2 research outputs found

    Properties of Intersecting p-branes in Various Dimensions

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    General properties of intersecting extremal p-brane solutions of gravity coupled with dilatons and several different d-form fields in arbitrary space-time dimensions are considered. It is show that heuristically expected properties of the intersecting p-branes follow from the explicit formulae for solutions. In particular, harmonic superposition and S-duality hold for all p-brane solutions. Generalized T-duality takes place under additional restrictions on the initial theory parameters .Comment: 14 pages, RevTeX, misprints are corrected and more Comments are added, information about one of the authors (M.G.I.) available at http://www.geocities.com/CapeCanaveral/Lab/419

    Generating branes via sigma-models

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    Starting with the D-dimensional Einstein-dilaton-antisymmetric form equations and assuming a block-diagonal form of a metric we derive a (D−d)(D-d)-dimensional σ\sigma-model with the target space SL(d,R)/SO(d)×SL(2,R)/SO(2)×RSL(d,R)/SO(d) \times SL(2,R)/SO(2) \times R or its non-compact form. Various solution-generating techniques are developed and applied to construct some known and some new pp-brane solutions. It is shown that the Harrison transformation belonging to the SL(2,R)SL(2,R) subgroup generates black pp-branes from the seed Schwarzschild solution. A fluxbrane generalizing the Bonnor-Melvin-Gibbons-Maeda solution is constructed as well as a non-linear superposition of the fluxbrane and a spherical black hole. A new simple way to endow branes with additional internal structure such as plane waves is suggested. Applying the harmonic maps technique we generate new solutions with a non-trivial shell structure in the transverse space (`matrioshka' pp-branes). It is shown that the pp-brane intersection rules have a simple geometric interpretation as conditions ensuring the symmetric space property of the target space. Finally, a Bonnor-type symmetry is used to construct a new magnetic 6-brane with a dipole moment in the ten-dimensional IIA theory.Comment: 21 pages Late