenov unified gravitation and electromagnetism field theory as semi-Riemannian geometry

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    More then forty years ago R.I. Pimenov introduced a new geometry -- semi-Riemannian one -- as a set of geometrical objects consistent with a fibering pr:Mn→Mm. pr: M_n \to M_m. He suggested the heuristic principle according to which the physically different quantities (meter, second, coulomb etc.) are geometrically modelled as space coordinates that are not superposed by automorphisms. As there is only one type of coordinates in Riemannian geometry and only three types of coordinates in pseudo-Riemannian one, a multiple fibered semi-Riemannian geometry is the most appropriate one for the treatment of more then three different physical quantities as unified geometrical field theory. Semi-Euclidean geometry 3R54^{3}R_5^4 with 1-dimensional fiber x5x^5 and 4-dimensional Minkowski space-time as a base is naturally interpreted as classical electrodynamics. Semi-Riemannian geometry 3V54^{3}V_5^4 with the general relativity pseudo-Riemannian space-time 3V4,^{3}V^4, and 1-dimensional fiber x5,x^5, responsible for the electromagnetism, provides the unified field theory of gravitation and electromagnetism. Unlike Kaluza-Klein theories, where the 5-th coordinate appears in nondegenerate Riemannian or pseudo-Riemannian geometry, the theory based on semi-Riemannian geometry is free from defects of the former. In particular, scalar field does not arise. PACS: 04.50.Cd, 02.40.-k, 11.10.KkComment: 16 pages, 2 figures. Submited to Physics of Atomic Nucle

    Adjoint Wilson Line in SU(2) Lattice Gauge Theory

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    The behavior of the adjoint Wilson line in finite-temperature, SU(2)SU(2), lattice gauge theory is discussed. The expectation value of the line and the associated excess free energy reveal the response of the finite-temperature gauge field to the presence of an adjoint source. The value of the adjoint line at the critical point of the deconfining phase transition is highlighted. This is not calculable in weak or strong coupling. It receives contributions from all scales and is nonanalytic at the critical point. We determine the general form of the free energy. It includes a linearly divergent term that is perturbative in the bare coupling and a finite, nonperturbative piece. We use a simple flux tube model to estimate the value of the nonperturbative piece. This provides the normalization needed to estimate the behavior of the line as one moves along the critical curve into the weak coupling region.Comment: 21 pages, no figures, Latex/Revtex 3, UCD-93-1

    Bosonic Fields in the String-like Defect Model

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    We study localization of bosonic bulk fields on a string-like defect with codimension 2 in a general space-time dimension in detail. We show that in cases of spin 0 scalar and spin 1 vector fields there are an infinite number of massless Kaluza-Klein (KK) states which are degenerate with respect to the radial quantum number, but only the massless zero mode state among them is coupled to fermion on the string-like defect. It is also commented on interesting extensions of the model at hand to various directions such as 'little' superstring theory, conformal field theory and a supersymmetric construction.Comment: 17 pages, LaTex 2e, revised version (to appear in Phys. Rev. D

    On the scalar sector of the covariant graviton two-point function in de Sitter spacetime

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    We examine the scalar sector of the covariant graviton two-point function in de Sitter spacetime. This sector consists of the pure-trace part and another part described by a scalar field. We show that it does not contribute to two-point functions of gauge-invariant quantities. We also demonstrate that the long-distance growth present in some gauges is absent in this sector for a wide range of gauge parameters.Comment: 15 pages, no figures, LaTeX, considerably shortene

    Black Diamonds at Brane Junctions

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    We discuss the properties of black holes in brane-world scenarios where our universe is viewed as a four-dimensional sub-manifold of some higher-dimensional spacetime. We consider in detail such a model where four-dimensional spacetime lies at the junction of several domain walls in a higher dimensional anti-de Sitter spacetime. In this model there may be any number p of infinitely large extra dimensions transverse to the brane-world. We present an exact solution describing a black p-brane which will induce on the brane-world the Schwarzschild solution. This exact solution is unstable to the Gregory-Laflamme instability, whereby long-wavelength perturbations cause the extended horizon to fragment. We therefore argue that at late times a non-rotating uncharged black hole in the brane-world is described by a deformed event horizon in p+4 dimensions which will induce, to good approximation, the Schwarzschild solution in the four-dimensional brane world. When p=2, this deformed horizon resembles a black diamond and more generally for p>2, a polyhedron.Comment: 13 pages, 1 figure, latex, JHEP.cl

    Masses of Multiquark Droplets

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    The mass formulae for finite lumps of strange quark matter with uu, dd and ss quarks, and non-strange quark matter consisting of uu and dd quarks are derived in a non-relativistic potential model. The finite-size effects comprising the surface, curvature and even, the Gauss curvature were consistently obtained, which shows a converging trend. It is found that there is a possibility for the formation of metastable strangelets of large mass. The model predicts low charge to mass ratio as the characteristic signature of strange matter in agreement with the relativistic studies. This study also yields an independent estimate for the bag energy density BB, which is in agreement with the M.I.T bag model value.Comment: 24pages + 5 figures available upon request,Latex,IP/BBSR/93-3
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