15,510 research outputs found

    Vortex tilt modulus in Fulde-Ferrell-Larkin-Ovchinnikov state

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    Vortex tilt response in Fulde-Ferrell-Larkin-Ovchinnikov (FFLO) vortex lattice is theoretically examined as a probe reflecting the spatial structure of this state. In the FFLO state with nodal planes perpendicular to the magnetic field in a quasi 2D material under a parallel field, the tilt modulus E_{2} {\it of the nodal planes} decreases as the paramagnetic effect is effectively enhanced, and this reduction of E_{2} in turn reduces the vortex tilt modulus. This reduction of vortex tilt modulus, more remarkable in more anisotropic systems, accompanying the FFLO transition may be an origin of the monotonous reduction of sound velocity detected upon cooling in a ultrasound measurement for CeCoIn5.Comment: 14 pages, 5 figures. Accepted for publication in Phys. Rev.

    High field superconducting phase diagrams including Fulde-Ferrell-Larkin-Ovchinnikov vortex states

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    Motivated by a striking observation of a Fulde-Ferell-Larkin-Ovchinnikov (FFLO) vortex state in the heavy fermion material CeCoIn5 in fields {\it perpendicular} to the superconducting planes (Hc{\bf H} \parallel c), superconducting phase diagrams including an FFLO state of quasi two-dimensional (Q2D) superconductors are systematically studied. In the clean {\it limit}, the high field superconducting state in the low temperature limit should be not the FFLO state modulating along H{\bf H}, appeared in CeCoIn5 in both Hc{\bf H} \parallel c and Hc{\bf H} \perp c, but a different vortex state with a modulation, induced by the paramagnetism, perpendicular to the field. It is found that the presence of weak impurities is the origin of the absence in CeCoIn5 of the latter state and leads to the Hc{\bf H} \parallel c phase diagram, as seen in CeCoIn5, {\it apparently} different in character from that in Hc{\bf H} \perp c.Comment: A reference was updated. To appear in Phys. Rev.

    Effect of in-plane line defects on field-tuned superconductor-insulator transition behavior in homogeneous thin film

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    Field-tuned superconductor-insulator transition (FSIT) behavior in 2D isotropic and homogeneous thin films is usually accompanied by a nonvanishing critical resistance at low TT. It is shown that, in a 2D film including line defects paralle to each other but with random positions perpendicular to them, the (apparent) critical resistance in low TT limit vanishes, as in the 1D quantum superconducting (SC) transition, under a current parallel to the line defects. This 1D-like critical resistive behavior is more clearly seen in systems with weaker point disorder and may be useful in clarifying whether the true origin of FSIT behavior in the parent superconductor is the glass fluctuation or the quantum SC fluctuation. As a by-product of the present calculation, it is also pointed out that, in 2D films with line-like defects with a long but {\it finite} correlation length parallel to the lines, a quantum metallic behavior intervening the insulating and SC ones appears in the resistivity curves.Comment: 16 pages, 14 figure

    Theoretical Description of Resistive Behavior near a Quantum Vortex-Glass Transition

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    Resistive behaviors at nonzero temperatures (T > 0) reflecting a quantum vortex-glass (VG) transition (the so-called field-tuned superconductor-insulator transition at T=0) are studied based on a quantum Ginzburg-Landau (GL) action for a s-wave pairing case containing microscopic details. The ordinary dissipative dynamics of the pair-field is assumed on the basis of a consistency between the fluctuation conductance terms excluded from GL approach and an observed negative magnetoresistance. It is shown that the VG contribution, G_{vg}(B=B_{vg}, T \to 0),to 2D fluctuation conductance at the VG transition field B_{vg} depends on the strength of a repulsive-interaction between electrons and takes a universal value only in the ordinary dirty limit neglecting the electron-repulsion. Available resistivity data near B_{vg} are discussed based on our results, and extensions to the cases of a d-wave pairing and of 3D systems are briefly commented on.Comment: Explanation of data in strongly disordered case, as well as Fig.2 and 3, was renewed, and comments on recent publications were added. To appear in J.Phys.Soc. Jp

    Microscopic Study of Quantum Vortex-Glass Transition Field in Two-Dimensional Superconductors

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    The position of a field-tuned superconductor-insulator quantum transition occuring in disordered thin films is examined within the mean field approximation. Our calculation shows that the microscopic disorder-induced reduction of the quantum transition point found experimentally cannot be explained if the interplay between the disorder and an electron-electron repulsive interaction is ignored. This work is presented as a microscopic basis of an explanation (cond-mat/0105122) of resistive phenomena near the transition field.Comment: 16 pages, 5 figures. To appear in J.Phys.Soc.Jp

    Theoretical Description of Nearly Discontinuous Transition in Superconductors with Paramagnetic Depairing

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    Based on a theoretical argument and Monte Carlo simulations of a Ginzburg-Landau model derived microscopically, it is argued that, in type-II superconductors where {\it both} the paramagnetic {\it and} orbital depairings are important, a strong first-order transition (FOT) at Hc2H_{c2} expected in the mean field (MF) approximation never occurs in real systems and changes due to the fluctuation into a crossover. The present result explains why a {\it nearly} discontinuous crossover at Hc2H_{c2} with {\it no} intrinsic hysteresis is observed only in a clean superconducting material with a singlet pairing and a high condensation energy such as CeCoIn5_5.Comment: Publication version. See cond-mat/0306060 regarding a corresponding long pape

    An Alternative Topological Field Theory of Generalized Complex Geometry

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    We propose a new topological field theory on generalized complex geometry in two dimension using AKSZ formulation. Zucchini's model is AA model in the case that the generalized complex structuredepends on only a symplectic structure. Our new model is BB model in the case that the generalized complex structure depends on only a complex structure.Comment: 29 pages, typos and references correcte

    Evidence for realignment of the charge density wave state in ErTe3_3 and TmTe3_3 under uniaxial stress via elastocaloric and elastoresistivity measurements

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    We report the evolution of a charge density wave (CDW) state in the quasi-2D rare-earth tritellurides (RRTe3_3 for RR=Er,Tm) as a function of in-plane uniaxial stress. Measurements of the elastocaloric effect, resistivity, and elastoresistivity allow us to demonstrate the importance of in-plane antisymmetric strain on the CDW and to establish a phase diagram. We show that modest tensile stress parallel to the in-plane aa-axis can reversibly switch the direction of the ordering wavevector between the two in-plane directions. This work establishes RRTe3_3 as a promising model system for the study of strain-CDW interactions in a quasi-2D square lattice.Comment: 18 pages, 12 figure

    Thermal fluctuations and disorder effects in vortex lattices

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    We calculate using loop expansion the effect of fluctuations on the structure function and magnetization of the vortex lattice and compare it with existing MC results. In addition to renormalization of the height of the Bragg peaks of the structure function, there appears a characteristic saddle shape ''halos'' around the peaks. The effect of disorder on magnetization is also calculated. All the infrared divergencies related to soft shear cancel.Comment: 10 pages, revtex file, one figur

    Fluctuation Conductivity in Unconventional Superconductors near Critical Disorder

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    The fluctuation conductivity σs\sigma_{\rm s} in bulk superconductors with non s-wave pairing and with nonmagnetic disorder of strength DD is studied at low TT and within the Gaussian approximation. It is shown by assuming a quasi two-dimensional (2D) electronic state that, only if the gap function d_\mu({\p}) is, as in a 2D p-wave pairing state, linear in the in-plane (relative) momentum {\p}_\perp, the in-plane fluctuation conductivity on the line D=DcD=D_c is weakly divergent in low TT limit. The present result may be useful in clarifying the true gap function of spin-triplet Sr2RuO4{\rm Sr_2RuO_4} through resistivity measurements.Comment: 8 pages, 1 figure, to be published in J. Phys. Soc. Jpn. 70, No.10 (2001