1,356 research outputs found

    Cosmological Gamma-Ray Bursts and Evolution of Galaxies

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    Evolution of the rate density of cosmological gamma-ray bursts (GRBs) is calculated and compared to the BATSE brightness distribution in the context of binary neutron-star mergers as the source of GRBs, taking account of the realistic star formation history in the universe and evolution of compact binary systems. We tried two models of the evolution of cosmic star formation rate (SFR): one is based on recent observations of SFRs at high redshifts, while the other is based on a galaxy evolution model of stellar population synthesis that reproduces the present-day colors of galaxies. It is shown that the binary merger scenario of GRBs naturally results in the comoving rate-density evolution of \propto (1+z)^{2-2.5} up to z ~ 1, that has been suggested independently from the compatibility between the number-brightness distribution and duration-brightness correlation. If the cosmic SFR has its peak at z ~ 1--2 as suggested by recent observations, the effective power-index of GRB photon spectrum, \alpha >~ 1.5$ is favored, that is softer than the recent observational determination of \alpha = 1.1 \pm 0.3. However, high redshift starbursts (z >~ 5) in elliptical galaxies, that have not yet been detected, can alleviate this discrepancy. The redshift of GRB970508 is likely about 2, just below the upper limit that is recently determined, and the absorption system at z = 0.835 seems not to be the site of the GRB.Comment: ApJ Lett. in press, very minor change just making clear that the predicted rate-density evolution is in a comoving sense. (Received 1997 May 15; Accepted 1997 July 2

    A Robust Age Indicator for Old Stellar Populations

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    We derive new spectral H_gamma index definitions which are robust age indicators for old and relatively old stellar populations and thus have great potential for solving the age-metallicity degeneracy of galaxy spectra. To study H_gamma as a function of age, metallicity and resolution, we used a new spectral synthesis model which predicts SEDs of single-age, single-metallicity stellar populations at resolution FWHM=1.8A (which can be smoothed to different resolutions), allowing direct measurements of the equivalent widths of particular absorption features. We find that the H_gamma strong age disentangling power strongly depends strongly on the adopted resolution and galaxy velocity dispersion. We propose a system of indices which are completely insensitive to metallicity and stable against resolution, allowing the study of galaxies up to ~300 km/s. Observational spectra of very high S/N and relatively high dispersion, are required to gain this unprecedented age discriminating power. Once such spectra are obtained, accurate and reliable estimates for the luminosity-weighted average stellar ages of these galaxies will become possible for the first time, without assessing their metallicities. We measured this index for two globular clusters, a number of low-luminosity elliptical galaxies and a standard S0 galaxy. We find a large spread in the average stellar ages of a sample of low-luminosity ellipticals. In particular these indices yield 4 Gyr for M32, in agreement with the age provided by an extraordinary fit to the full spectrum of this galaxy that we achieve here.Comment: 22 pages, 4 figures. ApJ, in press. Models and details can be found at http://www.ioa.s.u-tokyo.ac.jp/~vazdekis

    The Ages of Dwarf Ellipticals

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    We present narrow band photometry of 91 dwarf ellipticals in the Coma and Fornax clusters taken through the Stromgren (uvby) filter system. Dividing the sample by dwarf morphology into nucleated (dEN) and non-nucleated (dE) dwarfs reveals two distinct populations of early-type systems based on integrated colors. The class of dEN galaxies are redder in their continuum colors as compared to bright cluster ellipticals and dE type dwarfs, and their position in multi-color diagrams can only be explained by an older mean age for their underlying stellar populations. By comparison with the narrow band photometry of the M87 globular cluster system (Jordan et al. 2002), we find that dENs are a higher metallicity continuation of the old, metal-poor color sequence of galactic globulars and the blue population of M87 globulars. Bright ellipticals and dE dwarfs, on the other hand, follow the color sequence of the metal-rich, red population of M87 globulars. A comparison to SED models, convolved to a simple metallicity model, finds that dENs and blue globulars are 3 to 4 Gyrs older than cluster ellipticals and 5 Gyrs older than dE type galaxies. The implication is that globulars and dEN galaxies are primordial and have metallicities set by external constraints such as the enrichment of their formation clouds. Bright ellipticals and dE galaxies have metallicities and ages that suggest an extended phase of initial star formation to produce a younger mean age, even if their formation epoch is similar to that of dENs and blue globulars, and an internally driven chemical evolutionary history.Comment: 13 pages AAS LaTeX, 6 figures, accepted for publication in A

    Extended dust emission and atomic hydrogen, a reservoir of diffuse H_2 in NGC 1068

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    We report on sensitive sub-mm imaging observations of the prototype Seyfert~2/starburst galaxy NGC 1068 at 850 μ\mu m and 450 μ\mu m using the Submillimetre Common-User Bolometer Array (SCUBA) on the James Clerk Maxwell Telescope (JCMT). We find clear evidence of dust emission associated with the extended HI component which together with the very faint 12 ^{12}CO J=1--0 emission give a gas-to-dust ratio of Mgas/Mdust70150\rm M_{\rm gas}/M_{\rm dust} \sim 70-150. This contrasts with the larger ratio Mgas/Mdust330\rm M_{\rm gas}/M_{\rm dust}\sim 330 estimated within a galactocentric radius of r1.36r\leq 1.36 kpc, where the gas is mostly molecular and starburst activity occurs. The large gas-to-dust ratio found for the starburst region is attributed to a systematic overestimate of the molecular gas mass in starburst environments when the luminosity of the 12 ^{12}CO J=1--0 line and a standard galactic conversion factor is used. On the other hand sub-mm imaging proves to be a more powerful tool than conventional CO imaging for revealing the properties of the diffuse H2\rm H_2 that coexists with HI. This molecular gas phase is characterized by low densities (n(H2)<103\rm n(H_2)<10^3 cm3 ^{-3}), very faint emission from sub-thermally excited CO, and contains more mass than HI, namely M(H2)/M(HI)5\rm M(H_2)/M(HI)\sim 5.Comment: Accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journal Letter

    Does the Number Density of Elliptical Galaxies Change at z<1?

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    We have performed a detailed V/Vmax test for a sample of the Canada-France Redshift Survey (CFRS) for the purpose of examining whether the comoving number density of field galaxies changes significantly at redshifts of z<1. Taking into account the luminosity evolution of galaxies which depends on their morphological type through different history of star formation, we obtain \sim 0.5 in the range of 0.3<z<0.8, where reliable redshifts were secured by spectroscopy of either absorption or emission lines for the CFRS sample. This indicates that a picture of mild evolution of field galaxies without significant mergers is consistent with the CFRS data. Early-type galaxies, selected by their (V-I)_{AB} color, become unnaturally deficient in number at z>0.8 due to the selection bias, thereby causing a fictitious decrease of . We therefore conclude that a reasonable choice of upper bound of redshift z \sim 0.8 in the V/Vmax test saves the picture of passive evolution for field ellipticals in the CFRS sample, which was rejected by Kauffman, Charlot, & White (1996) without confining the redshift range. However, about 10% of the CFRS sample consists of galaxies having colors much bluer than predicted for irregular galaxies, and their \avmax is significantly larger than 0.5. We discuss this population of extremely blue galaxies in terms of starburst that has just turned on at their observed redshifts.Comment: 11 pages including 3 figures, to appear in ApJ Letter

    Evolution of the Luminosity Density in the Universe: Implications for the Nonzero Cosmological Constant

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    We show that evolution of the luminosity density of galaxies in the universe provides a powerful test for the geometry of the universe. Using reasonable galaxy evolution models of population synthesis which reproduce the colors of local galaxies of various morphological types, we have calculated the luminosity density of galaxies as a function of redshift zz. Comparison of the result with recent measurements by the Canada-France Redshift Survey in three wavebands of 2800{\AA}, 4400{\AA}, and 1 micron at z<1 indicates that the \Lambda-dominated flat universe with \lambda_0 \sim 0.8 is favored, and the lower limit on \lambda_0 yields 0.37 (99% C.L.) or 0.53 (95% C.L.) if \Omega_0+\lambda_0=1. The Einstein-de Sitter universe with (\Omega_0, \lambda_0)=(1, 0) and the low-density open universe with (0.2, 0) are however ruled out with 99.86% C.L. and 98.6% C.L., respectively. The confidence levels quoted apply unless the standard assumptions on galaxy evolution are drastically violated. We have also calculated a global star formation rate in the universe to be compared with the observed rate beyond z \sim 2. We find from this comparison that spiral galaxies are formed from material accretion over an extended period of a few Gyrs, while elliptical galaxies are formed from initial star burst at z >~ 5 supplying enough amount of metals and ionizing photons in the intergalactic medium.Comment: 11 pages including 3 figures, LaTeX, uses AASTeX. To Appear in ApJ Letter

    A correlation between light profile and [Mg/Fe] abundance ratio in early-type galaxies

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    We explore possible correlations between light profile shapes, as parameterized by the Sersic index or the concentration index C_re(1/3), and relevant stellar population parameters in early-type galaxies. Mean luminosity weighted ages, metallicities and abundance ratios were obtained from spectra of very high signal-to-noise and stellar population models that synthesize galaxy spectra at the resolution given by their velocity dispersions, in combination with an age indicator that is virtually free of the effects of metallicity. We do not find any significant correlation between the Sersic index (or C_re(1/3)) and mean age or metallicity, but a strong positive correlation of the shape parameters with [Mg/Fe] abundance ratio. This dependence is as strong as the [Mg/Fe] vs. velocity dispersion and C_re(1/3) vs. velocity dispersion relations. We speculate that early-type galaxies settle up their structure on time-scales in agreement with those imposed by their [Mg/Fe] ratios. This suggest that the global structure of larger galaxies, with larger [Mg/Fe] ratios and shorter time-scales, was already at place at high z, without experiencing a significant time evolution.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figures (to appear in The Astrophysical Journal Letters

    Galaxy number counts in the Hubble Deep Field as a strong constraint on a hierarchical galaxy formation model

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    Number counts of galaxies are re-analyzed using a semi-analytic model (SAM) of galaxy formation based on the hierarchical clustering scenario. We have determined the astrophysical parameters in the SAM that reproduce observations of nearby galaxies, and used them to predict the number counts and redshifts of faint galaxies for three cosmological models for (1) the standard cold dark matter (CDM) universe, (2) a low-density flat universe with nonzero cosmological constant, and (3) a low-density open universe with zero cosmological constant. The novelty of our SAM analysis is the inclusion of selection effects arising from the cosmological dimming of surface brightness of high-redshift galaxies, and also from the absorption of visible light by internal dust and intergalactic \ion{H}{1} clouds. Contrary to previous SAM analyses which do not take into account such selection effects, we find, from comparison with observed counts and redshifts of faint galaxies in the Hubble Deep Field (HDF), that the standard CDM universe is {\it not} preferred, and a low-density universe either with or without cosmological constant is favorable, as suggested by other recent studies. Moreover, we find that a simple prescription for the time scale of star formation (SF), being proportional to the dynamical time scale of the formation of the galactic disk, is unable to reproduce the observed number- redshift relation for HDF galaxies, and that the SF time scale should be nearly independent of redshift, as suggested by other SAM analyses for the formation of quasars and the evolution of damped Ly-α\alpha systems.Comment: 16 pages, 13 figures, LaTeX, using emulateapj5.st

    Unavoidable Selection Effects in the Analysis of Faint Galaxies in the Hubble Deep Field: Probing the Cosmology and Merger History of Galaxies

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    (Abridged) We present a detailed analysis of the number count and photometric redshift distribution of faint galaxies in the Hubble Deep Field (HDF), paying a special attention to the selection effects including the cosmological dimming of surface brightness of galaxies. We find a considerably different result from previous studies ignoring the selection effects, and these effects should therefore be taken into account in the analysis. We find that the model of pure luminosity evolution (PLE) of galaxies in the Einstein-de Sitter (EdS) universe predicts much smaller counts than those observed at faint magnitude limits by a factor of more than 10, so that a very strong number evolution of galaxies with \eta > 3-4 must be invoked to reproduce the I_{814} counts, when parametrized as \phi^* \propto (1+z)^\eta. However we show that such a strong number evolution under realistic merging processes of galaxies can not explain the steep slope of the B_{450} and V_{606} counts, and it is seriously inconsistent with their photometric redshift distribution. We find that these difficulties still persist in an open universe with \Omega_0 > 0.2, but are resolved only when we invoke a Λ\Lambda-dominated flat universe, after examining various systematic uncertainties in modeling the formation and evolution of galaxies. The present analysis revitalizes the practice of using faint number counts as an important cosmological test, giving one of the arguments against the EdS universe and suggests acceleration of the cosmic expansion by vacuum energy density. While a modest number evolution of galaxies with \eta ~ 1 is still necessary even in a Lambda-dominated universe, a stronger number evolution with \eta > 1 is rejected from the HDF data, giving a strong constraint on the merger history of galaxies.Comment: 24 pages, 15 figures, final version matching publication in ApJ. Some references added. The complete ps file of Table 3 is available at http://th.nao.ac.jp/~totani/images/paper/ty2000-table3.p